The small town in West Virginia, Liberty Falls, has been caught up in a violent zombie outbreak, and players must answer the call from Requiem to fight the undead hordes in Black Ops 6, and also uncover some secrets that may lead to salvation, or their undoing.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Terminus Zombie Intel Locations
Black Ops 6 holds many collectibles, and the Zombies map Terminus has 30 pieces of Zombie Intel to collect, and here’s how to find them all.
Within the Black Ops 6 Zombies map Liberty Falls, players can find a total of 18 pieces of Zombie Intel. These can range from Audio Logs, Documents, and Artifacts, which all tell their own story to better grow each Zombies player’s collection of secrets. For those seeking every Zombie Intel in Liberty Falls, a full collectibles guide can be found below.
Updated on February 10, 2025, by Jake Fillery: All Liberty Falls Intel locations can be found below, where Black Ops 6 players will be able to complete their compendium to enhance their collectibles and prove that they are the Zombies masters. There is an abundance of Zombie Intel in Liberty Falls, and we have listed them all here, along with helpful information and images that will make obtaining every audio log, document, and artifact, even easier.
All Audio Logs in Liberty Falls
Audio Log #1 – Quantum Mechanical Failure
At spawn, head right through Riverside and head into Olly’s Comics, found on the back left building when facing The Arsenal. Inside this shop, the display window will have the Quantum Mechanical Failure radio.
Audio Log #2 – Conspiracy Theorist
From Riverside, head up to Washington Avenue, where on the table with the ashtray beside the Speed Cola Perk Machine, players can find the Conspiracy Theorist radio.
Audio Log #3 – One Lit Match
After activating the SDG Generator in the Church and talking to Doctor Panos (achieved simply by interacting with the machine in the Church), players can head to the Groundskeeper’s Yard, where behind the house next to a woodpile, the One Lit Match radio can be found.
Audio Log #4 – The House Josiah Built
Head into the Cemetery, where by the West wall near to the Tier 3 Armor wall-buy, players can find this radio sitting on a wall.
Audio Log #5 – The Scientist and The Moonshiner
Head up the stairs to the second floor of the Motor Lodge Motel, where inside Room 202 behind the Jet Gun crafting bench, players can find The Scientist and The Moonshiner radio to the left of an open box of pizza.
Audio Log #6 – Limited Run
Once players have used the Jet Gun to find and collect all 9 Aetherella figurines, players can head back to Olly’s Comics where this audio log will be waiting for them on the South West wall sitting on a wooden table, just by the blue door. Here’s exactly how to get all 9 Aetherella figures:

