Many games are designed in a way that you don’t have to play the previous titles in the series to enjoy them. For example, Grand Theft Auto games often tell self-contained stories featuring new characters and new locations. So, you don’t need any knowledge of the original GTA to enjoy GTA 5.

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Yet, not every series does it this way. Some of them contain long-running narratives that are spread across multiple instalments. As a result, to truly understand the story, you need to begin at the first game and work your way through the rest. Here are some examples of these types of game series.
The Last Of Us
Ignoring remakes and re-releases, there have been two main Last of Us games, along with a story-based expansion pack called Left Behind. The only acceptable way to play these games is in the order of release.
After all, the narrative of the second game revolves around the actions of the protagonist, Joel, in the original game. As for the Left Behind expansion, it’s designed to be played after finishing the first game, even though it’s partially a prequel. This is because the events of Left Behind are hinted at during the main game, but you aren’t really supposed to know what really happened until you play the DLC.
The Walking Dead
The Michonne instalment of Telltale’s The Walking Dead series is a spin-off and has little connection to anything else. So, you could play that at pretty much any time. The other seasons, however, should all be played in the regular order.

The main reason for this is the development of the main character, Clementine. Her journey from a scared child to a very capable survivor is one of the best aspects of the series, so seeing it play out is essential.
There is an abundance of Metal Gear Solid spin-offs that can be skipped entirely. Plus, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are separate from the narrative told in the first four main instalments. When it comes to MGS, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4, though, you really need to play them in the traditional order.
Yes, Metal Gear Solid 3 is a prequel to the others, but certain elements of the narrative work better if you’ve played the first two games before going into it. Also, it has to be played before Metal Gear Solid 4, as a few characters introduced in MGS3 get a proper send-off in the sequel. In fact, plenty of arcs end in MGS4, which makes playing it after the earlier games so important.
If you jump straight into Injustice 2 without playing the first game or reading anything about it, you may wonder why half of the DC ‘heroes’ are suddenly villains. This is because, in the first game, a twisted Joker plan leads to Lois Lane’s death and Metropolis’s destruction, which completely changes Superman’s view on justice.
Other heroes share his views and join his side. Together, they help Superman create a dictatorship that Batman attempts to stop. They all have other issues in Injustice 2, but the events of the first game are still important to the narrative.
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Insomniac’s first Spider-Man game mainly focused on establishing Peter Parker’s Spider-Man and his various rogues. Miles Morales is also introduced in the original title, but he’s truly established in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
The two games allow you to really get to know the two Spider-Men before they come together in Spider-Man 2. It’s best to play the games in that order so you can see the progression of the two main characters, both as heroes and people.
Alan Wake
There are some significant differences between the first and second Alan Wake games. In fact, the original is more of an action-adventure title, while the sequel is a full-blown horror game. That said, even horror fans should play the first one before the second.

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This is because Alan Wake 2’s story is pretty complicated. However, it’s easier to understand if you already know Alan and Alice and their relationship. Plus, having some knowledge of what The Dark Place is can be useful, too. The first title teaches you about all those things.
Wolfenstein (Reboot Series)
Okay, so you don’t have to play the entire Wolfenstein series in order or at all. Yet, if you want to fully appreciate MachineGames’ reboot of the Wolfenstein series, you need to start with The New Order, then move on to The New Colossus before perhaps finishing with Youngblood.
After all, the first game does an excellent job of setting up Wolfenstein’s world, which is one where the Nazis win WW2 and take over. It also establishes B.J. Blazkowicz and his allies, which serve as the resistance. Because of this world-building, the second game can get right into the plot without establishing too much. On top of that, the sequel’s story picks up right where the first left off. Youngblood isn’t as important story-wise, but knowing who B.J. Blazkowicz is helps keep you engaged with the narrative.
Mass Effect
The fourth game in the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect Andromeda, is fairly detached from the others. The first three games, however, effectively function as three parts to one narrative. That narrative is about the various species in the Milky Way attempting to stop the apocalyptic force known as The Reapers. That defense is led by the protagonist, Commander Shepard.
As them, you spend three games trying to halt the villains’ invasion. Along the way, you make a bunch of choices that can impact things in the subsequent game or games. So, to see the consequences of these decisions, you need to play the series in the right order.

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