How to Solve the Fragments of the Scales in Avowed

How to Solve the Fragments of the Scales in Avowed
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The Totem Shrine is one of Avowed‘s most interesting gameplay enhancement mechanics. As part of the Party Camp, the Totem Shrine is one of several methods players can use to make their character more powerful. The shrine is made up of four platforms, each of which fits a special totem that represents one of the Living Lands’ major gods. To unlock each totem, players must locate each piece and return it to the shrine, earning that piece’s unique boon.


14 Best Obsidian Entertainment Games

After bringing gamers The Outer Worlds, the rest of Obsidian Entertainment’s repertoire of games deserves more attention.

The first totem in Avowed belongs to Woedica, and is called the Scales of the Oathbinder. Players can either search for the pieces without any help, or purchase a document called the Fragments of the Scales, which provides clues for each piece. In this guide we’ll show you how to solve every riddle in Fragments of the Scales, and reveal the location of every piece of Woedica’s totem in Avowed.

Fragments of the Scales Riddles Solved – Avowed


How to Get the Fragments of the Scales Document:

While it is possible to find the pieces of the Scales of the Oathbinder simply by exploring Dawnshore, purchasing the Fragments of the Scales document will allow you to actively search for them. To get the Fragments of the Scales doc, you’ll first need to locate Sanza, a Paradisan merchant attempting to map the Living Lands.

You’ll encounter Sanza early in the game, just north of Claviger’s Landing. Complete his first side quest, and he’ll ask you to meet him at his shop in Paradis. As soon as you can, enter the city and look for Sanza’s Emporium. There, you can purchase Fragments of the Scale for 500 gold. Once you own the document, check the journal to see the full list of riddles.

All Fragments of the Scales Riddles:

Purchasing and examining Fragments of the Scales will automatically initiate the “Totem of Rightful Rulership” side quest. All riddles from the document will now be found under this quest in the journal.

Riddle 1 – Totem Base/Core:

The Burned Queen’s totem patiently waits amidst ruins of the heathens she hates.

  • Solution Location: Shrine to Woedica

Riddle 2 – Broken Crown Jewel:

The golden crown’s stolen gem, can be found in the emporium.

  • Solution Location: Sanza’s Emporium in Northern Paradis

Riddle 3 – Golden Scale of Order:

In Dwarven halls ‘neath mountain shroud, the Strangler’s justice can still be found.

  • Solution Location: Pargrun Cache

Riddle 4 – Golden Scale of Justice:

Overlooking booths where goods are sold, this balcony leads to order’s hold.

  • Solution Location: Market District, Paradis

Riddle 5 – Golden Plaque of Oaths

Below death’s grip so icy and cold, await ancient oaths cast in gold.

  • Solution Location: Usher’s Hand

Riddle 6 – Golden Plaque of Promises:

Beneath an amethyst light on high, this shining plaque draws sailors’ eyes.

  • Solution Location: Lighthouse

Riddle 7 – Golden Flames:

Atop the isle of wicked outlaws, flicker golden flames of a glorious cause

  • Solution Location: Castol’s Folly

How to Complete Totem of Rightful Rulership in Avowed


With all the riddles solved, we can now explain exactly how to find each totem piece at their respective locations. The Scales of the Oathbinder are broken up into seven separate pieces, and spread throughout Dawnshore. We will locate each piece in the order that they appear in the journal.

Remember, once you find the Totem Core and place it at the Totem Shrine, you do not need to wait until you’ve found all the pieces of the totem to start receiving the benefits. Each time you find a piece, you can return to the Totem Shrine at place it, automatically activating that piece’s perk. Later, when you have fixed multiple totems, you’ll have to pick which one you want active. This won’t be an issue in Dawnshore as Woedica’s totem is the only one available.

How to Find the Totem Base:

The base is located at the Shrine to Woedica in northeast Dawnshore. You’ll find the ancient Godless ruins just east of the “The Rise” marker on the map. As you approach the ancient structure, you’ll see several small steps leading to an arch-covered path. You want to take the second set of stairs leading up from the path, to the structure’s upper level.


Once you reach the top, you’ll see the Totem Base sitting on a small platform in the center of a small circular open-air courtyard.

How to Find the Broken Crown Jewel:


The Broken Crown Jewel piece is located at Sanza’s Emporium in Northern Paradis, and can be picked up as soon as Sanaza returns to his shop. To the left of Sanza’s shop counter, you’ll see a door that leads into a back area. Sanza will make a comment, but entering the area won’t have any negative consequences.

