Logic is one of the most longstanding and enduring skills in The Sims series. It first appeared in The Sims, the franchise’s starting point, and has appeared in every game since besides MySims titles. The skill makes an appearance again in The Sims 2: Legacy Edition.

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If your Sims have played chess or used a telescope lately, then it’s pretty likely that they will have already started building their Logic skill. Sims who dream of science, want to meet aliens, or just plain love chess might want to take the skill even further and max it out.
What Is The Logic Skill Used For?
The Logic skill is important for several careers, select hobbies, and of course most importantly: winning at chess. It’s also handy to level the skill to get Aspiration Points for some Sims.
Some of the activities Sims do to gain Logic are also useful for other gameplay mechanics. For example, Sims who use the telescope often might find themselves face-to-face with aliens before they know it.
Careers That Need The Logic Skill
A lot of different careers ask that Sims have a good grasp of Logic. If your Sim is in any of the following careers, then they’ll need Logic to get promoted at some point:
Skill Boosts With Max Logic Skill
Sims who max out the Logic skill get a skill boost when levelling most other skills. This is useful when trying to chase skill-related career promotions, as most of them require your Sims to level multiple skills.
Which Hobbies Are Related To Logic?
Two hobbies that are closely linked to the Logic skill are Science and Games. This is because enthusiasm for these hobbies is built by using items that also build Logic.
Sims who regularly hog the chess table will foster an enthusiasm for Games. Plus, the higher their Logic skill, the more quickly they’ll gain enthusiasm for it, too.
An enthusiasm for Science is even more likely to be fostered while levelling Logic. Using telescopes, certain toddler toys, and unlockables from the Science career all build skill and enthusiasm at the same time.
Sims who have maxed out their enthusiasm for a hobby can build skills quickly after unlocking the ability to Be in the Zone. Sims who are engaging in their hobby will sometimes Be in the Zone, making them gain skills faster. So, Science or Games-obsessed Sims have a better chance of maxing out the Logic skill by using skill items associated with their hobbies.
How To Build The Logic Skill
Building the Logic skill is less intuitive than some other skills in The Sims 2, like the Cooking or Body skills, given that it’s kind of abstract and that your Sims can get quite far in life without it. However, you can build the skill for free using items lying around or by visiting parks.
Alternatively, you can head into Buy Mode and pick up a few items that can help your Sims gain Logic. A lot of these items are also useful for filling the Fun need, so it might be worth ditching the TV at first and grabbing some of these instead.
Sims with the Knowledge Aspiration like to gain skill levels and often have Wants that relate to Logic, like buying and using telescopes. This means that it can be useful to play one of these Sims while levelling the skill to get a nice Aspiration Point bonus.
Items Needed To Build Logic
A few different items are useful for building the Logic Skill:
- Chess sets
- Telescopes
- Toddler toys
You can find the chess sets and telescopes in the Hobbies menu in Buy Mode. The Recreation subsection has the Grand Parlour and King for a Day Outdoor Chess Tables. If you would rather your Sim use a telescope, then you can find them in the Knowledge subsection in the same area alongside the bookshelves. The Astrowonder and Farstar e3 Telescopes both build the Logic skill.
Sims that use the telescope often run the risk of being abducted by aliens, so watch out. Your Sim might even come back from space with one more future household member.
More expensive items can sometimes help Sims to max the skill out quicker, so if you can, you might want to invest in the better telescope rather than the cheaper one. But, if you want to save money, try heading to the local park as a few have chess tables set up.
Sims can do the crossword in the newspaper to build their Logic skill for free, but there’s a catch: only one Sim can do this per day. It wouldn’t make sense for them just to read the answers, after all.
Children can’t do the crossword, but they can build Logic using telescopes or chess tables.
Toddler Sims can be given a head start with Logic skill building if you choose the right toys for them to play with. You can buy the Magical Mystery’s Shape, Rattle & Roll from the Children’s section in Buy Mode for your household’s future scientists.
Unlockable Career Items That Build Logic
Sims unlock secret items as they scale the career ladder. Often, these items help to build skills relevant to their chosen path. In the case of Logic, the Education and Science careers are both helpful routes to take.
Sims who work in the Education career can unlock a bookshelf that they can study anything from, including Logic. The SimSanto Inc. Biotech Station from the Scientist career also helps Sims build Logic.
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