Best Gifts For Wish Me Mell In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Best Gifts For Wish Me Mell In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

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  • Gifts with appropriate tags, hearts, and value are crucial to maximize friendship XP in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
  • Rare-tagged fish and critters, Surprising Soda, and Rare Candle are great gift options for Wish Me Mell.
  • Pineapple Lava Soda, Woolox, and Toasted Marshmallow Cloud are valuable and easy-to-acquire gifts for building friendship.

Selecting the right gift for each character is essential for building friendships in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. The amount of friendship XP awarded for each gift depends on a combination of gift tags, hearts, and the overall gift value. Each item can have up to four tags, each worth between 0 and 2 points, as well as up to three hearts, with each heart contributing one extra point to the gift’s total value. Players can give up to three gifts per day to any character, making it important to carefully choose gifts that match a character’s preferences to maximize friendship XP.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: 9 Best Tips For Beginners

Much like Animal Crossing, Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a lot to take in for beginners, but with these tips, they’ll be comfy and cozy in no time.

Wish Me Mell loves gifts with the tags Fire, Flower, and Rare, so players should focus on giving her items that feature at least one of these tags. She can be found in the Merry Meadow but only after completing the ‘Curious Caverns’ quest. To unlock this quest, players must first complete the ‘Revive The Oasis’ quest, which requires finishing both the ‘Dessert-ed Boat’ and ‘Parched’ quests, in addition to reaching level 11 friendship with My Melody.


Any Rare-Tagged Fish

An Easy To Obtain Starting Option

hello kitty island adventure rare fish
  • Tags: Fish, Rare
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 4

Hello Kitty Island Adventure features a variety of rare fish, making them a convenient and accessible gift to offer to Wish Me Mell up to three times a day to build friendship. A fishing rod, available early in the game, is all that’s needed to catch these fish.

Two great options to target are the Coastal Clamfish and Summer Sole. The Coastal Clamfish can be found at the Seaside Resort during the evening and night, while the Summer Sole appears in the same area during the morning and daytime. The Rare tag is crucial for this gift, as it is one of Wish Me Mell’s preferred tags. Players should be sure to check if the fish caught carries the Rare tag before catching them in bulk in order to ensure that they are the right gift for increasing friendship with Wish Me Mell.


Any Rare-Tagged Critter

Available Across All Locations

hello kitty island adventure rare critters
  • Tags: Critter, Rare
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 4

In addition to Rare-tagged fish, Wish Me Mell also accepts Rare-tagged critters as gifts, and both offer the same value for building friendship. They are just as easy to acquire – using the net, players can catch as many critters as desired in various locations throughout Hello Kitty Island Adventure.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Best Gifts For Usahana

For those eager to level up their friendship with Usahana, this gift guide is sure to help them along in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Two easily accessible options include the Dragon Darter and Bush Friends. The Dragon Darter can be found in the Seaside Resort’s upper ponds during the morning and daytime, while Bush Friends are located in the Spooky Swamp hedge maze during the evening and nighttime.


Surprising Soda

Uses Easily Foragable Materials

hello kitty island adventure surprising soda
  • Tags: Soda, Joke, Fire
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 5
  • Recipe: Fizzy Crystal, Toasted Almond, Spinip

Surprising Soda becomes available once players unlock the upgraded Soda Machine at level six friendship with Pekkle. The ingredients for this drink are easy to gather. Fifteen Toasted Almonds can be found daily around Gemstone Mountain, and twelve Spinip are available at the watersides and underwater in the Spooky Swamp.

Fizzy Crystals are crafted using six Fizzy Ore, which can be collected while riding the minecart in the Crystal Caves, and up to 60 are available each day. While Surprising Soda is a good gift for Wish Me Mell, the Pineapple Lava Soda is a better choice, requiring the same upgraded Soda Machine and equally easy-to-find ingredients.



A Good Option Once Icy Peak Is Unlocked

hello kitty island adventure woolox
  • Tags: Critter, Frozen, Rare
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 5

Woolox are the only creatures found in Icy Peak, making them a guaranteed sight in the area. Icy Peak becomes accessible once players begin the ‘A Challenging Rescue’ quest, which can be tricky to unlock. To start this quest, players must have completed all Power Crystal quests, unlocked the Nature Preserve, and finished the ‘Reef Revival,’ ‘Revive the Oasis,’ and ‘Fire Up the Volcano’ quests.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Best Companion Abilities to Unlock First

Companions come with helpful abilities in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, but some of them are a bit handier than others.

Woolox appear in the mornings and can be found on the outer cliffs of Icy Peak. Fifteen Woolox are needed to craft the Critter Ottoman, a piece of furniture that resembles a large Woolox, which is quite a disturbing detail for such a calming game.


Rare Candle

A Great Gift Value But Time-Consuming To Craft

hello kitty island adventure rare candle
  • Tags: Fire, Flower, Rare
  • Hearts: 3
  • Gift Value: 6
  • To Craft: 5 Patterned Flowers, 5 Beeswax

Rare Candles are crafted at the Creation Station in Merry Meadow, with the crafting instructions being unlocked by using five plucked Patterned Flowers to make a candle. Growing these flowers can be a bit of a challenge, as they have a small chance to appear when two watered flowers of different colors are placed near each other.

Beeswax is much simpler to obtain, as it is given by Wish Me Mell after receiving a gift. Alternatively, three Rare Candles can be won per day in the Crane Craze mini-game in hard mode, and one per day can be won in easy mode. For a simpler alternative, regular Flower Candles require fewer rare materials and are a two-heart gift for Wish Me Mell.


Pineapple Lava Soda

Easy To Craft With An Upgraded Soda Machine

hello kitty island adventure pineapple lava soda
  • Tags: Soda, Tropical, Spice, Fire
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 6
  • Recipe: Fizzy Crystal, Pineapple, Magma Bloom

Like the Surprising Soda, the Pineapple Lava Soda also requires the upgraded Soda Machine, which is unlocked at level six friendship with Pekkle. All the ingredients needed to make this drink can be easily gathered each day.

Nine Pineapple can be found throughout the Seaside Resort, with a daily refresh making them readily accessible. Additionally, seven Magma Bloom are scattered around Mount Hothead, and these too renew each day. Given its simple ingredients, Pineapple Lava Soda is definitely one of the better gift options for Wish Me Mell, especially considering its high gift value.


Toasted Marshmallow Cloud

Simple Ingredients For Great Pay-Off

hello kitty island adventure toasted marshmallow cloud
  • Tags: Cloud, Fire, Dreamy, Dessert
  • Hearts: 1
  • Gift Value: 6
  • Recipe: Candy Cloud, Swampmallow, Toasted Almond

Toasted Marshmallow Clouds can be made on Cloud Island using the upgraded Candy Cloud Machine, which is unlocked at level five friendship with Kiki. To make this gift, players need to acquire some relatively simple ingredients. Candy Cloud is provided by Cinamoroll after giving him a gift, and Swampmallow can be found throughout Spooky Swamp, with a daily refresh.

Alternatively, if players run out of ingredients for the day, one Toasted Marshmallow Cloud can be found inside a Radiant Chest on Cloud Island, offering a convenient backup.

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