Strongest White Mage Party Members In Final Fantasy, Ranked

Strongest White Mage Party Members In Final Fantasy, Ranked

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Jobs are what most Final Fantasy games call their classes. White Mage was their stand-in for a healer in the original game and it has stuck ever since. A typical trait of a White Mage includes healing magic and sometimes they can have status-effecting spells or even something more devastating like Holy as a spell.


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They have low attack and defensive stats but make up for high stats in magic attributes. Main characters have fit the White Mage build over time while never exactly being called them. While some of these Final Fantasy characters are not exact matches, they imbue most of the White Mage tendencies of wanting to help others. It’s time to rank their power levels and healing abilities.


Penelo (Final Fantasy 12)

Starts As A Strong Partner But Then…

Penelo in Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 12 Tag Page Cover Art


October 31, 2006

Penelo is not a stereotypical White Mage as all characters in Final Fantasy 12 don’t exactly fit the classic Job molds. Any character can use any ability or equipment so long as they unlock the License for it.

Each character will start somewhere random on the License Board and Penelo will have beginning levels of White Magic unlocked. It would be wise to keep leveling up Penelo in this manner to create a strong White Mage for support. Unfortunately for her, she’s one of the less consequential party members in the game’s story so players probably won’t use Penelo much.


Aerith (Final Fantasy 7)

Born From The Ancients

Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)
Final Fantasy 7 Tag Page Cover Art


January 31, 1997

OpenCritic Rating


The characters in Final Fantasy 7 also don’t have exact Job titles. They can equip Materia which will grant them a whole arrangement of spells from Black to White. Limit Breaks is how characters can be distinguished from one another along with their weapons.

Aerith is a White Mage as far as her Limit Breaks go, for example. Healing Wind will heal the party while Breath of the Earth will reverse status effects. Her ultimate Limit Break, Great Gospel, will heal HP and MP and make the party temporarily invincible which is great for boss battles.



There Is Hope In This Dope Yet

Hope from Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 13 Tag Page Cover Art


March 9, 2010


Square Enix

OpenCritic Rating


Players probably will not like Hope in Final Fantasy 13’s story until the sequels when he matures a bit. He’s the youngest party member who loses his mom at the start and is rightfully traumatized. It doesn’t excuse his whining but that is beside the point.


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While Hope may be hard to like in the story, he is a gifted White Mage based on his stats who shouldn’t be ignored. He has low HP but compared to the others, he can learn the best spells as part of the Medic and Synergist Roles.


Porom (Final Fantasy 4)

One Half Of The Dynamic Duo

CG artwork of Porom from Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 4 Tag Page Cover Art


July 19, 1991



OpenCritic Rating


Porom is a White Mage from Final Fantasy 4 who joins the party alongside her Black Mage twin brother, Palom. They’re the two best mages in the early stages but have to leave temporarily because they get turned to stone.

Before that though, Porom is a stereotypical White Mage with high magic stats and low HP, Defense, and attack power. She does have an ace in the hole though, Twincast, which allows her and Palom to combine their turns to cast stronger spells including Pyroblast and Comet. The DS remake added more Twincast spells like Ultima, making that version of Porom the strongest yet.


Rosa (Final Fantasy 4)

A Cupid Class

Rosa in Final Fantasy 4

Rosa is also from Final Fantasy 4 and she’s the love interest to the hero Cecil. In terms of stats, Rosa is the better White Mage compared to Porom. She does like Twincast but she has two other good abilities exclusive to her character.

Aim will make her bow skills stronger while Pray will heal the party for a small amount without wasting MP. Pray alone makes her a more appropriate White Mage character and since Rosa is with the main party more, it just makes sense to put her slightly higher.



A Princess With The Power To Summon

Garnet in Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 9 Tag Page Cover Art


July 7, 2000

OpenCritic Rating


And now here is the part where White Mages start to get enhanced via Summoning abilities. Garnet is up first from Final Fantasy 9 who is a princess. She begins with the ability to learn typical healing-based spells like Cure.


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Later in the story, she starts to control Summons like Ramuh and Shiva which makes her extremely powerful. Compared to the other Summoner in the game, Eiko, Garnet is better. However, her lack of some White Mage spells diminishes her allure.



A Worse Summoner But A Better White Mage

Eiko from Final Fantasy 9

Eiko, like Hope, is a bit of a pill to swallow as she can come across as bratty. Her magic skills are unrivaled though, especially her White Magic. She can learn Full Life which will fully resurrect a party member along with Esuna and can cure any ailment.

Holy is the ultimate White Mage ability in any Final Fantasy and Eiko can learn that too. Plus her Trance, which is Final Fantasy 9’s Limit Break system, is called Double White, allowing Eiko to use two spells simultaneously. Garnet was blessed with Summons while Eiko was treated to high-ticket White Mage abilities.


Yuna (Final Fantasy 10)

On A Pilgrimage To Be The Very Best

Yuna in Final Fantasy 10


December 17, 2001

OpenCritic Rating


Yuna typically makes most top White Mage lists for all RPGs. She’s just that powerful which makes sense given that she can also use Summons. There’s no split for Yuna in Final Fantasy 10 compared to Eiko and Garnet from Final Fantasy 9 either. Yuna is the only dedicated White Mage and Summoner who is controllable in the game. Granted, other characters can learn White Magic eventually but not Summons.

Her character is so powerful that it’s a bit broken given that Yuna replaces party members with summoned creatures temporarily during combat. If they die then she can always cast a new Summon to take their place from Ifrit to Bahamut. Yuna becomes more talented in the sequel too so overall, Yuna just has a lot of growth as a White Mage in the series.


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