Episode: Heresy’s Exotic mission was released much earlier than most expected. During the second week of Destiny 2’s
Heresy season, Bungie shadow-dropped the hidden quest chain for Barrow-Dyad, an Exotic SMG that’s tied to the Derealize Exotic mission. Complete this mission, and you’ll get your hands on a powerful new Primary.

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But unlike all previous episodic Exotics, Barrow-Dyad’s mission is locked behind a hidden quest that you must go out of your way to start. This guide covers how to start this quest chain and what you’ll need to do to complete The Taken Path, which will unlock the Derealize Exotic mission once completed.
How To Start The Barrow-Dyad Exotic Quest
Unlike previous Exotic weapons, Barrow-Dyad’s quest is a secret you’ll need to unlock yourself. To start the quest, you must find a hidden Taken Blight during
a Nether run
and jump into it. This Blight can spawn in one of three locations:
The Taken Blight isn’t a guaranteed spawn. We suggest booting up The Nether and checking your spawn location for a Blight. If one doesn’t appear, restart the mission.
Blights spawn in both playlist variants, including solo runs.

The Mausoleum: From spawn, turn around and jump up. The Blight will be next to the nearby wall.
- Spawns in the area depicted above.
- Hall of Souls: Floating on a support pillar in the Tormentor encounter room, the same place King’s Fall starts.
Trenchway: Found next to the Wizard trio on the outskirts of the Dreadnought, located directly across from spawn.
- Spawns in the area depicted above and can be seen from spawn.
Once you’ve found the Blight, jump inside to enter the ascendant plane. You’ll see a lone plate on the floor. Stand on it. After a short pause, you’ll see a message in the combat log stating, “Something whispers to the [direction]…” Walk in whichever direction the text indicates. If it says right, strafe to the right; if it says behind, walk backward, et cetera.
If done correctly, you’ll be teleported to a new room with a Taken Osseous Fragment. Grab the fragment before returning to Eris’ apartment in the Last City. Interact with the slab once you’re there to pick up The Taken Path, the Exotic questline for Barrow-Dyad.
The Taken Path Quest
The Taken Path is a short quest chain that awards Barrow-Dyad, this season’s Exotic mission reward. This quest takes you through a short list of hidden objectives culminating in an Exotic mission named Derealize. It’s a fairly short quest that should only take an hour to complete, not including the mission itself. Your first clear of Derealize will award Barrow-Dyad, with subsequent clears and secrets awarding the weapon’s Exotic Catalysts and intrinsic upgrades.
Sorrow’s Harbor Secret Location
Your first objective is to locate a secret in Sorrow’s Harbor on the Moon. This step is slightly misleading, as the fragment you’re looking for is in the K1 Revelations Lost Sector, not the patrol space. Make your way inside the Lost Sector and proceed like normal.
About halfway through the Lost Sector, right after you deal with the Shrieker, you’ll find a small Taken Blight floating above a small dome. Shoot the blight to infect the rest of the Lost Sector with Taken energy. Clear out the rest of the Taken and the now-corrupted Taken Ogre boss. The Taken Osseous Fragment will be next to the boss’ usual spawn location.
Forgotten Shore Secret Location
Sloane has detected faint readings of another fragment in the Forgotten Shore, a region of the Cosmodrome. Once again, you’re looking for a fragment within a Lost Sector rather than the patrol space itself. Enter the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector and look for another small Taken orb. Getting there is fairly easy.
- From spawn, head left when the path forks.
- When it forks again, head right.
- The next room will have the Taken Blight.
Break the orb like before, follow the text prompts on where to walk, and clear out the Taken enemies. This section is linear, so don’t worry about getting lost. The fragment is in the last room with a Taken Phalanx boss.
Taken Osseous Curses
Before you can start the Derealize Exotic mission, you’ll need to get three more Taken Osseous Fragments. But unlike the last two, these fragments are locked behind short quests called curses. Each curse will direct you to a certain activity and require you to land kills with a nearby Taken relic. Land enough kills to charge the artifact, then destroy it to complete the first step.
You’ll then need to find the fragment aboard the Dreadnaught, but we’ll worry about that later. Complete the objectives listed for each quest until it asks you to visit The Nether. If you have all three quests prepped, you only need to complete one Nether run to finish the entire quest chain.
Curse Of Endurance
At the Altars of Sorrow, use the Taken relic to defeat combatants quickly. When the curse’s requirements are satisfied, destroy the relic.
You’ll find the Taken relic at the foot of the first set of stairs in Sorrow’s Harbor. Grab the artifact and tear up the Hive with your new Taken gun. Once you get a text prompt that says the relic “grows heavy with power,” run back to where you first grabbed it to destroy the relic.
Curse Of Urgency
In the Hallowed Grove, use the Taken relic to cleanse the area quickly. When the curse’s requirements are satisfied, destroy the relic.
Urgency’s fragment is in the Forgotten Shore, a Lost Sector within the EDZ’s Sludge patrol space. Make your way inside and grab the Taken artifact at the entrance. Your goal is to clear the entire Lost Sector with the artifact before the debuff timer hits zero. Kills extend the timer, so don’t worry about speed here; you have plenty of time. Destroy the relic when you’re done to finish this step.
Curse Of Revenge
In Nightmare Hunt: Pride, use the Taken relic to destroy the powerful Taken combatants. When the curse’s requirements are satisfied, destroy the relic.
Nightmare Hunts rotate every week, so it’s possible that Nightmare Hunt: Pride might not be available when you reach this step. If so, you’ll need to wait for Nightmare Hunt: Pride to appear on the Moon before completing this step.
The last curse is found in the Nightmare Hunt: Pride mission on the Moon. You’ll need to grab a Taken relic in Skolas’ boss arena and eliminate as many Taken as possible. Relic kills seem to be shared with your fireteam, so you can easily get this finished in a single run on Advanced difficulty. Break the artifact once Skolas is dead to finish this step.

