Crusader Kings 3 has copious systems for you to keep track of if you want to keep your vassals happy and your empire in one piece. Ignoring just one system for long enough can result in everything collapsing in the blink of an eye. Added in a free update to coincide with the Legends of the Dead DLC, Legitimacy adds another system to the equation.

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Legitimacy will mostly be a system you will gain and lose in the background provided you’re being relatively active throughout the game, though there are times when you’ll need to pay extra attention to it if you want a harmonious realm. Here’s exactly what Legitimacy is, and how to keep it nice and high.
What Is Legitimacy?
In short, Legitimacy is a rating of how your vassals view you as a leader. It is not a reflection of their personal opinion of you, but rather you as a leader of your whole realm. As such, it is entirely possible for a vassal that has a high opinion of you to think you are not a legitimate ruler, and for one that despises you to instead feel you are a very appropriate ruler.
Legitimacy is a tiered system with six stages, which are as follows:
- Illegitimate
- Aspiring
- Recognised
- Rightful
- True
- Ordained
Illegitimate is a negative level that is only reached when you have no legitimacy whatsoever, which is pretty hard to achieve unless you’re a really disastrous leader. Every other level gives you bonuses relative to your Expected Legitimacy, though the points needed to reach each tier increases with the rank of your title and the current era you’re in.
If you are at your Expected Legitimacy, the game basically functions as intended without many negatives or benefits. Being below it gives you a variety of negatives though, such as reduced Renown, vassals will be more likely to join factions against you, and the general populace will have a lower opinion of you.
The effects of legitimacy are increased depending on your title tier, too. Being above or below your expected legitimacy will have more powerful adverse and beneficial effects as an Emperor than it would as a King, and so on.
On the flip side, being above your Expected Legitimacy does the opposite. It will be easier to form alliances, vassals will be more placated by default, and it will require fewer De Jure counties to form a title.
What Affects Expected Legitimacy?
Expected Legitimacy determines the level of Legitimacy you need for your vassals to be satisfied with you. This is a pretty vague and variable system, though there are some concrete aspects that affect it. For one, your highest title tier has a default impact on which level of Legitimacy your vassals expect of you.
For example, a Duke will typically only be expected to be Rightful, while an Emperor will almost always need to be True. The number of Legitimacy points needed to reach each tier increases with the rank of your title as well, making it hard to keep a high Legitimacy without putting in the work.
However, your regular vassals and powerful vassals also have separate expectation levels. Powerful vassals will always demand a higher Legitimacy level,though you can still influence them to push it lower. For example, having the same Dynasty hold the title for a prolonged period will typically push the Expected Legitimacy lower, while keeping your powerful vassals as members of your close family will also being down the Expected Legitimacy.
In short, the higher your title is, the higher your Expected Legitimacy will be. Keeping your vassals as close family members and making sure De Jure obligations are being met with lower those expectations.
How To Increase Legitimacy
Understanding how Legitimacy works is great. Now you just have to actually gain it. Thankfully, this isn’t actually all that difficult. The majority of Legitimacy is gained by means that improve your realm, whether that is expanding its borders or growing its strength internally. Conversely, this means you may have to neglect your character’s personal interests to keep the realm appeased.
Legitimacy is gained in many ways, though the primary means is by attending events (organised by yourself or vassals) and by winning wars. With Royal Court and Legends of the Dead, holding court and spreading Legends are also a healthy means of increasing your Legitimacy. Legitimacy does not decay naturally either, though there are many ways it can be lost.
Losing wars decreases Legitimacy, as does denouncing and disinheriting your Dynasty members. Ignoring plagues that ravage your realm, and just letting them get out of hand decreases Legitimacy. Sometimes you can’t avoid a plague getting out of hand, so it’s a good idea to always try stay ahead of your Expected Legitimacy.
Legitimacy is basically doing the actions that are expected of a ruler. Expand your realm, care for its people, interact with your vassals. Ignoring them, giving in to demands, putting down members of your Dynasty will have them look down on you. It can cause you to forgo some fun choices, but that’s just what it takes to keep your realm in order.

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