Black Ops 6 Zombies: How to Get the World Domination Achievement
A unique secret side quest in Black Ops 6 Zombies will see players transform into the powerful supervillain of Aetherella, and acquire an achievement.
Audio Log #7 – Steel Mountain Rescue
Outside of Fuller’s Bowling Alley and in West Main Street, players can head past the broken Liberty Falls Transit bus to find the Steel Mountain Rescue radio on top of a garbage can by the bench at the South West wall.
Audio Log #8 – Bear Witness
Enter into the Dark Aether Church, where on the wall behind Melee Macchiato, players can find the Bear Witness radio on a bench beside a bouquet of flowers.
Audio Log #9 – Money Talks
After opening the bank vault in the Savings & Loans Bank by finding the three codes in Fuller’s Liberty Lanes, Savings & Loans, and Olly Comics, players can head inside where on the left of the floor will be the Money Talks radio. Here’s exactly how to enter the bank vault:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – How to Open the Vault in Liberty Falls
Black Ops 6 Zombies holds rich secrets within the vault found in Liberty Falls, but how does one obtain the code necessary to enter?
All Documents in Liberty Falls
Document #1 – We Only Take Cash
Look around the map for a black vehicle with a gold roof. Inside, the blue bunny, Mr. Peeks, should be inside. Once this car has been found, either acquire the Mangler Cannon Support weapon that can be purchased for 1,250 Salvage, or from a defeated Mangler, or use a living Mangler to shoot at the car. Doing so will see the vehicle explode, and the We Only Take Cash Document will eject from the car’s trunk.
Document #2 – Politics, Politics
Use Loot Keys from Manglers and Abominations and open lock boxes found within the Bank Vault to have a random chance of picking up the Politics, Politics Document. Any rarity of Loot Key will do, so it doesn’t matter if it’s uncommon or legendary.
Document #3 – Fine Man
In the Backstreet Parking area of Riverside, head to the back of the VHS store, look through the open window at the East side and shoot the three VHS tapes on the shelf for the Fine Man Document to drop.
Document #4 – Final Issue
Opposite Quick Revive in the North East corner of Olly’s Comics, players can interact with white cardboard boxes filled with comics to eject the Final Issue Document for their collection.
All Artifacts in Liberty Falls
Artifact #1 – Limited Transdimensional Gateway Device
Progress through the Liberty Falls Main Quest to craft the LTG Device on “The Alamo”, the rooftop of the Savings & Loans Bank. To craft the LTG, players must acquire the Jet Gun and then suck up all three parts:
- To the right of Dr. Panos in the Church
- In the ceiling in Olly’s Comics
- In the Barbershop window in Washington Vaneue
With these three parts, craft the LTG on The Alamo, found on the rooftop of the Savings & Loans bank which can be accessed outside the front entrance on West Main Street via a zipline.
Artifact #2 – Aetherella Statue
Use the Jet Gun to collect the 9 Aetherella figurines that can be found across Liberty Falls, with all 9 locations as follows:
- South West wall of Olly’s Comics, by the open blue door that leads to the alleyway.
- North East wall of Olly’s Comics, on a shelf next to the Origins poster.
- South wall, by the display window in Olly’s Comics.
- On a shelf at the West wall in Olly’s Comics, right next to the Aetherella trap.
- Behind an A/C unit on the Yummy Freeze Rooftop when facing East, accessible by the Savings & Loans bank rooftop.
- On top of the Motel sign in East Main Street, when facing the South wall of the Motel.
- On an A/C unit when facing the North wall in Washington Avenue, at the same building where the valve can be acquired for the Jet Gun.
- Look East when standing on the bus in West Main Street to the Liberty Lanes sign, where the statue is found underneath the second ‘L’.
- On the Church’s closest right window when facing West in the Forecourt.
Artifact #3 – Aetheric Bowling Ball
After being teleported into Mr. Peeks’ bowling minigame, pick up the bowling ball and throw it at zombies in the bowling lanes to automatically obtain this artifact. A detailed guide on how to access the Mr. Peeks minigame is found below, but it involves shooting 5 pairs of bowling shoes:

Black Ops 6: How to Find Mr. Peeks’ Bowling Minigame in Liberty Falls
Entering Liberty Falls in Black Ops 6 Zombies, players can enter into a secret bowling minigame for some unique rewards.
Artifact #4 – Thrustodyne Model 23
Acquire the Jet Gun, aka the Thrustodyne Model 23, via the Mystery Box (made easier with the Wunderbar GobbleGum) or through the free crafting quest, which can be found below:

Black Ops 6: How to Get the Thrustodyne M23 in Liberty Falls
Black Ops 6’s Liberty Falls features a Wonder Weapon that’s no joke, and the Jet Gun is an essential weapon that can be crafted without delay.
Artifact #5 – Mr. Peeks’ Misplaced Bowling Shoes
There are 5 pairs of Mr. Peeks’ bowling shoes that can be shot to acquire this collectible, and players just need to shoot one pair. The following locations are where players can shoot the bowling shoes with any gun:
- North East wall inside Pump & Pay by the cash register.
- On a broken shelf inside the Riverside store at the East wall.
- Inside the groundskeeper’s house, underneath the chair when facing North on Hill Street.
- Tied to the branch of a tree outside the map in teh CEmetery when facing West, to the right of the Tier 3 Armor wall-buy.
- To the West wall on top of a casket in the funeral room in West Main Street.
There is no reward for obtaining all Zombie Intel in Liberty Falls.
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