Travelers have now reached Genshin Impact version 5.4, with numerous playable characters to explore the open-world with. In fact, the game has reached over 90 playable units that it has become hard for some characters to make a comeback in the upcoming storyline because of the sheer numbers.
Thus, the developers created a new time-limited event called Travelers’ Tales to visit old companions in different regions and listen to their anecdotes of daily lives. In this Anthology Chapter, the featured characters are all located in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma, where players can find them from the icon on the map.
There is a limit to the number of anecdotes players can experience each day. If the map no longer shows any companion to visit, wait for another day.

Genshin Impact: Mizuki Build Guide
Mizuki’s playstyle revolves around the Swirl reaction in Genshin Impact, so Mizuki’s build should boost her Swirling ability.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Fischl Location
Anecdote Chronicles Fischl: Revisions
Fischl can be found inside the Knights of Favonius’ Library in Mondstadt. Teleport to the waypoint above the headquarters before heading inside the Knights of Favonius. Once inside, go to the door on the right side to enter the library and meet with Fischl and Oz.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Rosaria Location
Anecdote Chronicles Rosaria: Work
Rosaria can be seen outside of Favonius Cathedral in Mondstadt, currently doing charity work. Said work is actually convincing Albert — a diehard fan of Barbara — to leave the Cathedral as he was insisting on giving a letter to the idol.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Diluc Location
Anecdote Chronicles Diluc: Pricing
The tycoon of a winery empire in Mondstadt is also available at the Travelers’ Tales event, as players can spot Diluc in the Dawn Winery. Use the Statue of the Seven in Windwail Highland and head southwest towards the mansion and enter it to encounter Diluc, who’s just finished going over the recent sales reports.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Noelle Location
Anecdote Chronicles Noelle: Bladework
Noelle the ever hardworking maid, is practicing her swordwork on the training ground beside the Knights of Favonius Headquarter. Players can teleport to the waypoint above the headquarter and jump down to the northwest to find Noelle.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Ningguang Location
Anecdote Chronicles Ningguang: Solemn Duty
As the busiest person in Liyue, players can find Ningguang in the Jade Chamber. This building is an airborne structure above Liyue and is accessible after completing the Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act I, with a map icon acting as a permanent Teleport Waypoint. Surprisingly, Ningguang was not alone as she was accompanied by Baizhu in the private office to discuss her health.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Shenhe Location
Anecdote Chronicles Shenhe: Inner Musings
Shenhe is a Cryo character in Genshin Impact and players can find her at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue. Keep in mind that Shenhe can be seen working at the restaurant as a server only after being referred to by Ganyu in Xianyun’s Story Quest, Grus Serena Chapter: Act I. Travelers may want to complete the quest first as Shenhe may not appear in this location otherwise.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Kazuha Location
Anecdote Chronicles Kaedehara Kazuha: Gazing at Sky and Earth
Kaedehara Kazuha is located on top of the mountain north of Liyue Harbor. Teleport to the Statue of the Seven north of Liyue Harbor and climb the mountain to the east. Unfortunately, unlike other characters, Kazuha has little to say, and the anecdote is over after only a few sentences.
Anecdote Chronicles Kaedehara Kazuha: Reflections on the Road
The samurai really loves high and windy locations, so players can find him once again on the edge of the mountain, northeast of Liyue Harbor. On the way, Travelers might bump into some enemies, so it’s best to just avoid the battle by going around them.
Anecdote Chronicles Kaedehara Kazuha: Of Blades and Wine
The third location Travelers can find Kazuha is on a platform north of Mt. Tianheng. Teleport to the waypoint north of Mt. Tianheng and head northeast towards a stone platform to find Kazuha practicing his swordplay.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Zhongli Location
Anecdote Chronicles Zhongli: Time for Tea
Zhongli is anm avid tea lover, so it is only natural that players can find him at Heyu Tea House in Liyue. Teleport to a waypoint south of Liyue Harbor and head northwest across the bridge and Travelers can find stairs on the right side of the building that leads to the upper floor. Go to the third level to find the tea house with Zhongli near the Storyteller’s stand.
Anecdote Chronicles Zhongli: Avid Reader
The second location that the former Geo Archon visited is the Wanwen Bookhouse’s stall. Teleport to Liyue Harbor’s southwest waypoint and turn around to the southwest for a staircase. Walk up the stairs to the second floor to find the book store along with Zhongli who is browsing books for Hu Tao, including the legendary “Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power”.
Anecdote Chronicles Zhongli: Opera
Chenyu Vale is the latest addition to Liyue in Genshin Impact, and we can see Zhongli visiting Yilong Wharf to listen to Yun Jin’s beguiling voice. The stage where the opera takes place is right beside the teleport waypoint southeast of Yilong Wharf.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Qiqi Location
Anecdote Chronicles Qiqi: Cooking
Travelers can find Qiqi at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue, studying the culinary arts with the help of Guoba as the zombie has no sense of taste. The store is close to the teleport waypoint south of Liyue Harbor and can be visited 24/7.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Xingqiu Location
Anecdote Chronicles Xingqiu: Calligraphic Swordsmanship I
Xingqiu is practicing his swordsmanship southwest of Qingce Village and Travelers can drop by to say hello. After players teleport to the nearest waypoint, head north towards the small hill past the gazebo to find Xingqiu reading a book.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Xiangling Location
Anecdote Chronicles Xiangling: Sweet Perfume
A scenario between Xiangling and Hu Tao can be seen in front of Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue. In this anecdote, Xiangling is back with her unique idea of creating a new Almond Tofu-scented perfume, and might be making another food-related perfume in the future.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Yaoyao Location
Anecdote Chronicles Yaoyao: Thrust and Parry
Yaoyao is practicing her spearwork near Yujing Terrace with the supervision of Madame Ping. Players can visit Yaoyao by teleporting to Mt. Tianheng’s southwest waypoint and glide to the northeast to the Yujing Terrace.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Yun Jin Location
Anecdote Chronicles Yun Jin: Stones of Another Mountain
The director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, Yun Jin, is having a rare break and can be seen at the Heyu Tea House in Liyue. Players may recognize this location if they already complete one of Zhongli’s anecdotes, which also occurs at the same spot. From the bridge south of Liyue Harbor, there will be a huge building on the right side along with a staircase. Walk up the stairs to the third level to find Liu Su’s stall and the tea house.
Travelers’ Tales: Anthology Chapter Kokomi Location
Anecdote Chronicles Sangonomiya Kokomi: Solitary Dreams
Kokomi is the only Inazuma character in the current Travelers’ Tales event, and players can find her resting in the secret base on Watatsumi Island. Teleport to the waypoint near Bourou Village and head downwards to the northwest until Travelers can see a small opening towards a hidden cave for Kokomi’s hideout.
The locations for Chapter Diona, Keqing, Sucrose, Amber, and Xianyun will be added to this guide later when they are available.
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