The Best DC Comics For Kids

The Best DC Comics For Kids
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  • DC Comics has imprints for younger readers with great stories like Zatanna and the House of Secrets.
  • Dear DC Super-Villains offers a lighthearted look at classic villains, perfect for younger readers.
  • Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge teaches an important message in a fun and engaging way for kids.

Although comic books were originally marketed for children and young adults, in recent years, there has been an upsurge in comics aimed at late teens and adults with more adult themes. That said, some great comics are still being released that are more suitable for younger readers.


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Superman is a pop-culture icon with stories spanning nearly a century, but what are the best Superman comics for kids?

DC Comics has had two main imprints specifically designed for younger readers, with DC Zoom between 2018–2020 and DC Graphic Novels for Kids since 2020. These imprints have provided some great stories for younger audiences while being a fun read for adults. While these imprints provide great stories, this list will also look at mainline comic runs.


Zatanna and the House of Secrets

A Whimsical Take On Magic In The DC Universe

  • Title – Zatanna and the House of Secrets (2020)
  • Publisher – DC Zoom
  • Writer – Mathew Cody
  • Artist – Yoshii Yoshitani

Zatanna and the House of Secrets is a one-shot comic released in February 2020. The story follows Zatanna as she attempts to find her dad, Giovanni Zatara after he disappears in their own magical home. The story is great fun for younger readers and shows a more whimsical side to magic in the DC Universe.

It’s great to see stories aimed at kids feature characters like Zatanna, as opposed to exclusively looking at the DC trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Zatanna is a great character but often deals with more mature themes, so this comic is perfect for younger readers who are interested in the Mistress of Magic.


Dear DC Super-Villains

A Friendly Introduction To Some Classic DC Villains

  • Title – Dear DC Super-Villains
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids
  • Writer – Michael Northrop
  • Artist – Gustavo Durate

Dear DC Super-Villains is a one-shot comic released in April 2021 that acts as a great introduction to the villains of the DC Universe. The story features short chapters detailing the day-to-day lives of some of the most popular DC villains and their relationship with their Hero counterparts.


8 DC Villains Who Joined The Justice League

Even DC’s worst villains like Lex Luthor and Black Adam have joined the Justice League. Here’s how they crossed the line from foe to ally!

Readers get to see short stories about Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Gorilla Grodd, Giganta, Sinestro, Katana, and Black Manta, as well as appearances by the likes of the Joker, Superman, Batman, Aquaman, and more. This comic is great fun for younger readers and showcases a more lighthearted take on these classic villains.


Dear Justice League

A Fun Introduction To Some Founding Justice League Members

  • Title – Dear Justice League
  • Publisher – DC Zoom
  • Writer – Michael Northrop
  • Artist – Gustavo Durate

Dear Justice League is set in the same universe as the aforementioned Dear DC Super-Villains. This comic is a great introduction to the Justice League by providing a short story about eight members of the Justice League and a team-up story at the end.

With the likes of Aquaman, Batman, Cyborg, Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and a whole roster of classic villains like Joker and Black Manta, this comic is a great introduction to the DC Universe as a whole, especially to a younger reader who wants their first DC Comic.


DC Super Hero Girls

The Comic Based On The Hit Show

  • Title – DC Super Hero Girls
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids
  • Writer – Amy Wolfram
  • Artist – Agnes Garbowska

DC Super Hero Girls is a comic line based on the popular kid’s show of the same name. The comics are aimed at younger female readers but are a great read for all DC fans, featuring many popular characters as well as showcasing less popular characters like Jessica Cruz and Lena Luthor.

The main characters in these comics are Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), Batgirl, Supergirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz), and Zatanna (Zatara). These comics effectively showcase these heroes to a broader audience and the inclusion of animal characters, such as Krypto the Superdog and Ace the Bat-Hound, makes these comics even more fun.


Superman Adventures

A Classic Superman Comic Run

  • Title – Superman Adventures (1996)
  • Publisher – DC Comics
  • Writer – Paul Dini
  • Artist – Rick Burchett

Superman Adventures was a 66-issue comic series that ran from 1996 until 2002. The series was light-hearted and fun, but it also had enough serious plot points and some great action to remain fun for readers of all ages while being appropriate for kids. The run is a great introduction to Superman and features all his classic characters.


