Genshin Impact is a gacha game; if you want a specific character or weapon, you can only get it during its limited-time banner. This maintains player interest, keeping you eager to invest your hard-earned Primogems in future banners. However, if you’ve missed a weapon that doesn’t seem to be coming back anytime soon, it can be quite frustrating.

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For such reasons, the Genshin Impact team has introduced the Chronicled Wish Banner, a third way to wish alongside the Standard and Limited Banners. Liyue’s Chronicled Wish, the Remembrance of Jade and Stone, brings many highly sought-after weapons back into the game, including Childe’s signature Polar Star and the Primordial Jade Cutter, as well as a number of other options to choose from.
Memory Of Dust
The Memory of Dust forms the first of three weapons based on Liyue’s very own Archon, Rex Lapis, known in recent times by the pseudonym Zhongli. The weapon grants a decent amount of ATK and an ATK percent substat.
For its passives, it shares them with the other two weapons belonging to the same series. First, it grants increased shield strength to the user and then increases your ATK each time an attack hits an enemy. This ATK bonus from the passive is increased if you’re being protected by a shield.
Summit Shaper
Summit Shaper, like the Memory of Dust, is a weapon with decent stats. That’s where the compliments end, though. The ATK and ATK percent are the same as its catalyst counterpart, but ATK isn’t a good stat to begin with. Yet, for some reason, it’s still locked behind a condition.

The Summit Shaper isn’t a bad weapon; it can outperform many four-star options. However, as a five-star weapon that you have to spend Primogems pulling for, it’s weaker than even standard options. This makes it a weapon that, unless you just really love the design, there’s no reason to pull for.
The Unforged
The Unforged makes up the last of the shield trinity of weapons, being just as subpar as its two siblings. With the same ATK stat and the same passive, the three Liyue weapons can be thought of more or less in the same category: weapons you should generally avoid pulling for.
The increased shield strength does not mean that it increases the damage of shields you give to allies. For this reason, giving these weapons to a shielder is useless.
However, what might give The Unforged a small edge over the other two is the characters who can make use of it. Put simply, the weapon synergizes well with Kinich and Noelle, making it a viable option for them. It’s still not a weapon you should pull for, but at least it has its benefits.
Amos’ Bow
The Amos’ Bow is a weapon made for Ganyu, one of Genshin Impact’s premier Cryo carries. It might have the same ATK percent substat that we’ve established isn’t the best way to go about things, but it boasts one of the stronger passives in Genshin Impact.

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First, it grants bonus DMG on your Charged Attacks, making it a strong pick for those who have their damage tied to them, such as Ganyu or other characters with special Charged Attacks. However, it has another passive which increases this damage further for each second the arrow is in play. Unfortunately, apart from Ganyu, not many characters can make full use of the passive.
Jadefall’s Splendor
Jadefall’s Splendor is Baizhu’s signature weapon, made to synergize specifically with his kit. As such, it has an HP substat, something that can benefit many great catalyst users, including Neuvillette and Mualani. However, the reality is quite different.
Despite its misgivings, the Jadefall’s Splendor is still a worthwhile weapon. While Amos’ Bow is technically a better pull, you can get it from the Standard Banner as well, unlike Jadefall’s Splendor.
Sadly, the Jadefall’s Splendor’s passive is completely useless unless you’re Baizhu. This is because to trigger the effect, you need to be creating shields every three seconds. In exchange, the equipping characters get a DMG Bonus based on their HP. This makes it one of the worst weapons in the game, except if you’re Baizhu.
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
Xiao’s signature polearm, the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, is one of Genshin Impact’s best general DPS weapons. It doesn’t synergize particularly well with any character, yet the high CRIT Rate it provides paired with its high base ATK and useful passive makes it a solid pick for any character that wants damage.
The Primordial Jade Winged-Spear is a Standard Banner weapon, which means it isn’t time-specific. Since you can get it as an accident from losing your 50/50 or using your free pulls on the Standard Banner, it’s usually not recommended to use your Primogems on it.
The passive is quite simple; similarly to the three Rex Lapis themed weapons mentioned earlier, the PJWS grants the user bonus ATK whenever they hit an enemy, giving an additional DMG Bonus at max stacks.
Primordial Jade Cutter
The Primordial Jade Cutter carries similarities with the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear beyond just the name. It’s a general-use DPS weapon that can be put on anyone who you want to contribute to your team’s overall DPS. Like the PJWS, the Jade Cutter also has a CRIT Rate substat, already making it a good pick among swords.

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The passive is where things start changing; instead of granting ATK directly, the weapon grants its equipping character bonus HP, and then an ATK Bonus depending on the total HP they have. The weapon isn’t as great as the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, but since the latter is available in the Standard Banner, we recommend the Jade Cutter more.
Polar Star
The Polar Star belongs to the Fatui’s very own Tartaglia Childe and is a weapon that not many can compete with. Its high base ATK and CRIT Rate stats make it one of the best bows for any characters that want their skills to be strong, and the passive further alleviates the equipping character’s damage.
Polar Star also increases the damage of your Elemental Skill and Burst passively.
Polar Star does this by granting you ATK percentage when specific conditions are met. For the Polar Star, these conditions include dealing damage with Normal Attacks, Charge Attacks, Elemental Skill, and lastly, your Elemental Burst.
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