- Pokemon has revealed two more shiny rewards for completing certain Pokedexes in Home.
- Shiny Keldeo is available for the first time ever if you complete Sword & Shield’s ‘Dex.
- Shiny Meltan is the reward for completing the Pokedex in Let’s Go Eevee & Let’s Go Pikachu.
Pokemon Day is fast approaching and the series’ creators really want you to revisit its games, probably as it prepares to give us our first proper look at Pokemon Legends: Z-A at the end of this month. It has been coaxing us into doing that by offering up shiny Pokemon as rewards for completing certain Pokedexes, and two more ‘Dex completion rewards were added to Pokemon Home this week.
The two shiny Pokemon being given away as rewards are Meltan and Keldeo. Exciting on both fronts since Meltan’s shiny variant has been exclusively available in Pokemon Go until now, and Keldeo’s shiny hasn’t appeared in any Pokemon game. While Pokemon has been kind enough to offer these extremely rare shinies up as rewards, neither of them comes easy.

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The slightly easier of the two to unlock is Meltan, which seems fair since this isn’t a first-time-ever situation for the Steel-type. To unlock Meltan, you will need to return to either Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee or Let’s Go Pikachu and complete the Kanto Pokedex. That’s the original 151 Pokemon that are available in the Nintendo Switch remakes of the original Pokemon games.
Pokemon Adds Two More Shiny Rewards For Completing Home’s Pokedexes
Keldeo And Meltan Await Dedicated Trainers
I know quite a few of you reading this are, like me, staunch in your belief that the first Pokemon Gen remains the best one. You also probably know where to find all of that gen’s Pokemon in the original games, and its Let’s Go reimaginings even though they are quite a bit different despite also taking place in Kanto. Completing the original Pokedex still won’t be easy, but it will be a lot easier to do than the challenge that awaits if you want that shiny Keldeo.
To unlock Keldeo, you’re going to have to head back to Galar. Fire up Pokemon Sword & Shield and fill in any gaps in what is a far bigger Pokedex than the one you left behind in Kanto. Not only because you’ll have to catch the 400 Pokemon in its base game, but also all of the Pokemon added via its Isle Of Armor and Crown Tundra expansions.
Remember all the complaining you did when Sword & Shield didn’t include every Pokemon ever created up until that point? Yeah, bet you regret that now, don’t you?
Keldeo and Meltan’s shiny distribution comes two weeks after Pokemon announced similar rewards for completing Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Legends: Arceus’s Pokedexes. You can still get a shiny Manaphy for completing the former, and a shiny Enamorous for completing the latter.
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