Smite 2 has many different lanes that players are going to want to familiarize themselves with. Each of them has a different approach they will need to focus on when deciding on their God. The Solo Lane will be for a well-balanced build that can stand toe to toe with an enemy God, while the Mid Lane will have Gods ramping up their damage output among all else.

Smite 2: 6 Best Jungle Gods, Ranked
A great Jungle God will be weaving between lanes to level up efficiently and ambush enemy Gods when they least expect it in Smite 2.
On the opposite side of the Solo Lane is where the Carry will operate. They will want a teammate playing the best Support God they can to be by their side in this Duo Lane — and will work together to accomplish their objectives.
Updated on February 10th, 2025 by Chad Thesen: When it comes to a live service game like Smite 2, players will see many changes over the course of its lifecycle. This means many character placements will change, and many new characters can take center stage. For Carry gods, Zeus has seen a rework that moves him up a couple places. There are also 2 newer gods that really shine in this role. These gods are Medusa and Ullr. Medusa is from the Greek pantheon, just like Zeus. While Ullr is from the same pantheon as Thor and Odin, the Norse pantheon.
Highly Adaptive With Brilliant Range
- Ability Aptitude: Hybrid (Favors Strength)
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: Very High
- Ability Damage: High
This God is a great pick for players who want to be able to mix things up through a stance mechanic. This mechanic will let Cernunnos change his stance through the use of an ability. Each stance correlates to a different season, with each season having a different benefit. Spring Healing will give lifesteal, Summer Damage for additional damage, Fall Physical Protection Reduced & Fall Debuff Duration will shred through the enemy’s protections, and Winter Slow Scaling for slowing enemies.
His basic attack allows him to throw his weapon to engage enemies at range while also closing the distance on them. His ability rotation makes him a highly mobile ranged God that can adapt to many different situations. Knowing which seasonal Stance to make use of can be tricky to get the hang of, so it is best to practice with this god in other game modes such as the Arena to get a good grasp of his kit and how to use him.
Versatile High Damage Kit
- Ability Aptitude: Hybrid (Favors Intelligence)
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: High
- Ability Damage: High
Neith is a good choice for a Carry, as she can root enemies in place, causing them to take additional physical damage. She will also be implementing a mechanic known as Weaves, which can be detonated for a bonus effect. Her kit is composed of many different areas of effect shapes, different charging times, and even lets her deal damage before disengaging.
This lets her change up and control how she plays with different ability rotations. This lets her also perform well in the Middle role. There are many roles that players will need to understand the differences between, with both the Middle role and the Carry role being types of damage dealers.
All-In Physical Damage Dealer
- Ability Aptitude: Strength
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: Very High
- Ability Damage: High
Anhur is a physical damage dealer that synergizes well with their passive ability, Enfeeble. This passive ability will reduce the physical protection of enemies that they damage and can stack up to two times. He can place down a structure that will allow him to deal even more damage to enemies and structures within its area of effect. This is a lot of synergy, making him a great choice for new players learning the game.

Smite 2: 8 Best Solo Gods, Ranked
Each of the various roles has Gods that shine better than others in Smite 2. Know the best ones from the bunch.
He is also able to knock enemies back using abilities, and his Impale ability will stun players that hit a surface after being struck by it. Lastly, his Ultimate is just a barrage of damage cast in a straight line, making him a great all-in damage-dealing choice for a Carry, but also a decent pick as a Mid Lane God.
Great For New & Skilled Players Alike
- Ability Aptitude: Intelligence
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: Low
- Ability Damage: Medium-High
A lot of characters require specific combos or set-ups, and failing to build these up effectively can put a player at a disadvantage. Sol has a very simple kit that can make her an easy option to master. This in turn allows players to easily play her to dangerous levels. She will keep damaging enemies to build up her passive, giving her increased benefits.

Smite 2 Gods may be more flexible than they used to be, but Ares is still at home in the Duo Lane.
She has abilities that help her control the field and heal herself back up while damaged. When things get harrowing, she can give herself increased movement speed while leaving a damaging trail. Enemies that pursue her risk taking damage and having the tables turned on them. This allows her to be a massive presence wherever she moves and makes her one of the best Gods around, and a perfect candidate for players looking to learn the various roles.
King of Area of Effect Damage
- Ability Aptitude: Intelligence
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: Medium-High
- Ability Damage: High
Zeus has seen some reworks since the game’s alpha stages. Previously, he was a lot harder to use, and not reaching his full potential could easily break a team’s momentum. Zeus gets plenty of charges as he deals damage to enemies using his abilities, which in turn makes him deal more damage with his base attack. Zeus’s kit also lets him hit a lot of targets over a short amount of time. He is able to deal a ton of burst damage at once, or see arcing damage across multiple targets using his Chain Lightning.
Despite being easier to play now, Zeus still needs to be played optimally or see the team suffer. This means players will need to practise building charges and stunning opponents. Players that enjoyed Zeus during the alpha might not resonate as much with him anymore, but he feels like he is in a much better place for Smite 2, and is well worth relearning.
Glass Canon of Carry Gods
- Ability Aptitude: Hybrid
- Defense: Low
- Attack Damage: High
- Ability Damage: High
There are many Gods that will outperform Medusa when it comes to quickly traversing the map, and she can see many deaths per match from how glassy she is. However, Medusa is a great choice for players that want damage above all else. Just like Zeus, she is also a great choice for players that want to play the Middle Lane.
This means players that enjoy playing Medusa have a second option if the Carry role is already taken. Her serpent-like body lets her strafe around and retreat without suffering any form of movement penalty. Players that enjoy chiseling away at opponents’ health will love Medusa’s poison heavy playstyle. Players that are able to use Media effectively will be rewarded with various benefits to sustain her kit throughout matches.
Jing wei
Easy Farming To Outclass Enemy Gods
- Ability Aptitude: Strength
- Defense: Medium-Low
- Attack Damage: High
- Ability Damage: High
Jin Wei will have a 5-second window of flight when leaving the fountain, giving her an amazing amount of movement. Her abilities allow her to disrupt enemies while giving herself various buffs. These buffs include increased attack speed, mobility, and increased critical hit chance. This allows her to gain a massive advantage when she is able to get the jump on enemies. She has incredible farming potential for both gold and experience, allowing her to frequently outclass opponents in the Duo Lane.
Her ultimate lets her swoop over an enemy to deal damage, and if the enemy turns to face her, she can swoop back over this same path to deal damage again. If the enemy does not turn around expecting her to follow up, she can instead land to avoid engaging them at close range. There are many Gods that are the best for different roles, and Jin Wei is a clear candidate for the Carry role.
Game Description
- Ability Aptitude: Strength
- Defense: Medium-Low
- Attack Damage: High
- Ability Damage: High
Ullr can swap between 2 different weapons, the first being a bow and the other being twin axes. Each of which has their own basic attack and their own abilities. Players can swap between these weapons and abilities on the fly to the point it feels like they have access to 2 characters at all times. Being able to play as a Melee or a Ranged means he has all the tools he needs to exploit his opponent’s weak points.
Ullr does what the Carry role needs to do best, deal a ton of damage to back up the Support role that shares their lane. Ullr offers an enormous amount of versatility and is able to change his strategies and options in an instant. This means their opponents will not only have his bow stance and axe stance to plan against, but hybrids between the two. This makes Ullr one of the hardest Gods to counter and play against, putting opponents at a disadvantage.
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