15 Things To Know Before Playing Xbox RPG Avowed

15 Things To Know Before Playing Xbox RPG Avowed

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Avowed, the newest RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, is out now on Xbox and PC, and it’s very good! But before you hop into this next big Game Pass RPG, here are 14 tips and tricks to keep in mind. And don’t worry, there are no spoilers below.

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Use the balanced graphics mode if you have a 120hz TV

If you are playing Avowed on Xbox Series X and happen to own a 120hz TV, you should check out the “Balanced” graphics option in the settings menu. This appears to run the game at 40FPS and it ended up being my preferred way to play. I found the 60FPS “Performance” mode to be rather inconsistent, especially in fights. And the 30FPS “Quality” option, while stable, doesn’t feel as good as the 40FPS mode.

Turn down the music

Avowed has a wonderful soundtrack, but the default audio settings in the RPG make the music so loud that it can be hard to hear other characters talk. So I’d recommend dropping it way down. Even at 50% I found myself later on dropping music down to 45% because it was still a bit too loud at times.

There’s a third-person camera option

It’s easy to miss, but you can hop into the game’s settings and turn on a third-person camera. Personally, I didn’t enjoy playing this way, but if you can’t stand first-person RPGs then you’ll want to toggle this option ASAP.

You can respec whenever you want

I know that sometimes when I’m playing an RPG for the first time I feel nervous that I’m making a bad choice with each level up. Thankfully, Avowed lets you respec your skill tree and abilities at any point for a small cost.

Feel free to grab everything

Many open-world RPGs are filled with mountains of random junk and items to grab. That’s not quite the case in Avowed, but there still are plenty of weapons and resources to collect out in the Living Lands. And you know what? Grab it all!

A lot of stuff in Avowed doesn’t weigh anything. And if you do end up becoming overencumbered after grabbing a dozen swords, just send anything you want back to camp by highlighting it in the inventory screen and tapping the X button. Or you can hold the X button to break it down into useful resources. No more annoying inventory management or crawling back to town while holding 500 pounds of gear.

Make sure to upgrade gear at camp regularly

Enemies don’t scale based on your level in Avowed, which means you can walk into an area and encounter something you aren’t ready to fight yet. So make sure you regularly return to a campsite, marked on the map by a tent icon, and upgrade your gear using your resources.

Image for article titled 15 Things To Know Before You Start Playing Avowed

Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Xbox

Chat with companions at camp, too

While at camp, talk to your companions. Not only is the writing in Avowed really good, but after talking to your companions enough they’ll provide bonuses, like a stat boost. (And when you leave camp you can swap out your companions, too)

And while you’re there, cook meals and craft grenades

And hey, while you’re at camp, stop by the campfire and cook some food and drinks. Many of these items can heal you and also give you useful advantages, like more damage or stamina.

You can also use the campfire to craft grenades using booze and pelts. These explosive items let you blast open secret areas marked by cracked walls. I’d recommend keeping at least one with you at all times.

Buy lockpicks!

Anytime you’re near a vendor, marked by a golden bag and coin icon on the map, make sure to see if they are selling lockpicks. And if they are, buy all of them! Lockpicks are very cheap and very useful.

In Avowed you don’t have to pick locks using a minigame. Instead, some chests and doors need more or fewer lockpicks to open. It doesn’t really make sense, but it does mean you should always keep at least 20 or so picks on you at any point so you can freely open any secret doors or chests you find while exploring.

Use the simple and handy loadout system

Avowed lets you have two “loadouts” ready to go at any time. If you hit the Y button you’ll swap between them. This is a very handy feature as it means you can quickly swap between a ranged loadout using a rifle or bow and a close-quarters option with a sword or mace.

Pick up every bounty in each town

When visiting the main town in each map, you’ll likely stumble across a bounty board with five or so targets to eliminate. Make sure you grab all of these before leaving. They will then be marked on your map and while you’re out doing other quests you can knock some of these bounties out, too.

Image for article titled 15 Things To Know Before You Start Playing Avowed

Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Xbox

Eat stat-boosting food before conversations or battles

Before talking to someone important or who you think might be dangerous, it’s smart to eat some foods and drinks that will boost your stats. This might help you pass a skill check during the conversation which could provide you with better loot, or will at least help you swing a sword harder during any possible fight.

And consume food even when your health is full

Don’t just eat food when you’re hurt. In Avowed if you eat while at full health, you’ll see a small icon appear next to your health bar. This is a separate, smaller bar that will drain as you take damage and refill your health automatically. So it pays to munch on stuff before big fights, not just for a damage boost but also to help with healing you as you chop down lizard men.

Listen for a chime to find loot

By default, chests and corpses that can be looted will produce an ongoing chime noise that gets louder as you get closer. Use this to find hidden loot while exploring. And you should explore a lot! I once hopped up some random boxes and made what seemed like a impossible leap to a roof and when I got up top I found some gold coins in a bird’s nest. Avowed is littered with tiny rewards like this for players who explore off the beaten path.

Upgrade your perception stat

Finally, while every stat in the game has its uses, I would particularly recommend upgrading your perception, either though items or leveling up. This stat is useful in a lot of conversations and can sometimes help you avoid a fight or discover new information that you otherwise wouldn’t have learned. If you really want to be the king of conversation in Avowed, I’d suggest upgrading your intellect, too.


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