The Strongest Companions In Fantasian Neo Dimension

Every Skill Tree Ability In Fantasian Neo Dimension
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Modern RPGs have been more experimental, whether adding more action to their combat, integrating a complex companion system, or some other thing that makes them stand out from the RPGs of the last generation. So, when one of the legendary creators of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi and Naoki Yoshida, teamed up with composer Nobuo Uematsu to create a new JRPG, how could you pass that up?


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So, let’s dive into the world of Fantasian: Neo Dimension and take a look at all the companions that can join Leo on his journey to find the truth about the infection that threatens the world and the inhabitants inside.



Jack Of All Trades, But Limited Power

Prickle celebrates with her robot friends

There’s nothing wrong with a versatile character, doubly so when he’s a cute robot. Having a multitude of options all but ensures survival in most situations. Prickle is a decent healer and can deal good lightning damage to several enemies in a row. It’s good for other mechanical enemies with a weakness in the element to get them out of the way quickly. Not to mention his barrier skills, which can protect the party from damage.

But in comparison to a full revive skill? Even in other RPGs, a full revive is hard to come by, so when you can get it, you’re more than likely going to choose than then go with buffing your party. It’s a shame for Prickle, but that’s the price of party variety.



Power And Risk, All In One

A close up of Tan's face

Tan is a complicated character to build for your party. He can be a powerhouse to have, but if you don’t have the right skills unlocked or if you put the wrong equipment on him, then you’ll render him all but useless in the endgame. The epitome of high risk, high reward.


8 Most Bittersweet JRPG Endings

Not every JRPG has a feel-good ending.

If you’re the type of player to go into a game blind, and you want to add him to your party, you run a huge risk of this. Not only does he run the possibility of not doing any damage, but there is a more than high chance of him giving himself a debilitating status effect with Mystery Potion.



All Tank, No Flexibility

Zinikr holding a magic necklace in his hand.

There is one benefit to getting Zinikr in Act Two: he comes equipped with almost all of his default skills. It leaves little imagination for what his kit does and doesn’t leave you guessing what you have to do to get him to his full potential. He is your main tank and has the taunt and defense to back it up. Not only that, but you can buff all of your party members to make them a little less fragile as well.

Zinikr is the only other character that can organically learn the earth and holy elements and can learn a highly useful counter move as well. The only thing that keeps him from being higher on the list is his lack of any type of AOE damage. Probably to keep him from outshining the protagonist, of course.



The Protagonist, But Overall In The Middle

Leo running with a sword in his hand in Fantasian: Neo Dimension.

Often, when playing games like this, the protagonist is an overpowered power fantasy for the player to step inside and save the world and solve any conflict. And while that’s generally true here as well, you just don’t get the same sense of power from Leo that you do from other protagonists. He can be strong once you build his kit, and he is the only character that can steal, but even that seems lackluster.


16 Best Healers In JRPGs

If you’re down, these characters are the best of the best at their job; bringing you back and healing your wounds is second nature.

Despite this, he does have diverse methods in deadline elemental damage with both lighting and fire attacks and can do minimal healing in a pinch, further cementing his jack-of-all-trades status. Even so, other party members can do all of those much better.



Who Needs MP When You Have Items?

Ez holding his giant, dual-sided sword in his right hand.

Ez is unique. He isn’t particularly strong, nor is his defense up to any good amount, but where he truly shines is his ability to craft all types of potions and, more importantly, bombs. Ez has a bomb for almost every occasion: flame, frost, terra, and shock grenades are self-explanatory. Charge bombs do wide damage after a countdown of three.

That’s not all, though! Ez is also prime for supporting his party members who are doing heavy combat by providing some backup healing and attack-boosting skills with All Potion S and Attack Up All, respectively. If another character is out of MP, he can also offer some from his limited pool, as well with Magic Pass. He’s tricky to get a hang of but vital once you do.



The Black Mage With Near Limitless MP

A close up of Cheryl's face.

When you can bend an icicle like a bullet from wanted, who can tell you you’re weak? Cheryl doesn’t stay long in your party at first, but once you get her back, you have a veritable nuclear bomb of near-limitless power in your party. Her spells have an ice and dark focus, and while they are powerful in their own right, it’s her other skills that truly shine.



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She can lower the cost of her spells with MP Cost Down 1, recover her own MP with Focus (as well as get MP from other party members like Ez), and recover MP with every turn. That’s something that every Black Mage could only dream of in other games.



Healer With A Trump Card

Kina reaching toward the camera

Healers can make or break a fight. That’s nothing new. Resurrecting characters at crucial times is a skill that is predicated on both instinct and planning, and you’re usually working with a resurrection skill that only brings back a party member with a small percentage of health. When that happens, the enemy often targets them and kills them again, making it harder to make a comeback.

But being able to bring back a party member from the dead with full health? That’s a game-changer! Couple that with the fact that you can build her as a tank that when she gets hit, she heals back the HP as a counter, she can be almost invincible.



Bringing The Pain With Arrow Rain

Valrika holding a powerful magic orb in her hand.

Powerful AOE attack? Check. A powerful single attack? Check. Able to poison enemies and keep them at bay? Double check. Valrika is the opposite of Tan in that she can poison, curse, and place sleep on several enemies at the same time without the risk of casting it on herself.

Her attacks, especially her Arrow Rain once it’s fully powered up via her growth map, can melt enemies within a turn or two and rebuild her MP like it was nothing, not to mention she can passively reduce the attack of any enemy that attacks her as a counter. She is a jack-of-all-trades that’s mastered them all.

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