World of Warcraft Reveals Raid Schedule for Liberation of Undermine

World of Warcraft Reveals Raid Schedule for Liberation of Undermine

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  • World of Warcraft’s Patch 11.1 features the Liberation of Undermine raid, opening in different difficulties starting March 4.
  • The raid includes eight challenging bosses and a new tier set inspired by expansion Hero Talents.
  • Players can earn rewards like the Prototype A.S.M.R. mount and the Big G from Gallywix in the raid.

World of Warcraft has revealed the official schedule for the Liberation of Undermine raid in Patch 11.1, with Normal, Heroic, and Mythic opening on March 4, Story Mode on March 11, and the entirety of Raid Finder by March 25. Fans can look forward to taking back Undermine and putting a stop to Gallywix’s schemes with the start of World of Warcraft: The War Within Season 2.

Recently, World of Warcraft officially marked February 25 as the release date for Patch 11.1, Undermined. The vast majority of content from the update will become available on launch, with Season 2 – including most difficulties of the new Liberation of Undermine raid – starting a week later on March 4.


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Now, World of Warcraft players know exactly when every difficulty of the raid will be made available. Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Liberation of Undermine all kick off with the start of Season 2, as well as the first wing of the Raid Finder version. On March 11, the second Raid Finder wing releases alongside World of Warcraft’s new soloable Story Mode instance. March 18 will see the third wing of Raid Finder release, with the fourth and final one dropping on March 25.

World of Warcraft Liberation of Undermine Raid Schedule

  • March 4: Raid Finder Wing 1: Shock and Awesome (Cauldron of Carnage; Rik Reverb), Normal, Heroic, Mythic Difficulty
  • March 11: Raid Finder Wing 2: Maniacal Machinist (Sprocketmonger Lockenstock; Stix Bunkjunker), Story Mode
  • March 18: Raid Finder Wing 3: Two Heads Are Better (Vexie and the Geargrinders; One-Armed Bandit; Mug’Zee)
  • March 25: Raid Finder Wing 4: The Chrome King (Chrome King Gallywix)

Eight bosses await fans in the Liberation of Undermine raid, which will lead players across the city itself and into the Gallagio, Gallywix’s gilded casino fortress. From Vexie Fullthrottle and her Geargrinders street gang and the deadly DJ Rick Reverb to Torq the Tempest and Flarendo the Furious – a cyborg gorilla and mechanical dinosaur in the Cauldron of Carnage – fans will clash with plenty of challenging and chaotic bosses, culminating in a final encounter with Chrome King Jastor Gallywix himself.

Of course, no raid season would be complete without a new tier set. Inspired by some of the expansion’s Hero Talents, the Tier 2 sets from World of Warcraft: The War Within feature Goblin-themed role keywords that work differently across various specs, such as Luck of the Draw! and Jackpot! Like in Season 1, players can get tier set gear as drops from the raid, in the Great Vault, or by upgrading existing gear using Catalyst charges.

World of Warcraft: The War Within Season 2 Tier Sets


Set Name

Death Knight

Cauldron Champion’s Encore

Demon Hunter

Fel-Dealer’s Contraband


Roots of Reclaiming Blight


Oppulent Treasurescale’s Hoard


Tireless Collector’s Bounties


Jewels of the Aspectral Emissary


Ageless Serpent’s Foresight


Oath of the Aureate Sentry


Confessor’s Unshakeable Virtue


Spectral Gambler’s Last Call


Currents of the Gale Sovereign


Spliced Fiendtrader’s Influence


Enforcer’s Backalley Brawlplate

There are other rewards available for fans in Liberation of Undermine as well. In addition to the perks awarded through the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club, a new raid renown track coming in the World of Warcraft update, players can also get the Prototype A.S.M.R. and the Big G from Gallywix himself, with the former being the rare mount that can drop from any difficulty, and the latter being a guaranteed drop from Mythic. There are also over two dozen new achievements to earn in the raid, so completionists and collectors alike will have plenty to work towards in the Liberation of Undermine.

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