The Iris and the Minstrel is a side quest in Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven that will have you traveling all over the world in search of a Minstrel who has lost his instruments. The length of this quest can vary depending on how much of the map you’ve opened up, so keep that in mind before you start it.

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Finding Pure Iron Ore is the key to recruiting the Imperial Blacksmith in Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven.
The Iris and the Minstrel will unlock the Iris class, a powerful Wind-based caster that is definitely worth picking up. Below, you can find a complete walkthrough for The Iris and the Minstrel, including how to start it and complete each step.
How To Start The Iris And The Minstrel
This quest will become available after unlocking Yuyan for the first time. You can get here by taking the boat from Teretuva.
To start the quest, go to Yuyan, then enter the Tavern and have a drink. The bartender will tell you about a minstrel who met the Iris of Mt. Chikapa, and that if you want to find him, he left for the north.
The Iris And The Minstrel Quest Walkthrough
Before you leave the tavern, talk to one of the patrons, then head to the first stop, Mowlie. You can get here through the east exit in Salamat.
In Mowlie, talk to the sailor on the docks, then accept his invitation to Tsukijima on Comroon Island. In Tsukijima, head inside the Inn/Tavern, and talk to the trader near the entrance to unlock Zemio.
Before you go to Zemio, you’ll want to unlock the Stone Boats if you haven’t already done so in order to cross the lava. To unlock the Stone Boats, you’ll need to start the quest that unlocks the Amazon class.
In Salamat, exit through the south-most point to get to the Amazon Village. Save the Amazon, then look to the left to find the Stone Boats.
The Amazons will only let you into the village if you are playing as a female Emperor, but this won’t be a problem if you just want to grab the Stone Boats.
Now, with the Stone Boats acquired, head to Zemio and cross the lava to the island in the west part of the map. Head inside the building, then speak to the Salamander, who will tell you that the Minstrel’s next destination is Hofah in Cumberland. Before you leave, get his first instrument, the Minstrel’s Guitar.
In Hofah, talk to the young girl in the east part of town, near the farm, who will tell you your next stop, the Steppe. Specifically, you’ll need to head to the Nomad Village in the Steppe, which can move between various locations. If you haven’t been there yet, explore the Steppe and exit through its various points until you find it.
At the Nomad Village, talk to the young boy near the entrance, then go to the Ponente in the Savannah. Similar to the previous step, explore around the Savannah until you find Ponente.
Here, talk to the young girl near the save point, then head to the Mole Den; talk to the mole near the entrance, who will tell you the minstrel’s trail leads to Teretuva. Before you leave the Mole’s Den, head to the back room to get the next instrument, the Minstrel’s Conga.
Head to Teretuva, then talk to the young boy sitting on a bench in the south part of town. He will send you to Atlanticus next, where you can find a sailor by the docks who will send you to Toba.
In Toba, head down to the docks and speak to the old woman. She will tell you the minstrel went to Saigo Village next after having his instrument stolen by the corsairs.
Go to the Saigo Village, then talk to the young boy, which will open up the Minstrel’s Cave, a dungeon specifically for this quest.
The Minstrel’s Cave has enemies that are mainly weak to Earth and Wind damage, as well as a few weak to Swords, Greatswords, and Clubs. Explore around this area until you reach the deepest part. Here, you’ll face the Crab Rider boss fight.
These three enemies are relatively weak, and are also weak to Earth and Wind. Exploit their weakness to these elements and you’ll have no problems taking them down. After defeating the Crab Riders, climb up the small cliff to get the third instrument, the Minstrel’s Flute.
Now, head to Nuono and talk to the Corsair, then head into the back room to get the next instrument, the Minstrel’s Bassoon. You can actually get this instrument earlier on, after you learn about the boat crashing in Atlanticus.
Your next stop is Avalon. Talk to the young girl near the fountain, then go to the Inn nearby and ask the receptionist about the minstrel. Head up to the room he stayed in to collect the final instrument, the Minstrel’s Horn.
With all five instruments recovered, you can now go to Mt. Chikapa, where the Iris are said to live.
Explore around this area following the quest marker. There are quite a few rock formations and gaps to jump over, so proceed carefully. The enemies here are primarily weak to Fire damage, Shortswords, and Bows; if you have party members proficient with these elements, this dungeon will be a breeze.
Keep climbing until you reach the top of Mt. Chikapa and the save point. Head forward and watch the cutscene, and you will be taken to the Iris Village.
Finally, at the Iris Village, the Iris Windy will offer to join your retinue, unlocking the Iris class for future use.

Romancing Saga 2: Revenge Of The Seven – How To Unlock The Dancer Class
The dancer is among the most versatile classes in Romancing Saga 2: Revenge Of The Seven. This guide will tell you how to unlock her.
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