Is your life missing an endless stream of GTA 6 waffle? Rockstar’s set up an official Discord that already has an entire channel for wondering “Will GTA 6 introduce Sex 2”

Is your life missing an endless stream of GTA 6 waffle? Rockstar's set up an official Discord that already has an entire channel for wondering "Will GTA 6 introduce Sex 2"

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If there’s one thing we’ve all loved about the wait for GTA 6 to arrive with all the fanfare of an intergalactic invasion signaled by the blowing of a glow-in-the-dark trumpet the size of the Milky Way, it’s been the endless speculation and chatter that’s filled the gaps between little snippets of info.

To be fair, we’ve had a bit of fun with it ourselves, but we’ve got nothing on a new place you can go to have the words ‘GTA 6!?!’ blasted into your eyeballs like a hose connected to a bottle of freshly-shaken coke. It’s the GTA 6 channel on the official Discord server Rockstar Games has just set up and announced midway through its latest Newswire post, and it’s – to put it simply – a trip.

“Whether you’re coordinating with a Heist crew, organizing a car meet, or putting a team together to take advantage of this week’s Casino Story Mission bonuses, there’s no better place to connect with like-minded players than on the newly launched official Rockstar Games Discord,” Rockstar wrote of the server’s purpose, “Join to keep up with the latest in Rockstar Games news, and use the LFG forums to fill out the ranks of your Association on the platform of your choice.”

Naturally, in addition to that, the server – which already has just over 140,000 members – is home to an entire channel dedicated to GTA 6 discussion. It currently contains a malestrom of verbal diarrhea that’s basically a concentrated form of the likes of the GTA 6 subreddit, and the fifty million Twitter and Facebook comments about GTA 6 that are posted every day. Frankly, it’s glorious to behold.

“Will GTA 6 introduce Sex 2” read one of the first posts I spotted in it, which has since been whisked off into oblivion, as the channel gets a new post literally every 20 seconds or so. So you can get the flavour, here’s a ‘conversation’ that just happened over the past minute:

One user: GTA 7 before GTA 6

Someone else: Valentines

Another user: Ne zna ni on

Someone different: Nah this community crazy asl

Yet another user: Braindead

Someone that’s not the previous five: RICK GRIMES

Another user yet again: gta 6 2026 plz

Someone entirely new: 6

Yep, not just a washing machine of words at all.

Hey, at least some fans are using the waiting time til fall constructively, doing stuff like having a crack at building GTA 6’s map in GTA 5.

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