DC: Best Superman Comics For Beginners To Start With

Beginners hoping to jump into the world of Superman can do so easily by starting off with the following comic book series.

What makes this comic run so good is that it isn’t overly childish. Although toned down slightly, the art style is what you’d expect from a normal main-line DC Comic, allowing younger readers to seamlessly transition into more mature comics in the future. The stories have real weight without delving into any mature themes and are easy to follow for readers of all ages.


Lil Gotham

Fun Batman Stories With A Charming Art Style

  • Title – Batman: Li’l Gotham
  • Publisher – DC Comics
  • Writer – Derek Fridolfs
  • Artist – Dustin Nguyen

Li’l Gotham was a comic run released in 2013 with 12 issues, that portrayed a more childlike and friendly version of the usually dark and disturbing city. The Chibi art style is perfect for this kind of story and helps convey a more whimsical side of Batman and Gotham City.

Each of the twelve issues is set around a different holiday, like Halloween, Saint Patrick’s Day, Christmas, and even Sandwich Day. This comic introduces nearly all the Batfamily as well as the Batman’s Rouges and important DC characters like Superman, Commissioner Gordon, and other Justice League members. This comic is perhaps the best at introducing younger readers to the world of Gotham and Batman.


Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge

A Fun Story With An Important Message

  • Title – Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids
  • Writer – Michele R. Wells
  • Artist – Brittney Williams

Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge is a fun, colorful, and engaging story that follows Lois Lane as she journeys to become the world-renowned journalist of the Daily Planet. Despite the fun nature, the story does have an important underlying message, that chasing success should never get in between friends.


DC: 8 Best Lois Lane Comics

These DC comics greatly deepen and expand on the incredible story of Lois Lane, who has often been overshadowed by Superman.

This important message is great for younger readers to understand, and is written in such a way that it becomes enjoyable while teaching an important life lesson. The story highlights the fundamentals of Lois Lane as a character and is perhaps one of the most fun non-superhero stories to come from DC.


Super Sons

Batkid And Superman Go On An Adventure

  • Title – Super Sons (Volume 2)
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids & DC Zoom
  • Writer – Ridley Pearson
  • Artist – Ile Gonzalez

Super Sons was a three-issue comic run released in 2019, focusing on the sons of Batman and Superman with Ian (Damian) Wayne, and Jon Kent. The story follows the boys as they discover a future ecological disaster that only they and their friends can prevent.

This light-hearted adventure is a fun read and, with the younger characters, can be quite relatable to younger readers. The characters of Superboy (Jon Kent) and Batkid (Ian Wayne) are interesting and bounce off one another, much like Superman and Batman. This comic is a great action-adventure coming-of-age story.



An Interesting Take On The Inmates Of Arkham Asylum

  • Title – ArkhaManiacs
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids
  • Writer – Franco Aureliani
  • Artist – Art Baltazar

ArkhaManiacs is one of the most interesting and peculiar entries in this ranking, showcasing the psychopathic and insane inmates of Arkham Asylum as friendly, childlike friends of a young Bruce Wayne. This comic shows characters like the Joker and Killer Kroc as nothing more than mischievous kids who love to have fun.

Seeing the likes of the Joker, Harley Quinn, Man-Bat, Bane, Hush, Clay Face, and more, acting as playful troublemakers is enough to make seasoned DC fans confused, but acts as a great introduction for younger readers. The comic makes fun and subtle references to classic Batman stories, perfect for older readers who might be reading to younger fans.


Green Arrow: Stranded

A Light-Hearted Take On The Origins Of Green Arrow

  • Title – Green Arrow: Stranded
  • Publisher – DC Graphic Novels for Kids
  • Writer – Brendan Daneen
  • Artist – Bell Hosalla

Green Arrow: Stranded is perhaps one of the best Green Arrow comics of all time, despite being aimed at younger readers. It is a retelling of Green Arrow’s origin with a more kid-friendly twist, helping young fans get an understanding of the events that led to Oliver Queen becoming Green Arrow.

The story deals with real-life themes but in a very classy and appropriate way, making it a great read for kids and adults alike. We see Oliver and his father crash-land on a remote island, where Oliver hones his skill as a hunter to help save his family and friends.


DC: 10 Best Heroes Who Are Like Batman

DC has created several superheroes, like Nite Owl and Green Arrow, who closely resemble Batman in design and methods.

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