Best Antiquity Age Civs For Each Leader In Civilization VII

Best Antiquity Age Civs For Each Leader In Civilization VII

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When you’re choosing your leader’s first civ in Civilization 7, the game loves to let you know about Geographic Choices. And, hey, we get it. It’s nice to have some semblance of immersion. The actual choices can often be a stretch, however, and – arguably more importantly – they’re never guaranteed to sync with the leader’s playstyle.


Civilization 7: 8 Best Leaders For Beginners

Here are the best leaders for beginners in Civilization 7!

Hence, we’ve compiled our favorite one to two Antiquity Age picks for each leader. Some are obvious at first glance; others, not so much. All have served us well, and we reckon they’ll do the same for you, too. Let us know how it pans out for you!


Amina's Aksum Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • The Tankwa unique Trade Ship meshes nicely with Amina’s trade-based economic viability
  • +2 Gold on Resources can be more easily taken advantage of via Amina as she has +1 Resource Slot in every City


  • Immortals are supremely powerful Antiquity Age Infantry Units which pair well with Amina’s military might
  • Hazarapathi Commanders are also great
  • Automatically unlocks Mongolia in the Exploration Age to further her military strengths

Ashoka, World Conqueror

Ashoka, World Conqueror's Maurya Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • Purabhettarah unique units are excellent for conquering cities in the Antiquity Age
  • Every unique building increases Happiness, which ramps up Ashoka, World Conqueror’s Production upticks when Happiness is elevated

Ashoka, World Renouncer





  • Maurya’s unique building Happiness bonuses afford Ashoka, World Renouncer the same overall perks as his alter ego
  • Surprisingly malleable between Cultural and Scientific paths thanks to the Vihara and Dharamshala Happiness-boosting Buildings, which each offer one adjacency bonus or the other


  • +1 Food adjacency from Resources helps Ashoka, World Renouncer to expand even more swiftly through his Food boosts through Happiness and Celebrations
  • The Potkop improvement further ups Ashoka, World Renouncer’s Food from Resources while adding a good boost to Gold as well


Augustus' Rome Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • Caesar benefits tremendously from Towns, and you’ll gain +1 Culture from every Town’s City Center with Rome
  • The Legatus Unique Commander gains a charge to construct a settlement for every three Promotions earned, which nets you more Towns
  • Legion Unique Infantry is powerful enough to keep your Legatus earning Promotions
  • The Basilica and Temple of Jupiter Unique Buildings ramp up Caesar’s Culture strength and add more Gold, which you’ll acquire at a nice clip through all your Towns, too


  • Towns will grow more quickly thanks to extra Population on their first growth event
  • Han can keep the Culture rolling in empire-wide once you start upgrading Towns to Cities via the excellent Great Wall improvement

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin's Maya Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • The Maya synergize well with Benjamin Franklin’s Science tendencies through the Palace boost for adjacent Vegetated Terrain…
  • …as well as the Kuh Nah Unique Building’s whopping +3 Science, +2 Science if placed on Vegetated Terrain, and +1 Science adjacency to Wonders
  • Automatically unlocks Hawai’i in the Exploration Age, which complements Franklin’s Production bonuses


  • Benjamin Franklin can support two Diplomatic Endeavors of the same type simultaneously, so the +3 Influence on the Palace is nice
  • The Parthenon, in addition to its +4 Culture (which is less immediately important for Franklin), also provides +2 Influence if placed on Rough Terrain

Catherine The Great

Catherine the Great's Maurya Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • The ability to choose a second Pantheon lets you choose the Tundra-based option whilst also benefiting more broadly Cultural
  • All those Happiness-related uniques will help out in the event that your Tundra Tile options lack Fresh Water
  • Automatically unlocks Majapahit in the Exploration Age, which offers several Cultural options suited to Catherine’s playstyle


Charlemagne's Maurya Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • Once again, Maurya is a fantastic choice – this time thanks to its aforementioned Happiness boosts, but also…
  • The Purabhettarah is a phenomenal Cavalry Unit, and you’ll gain two from each Celebration


  • K’uh Nah is a Science Building, thus it will contribute to Charlemagne’s boosts to Happiness
  • The Happiness boosts will, in turn, push toward Celebrations, which grant him two Cavalry Units
  • Jalaw Happiness Buildings offer further Happiness to that end

The one downside to either of the above options is that they do not unlock Mongolia for you, and Mongolia is the best Exploration Age civ for Cavalry Units. Charlemagne, when paired with the Keshig Cavalry, is unstoppable. It may be prudent to unlock this first in an earlier game. That said, Charlemagne does automatically unlock the Normans, and they work well for him.


Confucius' Mississippian Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • Additional Population on first growth event nets Confucius a lovely head start per settlement in seizing upon his 25 percent growth rate
  • The boost to production of the Weiyang Palace means you’re likelier to obtain the unique Diplomatic Endeavor, Ginseng Agreement, which gets you more Food
  • You needn’t worry about falling behind on Culture – in this age and beyond – as the Great Wall improvement has you covered


  • All Buildings will receive a +1 Food Adjacency for Resources, which can add up fast
  • The Potkop further incentivizes Food gain from Resources
  • Automatically unlocks Shawnee and Hawai’i, whose Food traits may prove savvier for you than the more “standard” Exploration Age choice, the Ming

Friedrich, Baroque

Friedrich, Baroque's Egypt Selection Screen in Civilization 7




  • The Mastaba is an excellent Culture Building, and Culture Buildings grant Friedrich, Baroque a free Infantry Unit
  • Furthermore, Egypt’s Unique Infantry Unit, the Medjay, has great Combat Strength boosts for your settlements, so you can better defend newly-acquired ones that you obtained for free Great Works
  • Automatically unlocks Songhai, who also have a compelling Infantry Unit and other military bonuses


  • Like Egypt, Greece has the Parthenon, its own Culture Building
  • You’ll be pursuing Great Works, and several Wonders in the Antiquity Age will contain slots for them; Greece gains Culture Bonuses in both its Unique Buildings


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These leaders will help you to get a science victory in Civ 7.

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