Should You Save Solace Keep Or Destroy It In Avowed

Should You Save Solace Keep Or Destroy It In Avowed

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At the end of Our Dreams Divide Us Still, a crucial late game quest in Avowed, you will need to make a choice between whether to listen to Mihala and Kostya. Neither of them put up a particularly strong case. Mihala has led her people to the brink of ruin by stubbornly doing nothing under the guise of upholding tradition, is rude to you, and her plan consists entirely of undoing Kostya’s plan. It’s not a great pitch.


Avowed: Complete Quest List

Across Avowed, there are lots of main and side quests, and many are hidden away in the corners of the map.

On the other hand, Kostya betrays Mihala to you, then betrays you to Lodwyn, and his plan means destroying Solace Keep at the risk of killing everyone inside in a misguided attempt to quell the Dreamscourge which may not be that effective anyway. The choice is therefore a little bit about the narrative, but mostly about your rewards. In that case, it is best to save the Keep.

What Happens If You Leave Kostya In The Lava Tubes?

Choosing to Fight Koysta in Avowed

There is a bit of a copout option here, where rather than helping Kostya you can simply tell him you won’t stop him, and then leave. In this outcome, you get no reward and Solace Keep is destroyed. That’s what you get for sitting on the fence – this is the worst possible outcome for all concerned and should therefore be avoided.

When you return to Mihala in his instance, her response implies Kostya is still out there, but the quest immediately after this is the point of no return. As far as we could tell, this hint is merely Mihala being wistful, and does not have any ramifications. All in all, you should avoid this option.

What Happens If You Destroy The Winch Gears?

Looking at Wheel and Winch in Avowed Our Dreams Divide Us Still

This option is at least taking a side, but the rewards are the same nothing: Kostya gives you nothing but a ‘thank you’ for your troubles, meaning in terms of pure gains, Mihala is the better option. You might prefer an Envoy willing to make bold choices, but don’t expect shiny trinkets for doing so.

Mihala gives the same wistful response about Kostya in this choice too.

What Happens If You Kill Kostya?

Fighting Kostya in Avowed

If you choose to fight Kostya, the first consequence is, well, you have to fight Kostya. He hits hard but is slow, and the same goes for his two Wardens. You can retreat down the steps for a bit of range, but darting in and out to hit him with melee strikes and dodge his attacks is best. He doesn’t have any special moves besides swinging his hammer, he’s just bulky.

  • After killing Kostya and his two Wardens, there are two things to do. The first is to loot his body, which gets you Councilor’s Garb light armour (stats below) and Councilor’s Shoes (+15 max Essence, +2 Dexterity, +25% dodge distance). After this, you can technically destroy the winch and follow his plan anyway, though this is fairly pointless and should only be done if you are a nihilistic wildcard who likes to watch the world burn.



Damage Reduction


Additional Damage Reduction


Maximum Stamina


Maximum Essence


  • Bastion of Solace in Avowed
  • The second thing to do is to raise the gates by interacting with the wheel at the front of the room. This will raise the sluice gates, saving the Keep. Once you leave, head back to the Keep and speak to Mihala, who gives you the Bastion of Solace shield, whose stats can be found below.



Block Efficiency




Parry Efficiency


Elemental Resistance


What Do Your Companions Think In Our Dreams Divide Us Still?

Marius arging against destroying the Solace Keep in Avowed

The two companions who feel particularly strongly here are Marius and Yatzli. Given this is Marius‘ home, he favours saving the Keep, and will be curt and angry if it falls. Yatzli, on the other hand, feels Kostya’s bold plan was the best course of action, and wonders aloud if you made the right choice should you kill him. Giatta leans towards agreeing with Marius after her own city burned, while Kai sides with Yatzli, though is fairly noncommittal.

The long and the short of it here is that while there is some narrative discussion, it does not mechanically impact your relationship with any companion, and so their feelings probably shouldn’t be of concern. Sorry, Yatzli.


Avowed: How To Get Lockpicks

Lockpicks are some of the most important tools you’ll need while exploring Avowed since they’ll lead you to some rare treasures.

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