- A new trailer for the Minecraft movie has given us a first look at its depiction of villagers, and they’re about as creepy as we all expected.
- Fans are understandably creeped out by their new look, with comparisons made to Squidward, and claims that they might actually give kids nightmares.
There are some things in Minecraft that you just shouldn’t make look more realistic. Certain creatures would look absolutely horrifying if given a more realistic makeover, and the Minecraft movie has been proving that quite well over the past few months. Ever since the first trailer dropped, we’ve been subjected to realistic creepers, skeletons, and pigmen, whether we want to see them or not.
Just a couple of months away from release, the Minecraft movie has now revealed quite possibly its most hideous and creepy creation yet, as we were given an unfortunate first look at its depiction of the game’s iconic villagers. In a new trailer uploaded to the Warner Bros. YouTube channel, we get to see a close up of these monstrosities for a few brief seconds.
Minecraft Movie’s Villager Reveal Is Creeping Everyone Out
Pure Nightmare Fuel
Two villagers appear very briefly right at the start of the trailer, both of whom are staring directly into the camera. They have gigantic foreheads, unibrows that would put Frida Kahlo to shame, and one big pink block as a nose that covers their entire mouths. You can even see a child villager in the background of the shot, which looks exactly the same.
Understandably, the most common reaction to these villagers is one of either disgust or fear, as seen in a Twitter post made by Discussing Film which you can see embedded above. There are plenty of jokes about these villagers look like a human version of Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants, while one user called Time Capsule Tales says they’re “actually quite disturbing”.

Minecraft Has Me Wondering If Every Video Game Movie Is Going To Be An Isekai
A Minecraft Movie is yet another fish-out-of-water story.
Another user called FoundMyQuirk even thinks that “kids will be having nightmares from this”, while you’ll find hundreds of other comments poking fun at how awful and disturbing they look. I don’t know about kids, but I can guarantee you that I’ll be having nightmares later tonight.
Hopefully, they’re not as bad when they’re in motion and not staring directly into the screen like you’re some kind of weird science experiment. We’ll find out when the movie releases on April 4 later this year, when it can hopefully prove a lot of the doubters wrong and actually be a pretty fun time, villagers excluded.

- Created by
Markus Persson
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