Every Unique Weapon Location In Avowed

Every Unique Weapon Location In Avowed

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As you start playing Avowed, the first item you’ll get will be a weapon stuck inside one of the bodies on the beach. There are a lot of weapon choices in the game, and different types of weapons are grouped based on how your character uses them like one-handed or two-handed items.


Avowed: Best Early Game Weapons For A Fighter

You’ll want to get your hands on these two-handed weapons in the Living Lands.

Other than all these types, you can also get special weapons called unique weapons from exploration, bounties, and questing. You’ll largely be using and upgrading these unique weapons, so it’s important to know where you can find them all.

This article is a work-in-progress and we’ll add more weapons as we find them within the game.

One-Handed Melee Weapon Locations

Avowed showing Lodestone weapon in a merchant's inventory.

These are all the weapons that can be equipped in a single hand and deal damage in a very short range. These weapons usually have quick attack speed while also allowing you to equip a secondary item in your off-hand:

  • Avowed Last Light of Day location on ground.
  • Last Light of Day is one of the best early-game melee weapons you can get in Avowed, and it can be found during the Dawntreader quest. Take this quest near the Aedyran Embassy in Paradis and then defeat Sargamis at the end of it to get this weapon.

    This weapon can restore some of your health when an enemy is defeated while also dealing some bonus fire damage with each hit.

  • Drawn In Winter can be found by heading over to the Watcher’s Mirror area on the eastern side of Dawnshore. You’ll find it stuck in a tree trunk near the Ancient Memory here. A big battle will trigger as soon as you claim this.

    This weapon deals bonus frost damage on hits while also accumulating a ton of frost on the enemies with power attacks.

  • Avowed Lodestone unique item description.
  • The Lodestone weapon can be bought from Merchant Stephan’s shop on the northwest side of Fior Mes Iverno for 3,780 currency.

    It makes your power attack deal a bit of stun while increasing your general stun as well.

  • Avowed Survivor's Guilt unique item description.
  • Survivor’s Guilt dagger can be found in Belderreno’s Liar cave above Naku Tedek on the map. After you defeat the bounty here, you can climb a few rocks to get it.

    This weapon deals bonus frost damage on hits while accumulating Frost heavily after a full combo.

  • Avowed Giant's Slumber unique item description.
  • You can get this weapon on your path to the end of the inner Naku Tedek area. It’ll be stuck inside a giant’s body, and you’ll trigger a massive battle by taking it so be ready.

    The weapon significantly increases your damage against vessels while dealing moderate stun with power attacks.

Two-Handed Melee Weapon Locations

Avowed Emerald Splitter weapon inside a chest.

These include all the heavy weapons that you can find as you explore The Living Lands. They have much higher damage and stun but low attack speed. You also can’t equip a secondary weapon with these:

  • The Philosopher’s Riddle is a hidden two-handed melee that you can find on a big building on the northwest side of Castol’s Folly island. Simply climb through this building and you’ll see the sword stuck in the ground.

    Apart from dealing bonus poison damage, this weapon can also increase your attack speed after finishing its full combo on an enemy.

  • Avowed Hel's Tongueunique item description.
  • Hel’s Tongue is one of the best weapons in Avowed, and it can be found at the very top of the Twin Offerings Overlook towers after dealing with the bounty here.

    Apart from boasting a massive physical damage and stun, this weapon also restores your essence on power attack kills. Depending on the enemy’s health, hits from this weapon can also deal bonus fire or frost damage.

One-Handed Ranged Weapon Locations

Avowed Fair Play pistol in Merchant store.

This group of weapons includes all types of pistols and wands you can get as they can be equipped in a single hand:

  • Avowed The Disappointer unique weapon description.
  • To get the Disappointer pistol, you can head over to the top left merchant in Northern Paradis and buy it for 3,600 currency.

    This weapon decreases your attack damage but also deals a bonus bleed damage on attacks.

  • Avowed Minoletta's Conduit unique item description.
  • Minoletta’s Conduit is a wand that you can buy from the trader named Abritt, who you can find after entering the first shop you see in Fior Mes Iverno of Emerald Stairs. The wand costs 1,875 currency.

    This weapon increases your attack damage and wand range alongside some bonus shock damage on hits.

  • Avowed Fair Play pistol unique item description.
  • For 35,640 currency, you can buy the Fair Play pistol from the trader called Kampeki in Thirdborn.

    With this weapon, you can restore some of your health and stamina upon killing an enemy. If an enemy knocks down your companion, you can taunt them and gain 100 percent crit chance.

Two-Handed Ranged Weapon Locations

Avowed Storn-Sworn bow sitting on a pedestal.

