Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and she can wreak havoc on your enemies in Rivals once you have mastered her arcane skill set.
How should you play Scarlet Witch?
Scarlet Witch is a fragile character, but she can deal consistent, sustained damage to the enemy team for the entire match. She’s even capable of wiping out the entire enemy team if left unchecked and played well. Best used to kill healers and squishy DPS before their teammates can save them, Scarlet Witch can pick off key targets and then turning her sights on sturdier foes once the weaklings are gone, focusing tougher enemies down with the rest of her team.

Keep Chaos Control, her primary attack, active to deal damage to anyone you aim at, assuming they are within range. This midrange attack should basically always be on, since it generates Chaos Energy more quickly than Scarlet Witch does by default. Every unit of Chaos Energy should then be used to cast Chthonian Burst, an attack that moves quickly over greater distance, exploding and damaging enemies in the blast zone. Use this constantly to target weaker enemies like healers, and groups of DPS enemies.
Use Dark Seal to target groups of enemies, particularly if they are on an objective point. The occasional stuns will interrupt their flow, opening them up to other damaging moves by your allies, and making opponents more likely to leave. Place it in key doorways or walkways to make enemies think before approaching.

Her Ultimate ability, Reality Erasure, is incredibly powerful if used well, but there is a trick to it, since Scarlet Witch has low health, is a known threat (so enemies will target you often), and is vulnerable for the entire charge time. Try to stay hidden until between 2 and 4 orbs are created (depending on how close your hiding spot is to them), then fly towards enemies. You can also use Mystic Projection to fly high above enemies and begin charging directly above them, then fly down into them before detonation. It also has incredible synergy with Invisible Woman’s Ultimate (or similar abilities), which helps protect her from being seen or killed by enemies during the charge timer.
Speaking of Mystic Projection, always keep one on hand to run away from pesky DPS characters who try to kill you (Wolverine, Iron Fist, Spider-Man, etc.), and use the other one to move around and find higher levels and angles to attack foes without worrying about them striking back.
Scarlet Witch’s abilities

Chaos Control: A constant stream of damage which ticks for a percentage of the character’s maximum health, charging Wanda’s Chaos Energy.
Reality Erasure: A slowly charging super that cannot be halted once initiated. Scarlet Witch can freely fly as it charges, dealing massive damage to nearby enemies on detonation.
Mystic Projection: Enter a ghostly state where you cannot be targeted (by enemies OR allies so watch out for that) and can freely fly. Doesn’t last long. Has two charges. Keep one on you at all times for emergency retreats.
Dark Seal: Creates an area of effect which stuns enemies inside from time to time. Press again to detonate in the air. Will also detonate when hitting enemies or surfaces.
Telekinesis: Hold the jump button to fall slowly while in the air.
Chthonian Burst: Explosive projectiles which damage enemies in the surrounding area. Consumes Chaos Energy. Apply liberally to groups of enemies while also using Chaos Control.
Chaotic Bond: Scarlet Witch gets 10% increased damage and gives Magneto an enhanced Greatsword to attack with.
Marvel Rivals is available as a free-to-play game on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows.
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