You can start hunting for treasure once you get a specific treasure map in Avowed, but some of these maps can also be difficult to locate. In some cases, you can buy the treasure maps for 500 currency while browsing a trader’s stock, but that’s not always the case.

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Some treasure maps, like the Painter’s Regret, can only be found during exploration. This specific map can be found on the northeastern side of the Coastal Farms area by entering a big house, and here’s how you can solve it.
Painter’s Regret Treasure Chest Location
After you’ve acquired the treasure map from the Coastal Farms house by interacting with the artist’s canvas, you can open it through the quest menu. On the map, you’ll find a bridge connecting one part of the land to the other with a towering building in the background, which can be distinctly recognized as the Fior Mes Iverno city.
To get to this treasure, you have to teleport to the beacon in the southwestern direction from the Fior city. This beacon has a small dock beside it, and when you go to the edge of the dock, you’ll clearly see a cave as you look at the rock structure towards the north. This cave is the location for your treasure.
To get to it, get to the area right below the cave, on the left side of the waterfall. Here, you’ll find some platforms to jump up twice and get into another cave. After the two jumps, you can jump across the gaps twice as you go up and you’ll reach the small area with another painter’s canvas.
Another way to get here is by teleporting to the Wildwood Outskirts party camp and heading straight south.
As you open the golden chest here, you’ll get the Painter’s Brush unique trinket, which you can find in the accessory section of your inventory. It increases your Critical chance by five percent, which can be quite big if you’re going for a crit build.
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