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The Nether Fragment Locations
Now that you have all three curses prepped, it’s time to visit the Dreadnaught to claim your final three fragments. Boot up a private instance of The Nether before proceeding; the difficulty doesn’t matter. While not a hard requirement, it allows you to complete this step at your own pace.
Each Taken Osseous Fragment is tied to a Hive statue hidden in each patrol space, similar to the statues in Deep Dive. Getting close to one will prompt you to invoke a “call to power.” Hold the interact button, kill the miniboss that spawns nearby, and then interact with the statue again to claim your fragment. You’ll need to repeat this for each tile until you have all three fragments.
The locations listed below are from our personal Nether run. Statue order doesn’t seem to matter here. So long as you find one, it’ll spawn a fragment when you’re done.
The Mausoleum Nether Fragment Location
From spawn, look 45 degrees to your right and jump down the platform. You’ll find the statue behind a tentacle-like structure. Interact with it and kill the Taken Wizard that spawns behind you. The fragment will spawn on the statue once the Wizard is slain.
Hall Of Souls Nether Fragment Location
From the Court of Oryx platform in the middle of the chamber, look to your left and jump across the gap. Follow the left wall until you find the statue. It’ll be hiding in a corner where the wall ends. Light it to summon an Attendant miniboss. Once slain, head back to the statue to claim your fragment.
The Founts Nether Fragment Location
Make your way to the middle of the chamber and look towards the south half, the side with a hydraulic press that continuously shifts in place. Jump up to the upper floor and turn right to find the statue. Eliminate the Taken Knight that spawns to spawn the fragment.
Complete Exotic Mission “Derealize”
The final step in The Taken Path quest is to complete the Derealize Exotic mission. We won’t be covering the mission in this guide, but it’s a fairly simple mission that involves using the Taken relics from earlier. You’ll find Derealize in The Last City portion of the Director, located right under The Nether playlists. Completing the mission will award Barrow-Dyad and complete the quest chain.
As with all previous Exotic weapons, you can further customize Barrow-Dyad at the Enclave in Savathun’s Throne World. Additional crafting options are unlocked through mission secrets and higher-difficulty clears.
As of writing, Barrow-Dyad’s Exotic Catalysts are currently time-gated. You’ll need to wait a few weeks before every Catalyst becomes available.

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