As soon as you open the door, you’ll find the broken Crown Jewel sitting on the right side of Sanza’s desk.

How to Get the Golden Scale of Order:


The Golden Scale of Order is found in the Pargrun Cache near the northwestern corner of Dawnshore.


As you make your way to the top of the ruins, you’ll encounter one group of enemies. At this location, you’ll see a stage-like brick platform in front of an ancient doorway blocked by trees. Head left at the doorway and around the side of the structure.


After turning the corner, follow the path until you reach a wall. Destroy the breakable section of the wall using any of the available methods (we used the Grimoire Snap spell). Head through the hole and make sure to collect the Boots of the Bricklayer from the unique chest on the left.

In the same chamber, use the platform near the blocked doorway to make your way up to the top of the chamber. Once you are at the top, jump across the janky platforms and exit through the hole in the wall. Outside, you’ll be able to jump to a rock platform to cross a large gap.


At the opposite end of the gap, you’ll find the Golden Scale of Order in a nest.

How to Get the Golden Scale of Justice:


To get the Golden Scale of Justice, you’ll need to head to the northwest corner of the Market District in the city of Paradis. If you look at the map above, you’ll see the exact balcony that you’ll need to reach. To get there, you’ll have to enter through a separate building, as the front door is barred.

To start, head all the way east to the graffitied stairs that lead up to the building with the large brown roof that you can see on the map. There are wooden scaffolds on the front of the building that you’ll want to follow west. Turn the corner on the scaffolds and crouch until you reach a stone wall. Climb up the wall and turn left, then follow the path until you reach the edge that overlooks the market district.


If you look down at the edge, you’ll see another wooden scaffold. Turn right along the scaffold, and you’ll see a balcony with an open doorway that you can jump to.

Enter the open door and turn left. There, you’ll see a ladder blocked by a burnable web obstruction. Use any fire item or weapon to burn the web, then climb down the ladder. When you reach the bottom, you’ll immediately be attacked by several waves of Phantoms.


After you defeat the Phantoms, you can collect the Golden Scale of Justice from the ground at the base of a destroyed bookshelf along the rear interior wall. Unbar the door, and you can exit back to the Market District.

How to Get the Golden Plaque of Oaths:


Collecting the Golden Plaque of Oaths is one of the easier pieces of Woedica’s totem. To get it, head to Usher’s Hand, to the east of Paradis. There is a Party Camp to the south of this location, which is a great starting point.

If you head north along the eastern side of the large rock formation that makes up Usher’s Hand, you’ll encounter a small tunnel. Enter the tunnel and make your way to the small pool of water and the end of the path.

Dive into the pool, and you’ll find that you can swim through an underwater tunnel and emerge into a small chamber. You’ll find the Golden Plaque of Oaths on a small piece of cloth within the chamber.

How to Get the Golden Plaque of Promises:


The Golden Plaque of Promises is the large Lighthouse that is visible from the docks where you first meet Kai when reaching Dawnshore. If you follow the shore west from Claviger’s Landing, it’s impossible to miss.

From the front of the Lighthouse, use the ladder on the left side of the building to begin your ascent. Use the various platforms to continue making your way up until you come to a section of the Lighthouse with a large section of wall missing. You’ll be able to see inside the main stairwell, where you’ll find the Golden Plaque of Promises sitting at the lower end of the stairs.

How to Get the Golden Flames:


If you make your way to the top of the main island of Castol’s Folly, you’ll find the top of a destroyed tower that seems to have landed in the most improbable location. There are several paths that converge at the tower, but there is an easy way to locate the path you want to take.

Standing at the tower, look north, and you’ll see a lit brazier at the edge of a cliff. Follow the path that this brazier marks. Jump across the gap and continue along the very short path. Near the end, you’ll find the Golden Flames sitting on the ground, resting only on a small blanket.

Woedica Totem All Perks – Avowed


Each piece of Woedica’s totem – the Scales of the Oathbinder – provides you with a unique perk. The complete list is as follows:

Perk Name


Swift Orders

Reduce companion ability cooldown by 15%

The Power of Command

Activating a companion ability increases your attack power for 5 seconds.

Sympathy for the Damned

Critical hits deal high fire accumulation

The Queen’s Burden

+2 Intellect, +2 Resolve

Noblesse Oblige

Reviving a companion grants rapid health and essence regeneration

Flames of Resurrection

Second Wind casts Ring of Fire

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