A Game About Digging a Hole is a simple yet effective indie game that promises a certain kind of gameplay to the player, and it delivers on that promise quite satisfyingly. It doesn’t have a lot of mechanics to keep the player’s attention, and it’s not a very long game either, but it does have a lot of charm and heart put into it that shines through the low-poly graphics and simplistic gameplay loop.

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After you finish the game for the first time, you will unlock achievement mode. When you start a new game, you’ll have the option to redo everything from the beginning, except this time with achievements! It gives the completionists something to aim towards. There are a total of eight achievements that you can unlock.
Long Fall Achievement
Four Seconds Of Euphoria
Long Fall is a straightforward but difficult achievement to unlock. It requires you to remain in free fall for four seconds. This means that you need to dig a pretty long hole without any obstacles, and fall down without the aid of the jetpack. It doesn’t matter if you dies on impact — as long as you spend four seconds falling, you will get the achievement.
You should only attempt this once you’ve upgraded all your gear so you can clear out a hole for your fall without any issues. Making the hole wide enough to keep falling down for four seconds can take a while, so it makes sense to do this achievement at the end rather than attempt it at the start.
Wasted Achievement
Fifty Ores Too Many
The Wasted achievement asks you to destroy 50 ores in total. To destroy an ore, you simply need to fill up your inventory and then continue mining. Any ore that would’ve been picked up gets destroyed instead.
This achievement is quite easy to unlock since the upper region of the backyard is chock-full of stones and coal. They don’t sell for much and can be used to unlock this achievement quite quickly. Once you’ve upgraded your shovel to a drill, this shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes.
Shoveled Achievement
An Honest Day’s Work
The Shoveled achievement is quite simple to unlock as it only requires you to use your shovel 4,000 times. That number might sound like a lot, but you’ll end up getting quite close simply by playing the game.
If you’ve already upgraded your shovel to a drill, you won’t be able to make progress for this achievement, but you can start a new game after getting all the other achievements to unlock this one as well.
Boom Achievement
Pyromaniacs Unite
Dynamite is a bit underwhelming in A Game About Digging A Hole, with the only reason to use it being to clear out rocks that can’t be broken with a shovel or drill. Their explosion radius is quite small, making them suboptimal for clearing out sections when digging.
However, there is an achievement, Boom, that requires you to use 100 dynamites. Each dynamite costs $100, meaning you’ll need $10,000 in total to buy enough dynamite sticks to unlock this achievement.
Stonemason Achievement
A Hundred Stones Pave The Road
Stonemason is one of the easiest achievements that you can unlock quite early during your gameplay. You will need to mine 100 stones. You don’t need to sell these stones to count toward the tally. However, destroyed ores aren’t counted toward the total.
During the natural gameplay cycle, you’ll probably unlock this achievement without really needing to try. Stone is most abundant in the topmost layer of soil and can’t be found once the player starts descending.
Time Achievement
Quick On Your Feet
By far the most annoying and time-consuming achievement to unlock, Time asks you to speed run the game and complete it under 30 minutes. Although there are already speed runs of the game by different users that complete it in less than 20 minutes, it’s still a pretty daunting achievement to complete.
Thirty minutes is a lot for casual players, so this achievement is only for die-hard completionists. The game is considered complete when the player reaches the chest and is attacked by the three giant moles in the tunnels below their house.
Since this is the only time-sensitive achievement, players should focus on completing it first before moving on to the others.

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Special Ore Achievement
There’s Something About It…
Once you complete the first run, you will unlock the achievement mode, and in this mode, you can find special ores scattered inside the garden. These ores cannot be sold, and they don’t take up space in your inventory, but they do count toward the achievement “Special Ore.”
In total, you need to find five of these ores to complete the challenge. There are quite a few of these ores inside the backyard that you will find naturally. There’s no real reason to go looking for them. They have a unique rainbow coloration and look distinct from all the other ores. They act like an ore in every other regard and won’t trigger the object detector when you are near them.
Moneymaker Achievement
Mogul Making Moves
Obtaining $25,000 might sound impossible, but it is actually quite easy. The deeper you go, the more precious ores you can find. Initially, you’ll only get stone, Coal, Iron, and Copper ores. These don’t sell for a lot, so it’s quite hard to get rich from these. However, after a certain depth, you’ll start encountering precious ores that sell for much more.
Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond ores sell for a significant amount of money and can bring in a lot of cash. By the time you reach the bottom of the backyard, you should have enough money to unlock this achievement. If you don’t, mine around a little in the lowest regions to fulfill the quota.
Name |
Occurrence |
Abundance |
Sell Value |
Silver |
15 Meters |
20 Meters |
$20 |
Gold |
30 Meters |
40 Meters |
$50 |
Platinum |
50 Meters |
65 Meters |
$100 |
Diamond |
70 Meters |
90 Meters |
$250 |

- Released
February 7, 2025
- Developer(s)
- Publisher(s)
Drillhounds, rokaplay Bou·tique
- PC Release Date
February 7, 2025
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