Arquebus and Bows are the weapons that can give you some of the highest numbers in the game, but you have to use both your slots to equip them and the former’s reload time can be quite long:

  • Avowed The Long Touch unique item description.
  • This bow can be bought from the merchant on the top of Northern Paradis for 4,320 currency.

    It has increased damage against enemies with full health while also increasing your critical chance during a power attack while aiming.

  • You can find the Storm-Sworn bow by heading to the northeast of the Leviathan’s Hollow in Shatterscape and going down a few sets of stairs to find a locked door. Activate three generators to unlock this door with the bow inside.

    This beautiful bow can deal stun and shock accumulation on nearby enemies when you defeat one and also deal extra shock damage on hits.

  • Avowed Izmalt's Meteoric Apparatus unique item description.
  • Izmalt’s Meteoric Apparatus has a high price of 42,768 currency. If you have that kind of money, you can visit the trader called Kampeki in Thirdborn.

    With this weapon, short-range power attacks deal high stun and knock the enemies back. When you defeat an enemy, it deals fire accumulation to nearby enemies.

Off-Hand Weapon Locations

Avowed Sun and Moon shield sitting on a pedestal.

Finally, this group of weapons includes all the shields and Grimoires that you can equip in the second slot of your build when you have one-handed items on the first:

  • This is a starter unique off-hand item that you can find at the same location as the Pyromancer’s Key in Dawnshore. Head to the northern side of Berath’s Gateway and move in the western direction. You’ll find a path going up here and you’ll find the item at the top.

    With this special Grimoire, you can use Fan of Flames, Arcane Veil, Grimoire Snap, and Missile Salvo spells.

  • Avowed Unflinching Duty location on ground.
  • Unflinching Duty is an off-hand shield that you can acquire by progressing the main story and reaching the end of Strangleroot in Dawnshore where you fight the bear. After defeating the bear, you’ll see the shield on the ground near a soldier’s body.

    The special effect on this gives you a small chance to avoid melee damage while also increasing your stamina.

  • Avowed Beothel's Grimoire unique item description.
  • Beothel’s Grimoire can easily be bought from a trader called Merylin in the Market District area of Paradis.

    Apart from the reduced ability cost and cooldown, you can also unleash the Corrosive Siphon, Arcane Veil, Parasitic Staff, and Blizzard abilities with it.

  • Avowed Beetle's Bulwark unique item description.
  • Beetle’s Bulwark is a shield that can be bought at Sanza’s Emporium in northern Paradis for 4,500 currency.

    It has increased resistance to fire accumulation while also summoning a beetle to fight for you when you trigger a successful parry with lower than 75 percent health.

  • Avowed Sun and Moon unique item description.
  • You can get the Sun and Moon shield in Felipe’s Depression area below Fior Mes Iverno on the map. You’ll find a rusty key beside Felipe’s notes, and you can take this up the stairs to open the door and get this shield.

    It regenerates your health in the day and essence in the nighttime when you’re low on the respective stats.

  • Avowed Od Caura's Grimoire unique item description.
  • Od Caura’s Grimoire can be claimed in Emerald Stair’s Pargrun Cache by getting the golden chest in the middle underground area.

    Apart from massively decreasing your ability cost and cooldown, this Grimoire also allows you to use the Chill Blades, Ring Of Fire, Returning Storm, and Pull of Eora spells.

  • Avowed Tree Of Life unique item description
  • You can get the Tree of Life shield by completing all the bounties in Emerald Stairs.

    It can slowly regenerate your health if you’re below 30 percent while also giving some Fire, Frost, and Shock damage resistance.

  • Avowed Spindlewalker unique item description
  • The Spindlewalker shield can be found in the southernmost building of the Scaedclef area in Scatterscarp. You have to find the laboratory key during That Which Remains quest to get in here.

    This shield makes it so the webs can’t slow you anymore and a successful parry can unleash webs to slow enemies.

  • Avowed Aurochs-Skin Grimoire unique item description.
  • Aurochs-Skin Grimoire can be found in the final room of mage Ryngrim’s domain. After talking to her, you can enter the secret room on the right side of the room to get this item.

    You can use abilities like Blast of Frost, Missile Salvo, Freezing Pillar, and Arcane Seal with this one.

  • Avowed The Desert's Bounty unique item description.
  • The Desert’s Bounty shield can be found in the Sand Sea Ruins of the Shatterscarp area. In these ruins, you’ll enter a part with a giant pool at the bottom, and there will be a hidden passage with its switch beside this pool where you’ll find this shield.

    Apart from increasing your maximum stamina, this shield also has resistance to fire and frost accumulation during the day and night respectively.


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Avowed’s first impactful decision is about freeing a rude sailor from jail.

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