All Totem Of Perseverance Fragment Locations In Galawain’s Tusk In Avowed

All Totem Of Perseverance Fragment Locations In Galawain's Tusk In Avowed

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The Totem of Perseverence is the final totem in Avowed (assuming you find them in order, which you don’t need to) and is scattered across Galawain’s Tusks. As the last one in the game, it includes some fiendishly difficult hiding places, and some tough clues to figure out. However, they’re not impossible.


Avowed: Complete Quest List

Across Avowed, there are lots of main and side quests, and many are hidden away in the corners of the map.

In fact, they are extremely possible, because we have a guide right here that tells you where every single part of the totem is, and what it does. Isn’t that sweet of us? Anyway, get ready to explore noxious gardens, brave lakes of lava, and trek across the desert as you collect every part of the Totem of Perseverence.

Where To Find The Totem Of Perseverence Base

As ever, the Totem Base is found in this map’s shrine, in this case the Shrine to Galawain. You’ll find this in the north of the Twinedwood and is on an altar with wolf statues. This one is pretty unmissable once you’re in the building.

Where To Find The Antler Of The Persevering Stag

On the west of the map, there is the Bridge to the Garden, which is crucial in progressing the story. However, rather than crossing the bridge, instead drop down to the ledge beneath it, where yu’ll see the Antler of the Persevering Stag next to a dead body.

Where To Find The Hunter’s Arrows Of Slaying

In the Slumbering Fields, head through the arch below the fast travel point, heading north. Follow the path to the left, then jump to the small rock column, then to the next one. Climb the ruins and the Hunter’s Arrows of Slaying are in a chest.

Where To Find The Hunter’s Arrows Of Surviving

Though the riddle describes the Lost Village, the best way to get the Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving is to start at the Pagrun Cache in the extreme north east of the map. From here, follow the rocks by the river of lava on the left. At the end of this path you’ll reach some ruins in the Lost Village, and on a table you’ll see the Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving.

Since the Antler Of The Pursued Stag is also near the Pagrun Cache, you should grab that before leaving for the Hunter’s Arrow in the Lost Village.

Where To Find The Antler Of The Pursued Stag

Head to the Pagrun Cache at the extreme north east of the map. Go beyond the Cache to a cave blocked by an illusion. You’ll need Yatzli to open the cave, then head left inside to find the Antler of the Pursued Stag.

Where To Find The Wolf’s Pelt Trophy

Go to the Ash Forest, this time in the extreme north west of the map. Head to the lefthand side of the Ash Forest Outpost. Scramble up the ledges and find the Wolf Pelt Trophy on the outpost roof.

Where To Find The Hunter’s Arrows Of Seeking

The final totem part is found at Mt. Forja’s Summit, whch you can only get to by fighting through Mt. Forja’s Mines. You will naturally get here in the main quest, but if you’re a) impatient or b) have already done that, head to the Mines and press through.

Once you’re at the Summit, head right and climb the steps behind you and you’ll find the Hunter’s Arrows of Seeking wrapped in a bundle of cloth.

Rewards For Totem Of Perseverance/The Huntmaster’s Spoils

The Huntmasters Spoils in Avowed

Totem Piece



Antler Of The Persevering Stag

Quarry to Slaughter

+75% Damage against prone enemies

Hunter’s Arrows Of Slaying

Bloodied Hands

Crits deal high Bleed Accumulation

Hunter’s Arrows Of Surviving

Hunting Howl

Second Wind casts Barbaric Shout

Antler Of The Pursued Stag

In Victory’s Rainment

+4% Damage Reduction for 10 seconds after killing enemy

Wolf’s Pelt Trophy

The Changeling’s Power

+2 Might, +2 Constitution

Hunter’s Arrows Of Seeking

On Victory’s Heels

+20% Move Speed for 10 seconds after killing enemy


Avowed: All Unique Weapons And How To Get Them

Once you get past the starting area of Avowed, you’ll be getting a ton of unique weapons and likely using them for most of your gameplay.

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