The Best Art In Space-Time Smack Down: Pokemon TCG Pocket

The Best Art In Space-Time Smack Down: Pokemon TCG Pocket

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  • Garchomp card captures a peaceful moment, showcasing a relaxed side of the Pokemon.
  • Porygon2 card uses magical style and imagery to create a unique and captivating design.
  • Cresselia card features a beautiful scene with light, magic, and nods to other Pokemon.

There is no shortage of fantastic art across the Pokemon universe. That rings true with the Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown set which is crammed full of adorable, menacing, and creative works of art that bring these animated creatures to life. Even going beyond what you would traditionally expect a card to look like.


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So, when you put the stats aside, ignore what the attacks and abilities can and will do in battle, which ones are the best visually? This list will explore that question by examining cards without considering how they perform in battle or the cards’ rarity, only by their designs.



Rarity: One Star

The Pokemon card Garchomp by MINIMIA Yoko.

This card art shows off Garchomp in a rare form: relaxed. Similar to how a big dog will curl up on a small couch, lap, or bed, Garchomp is clearly sleeping in a very comfortable place, most likely their trainer’s home or maybe even on the road if they are both chasing that dream of being a champion.

While this simple scene isn’t filled with bright colors or powerful attacks that push the limit of what you can achieve on the small card space, it captures an aspect of Pokemon life you don’t often see. And, it’s not like the idea of seeing Pokemon fast asleep isn’t a good idea.



Rarity: Two Diamonds

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Porygon2 two diamond card on a blurred background.

Talk about safe spaces, it looks like Porygon2 is having a lot of fun with the different objects and symbols of space itself: stars, planets, a moon, and a sun. There’s even a motion to everything like Porygon2 is moving them around the room with an ability.


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It’s also the style of the art that sets this card apart and makes everything even more magical. It could easily be a kid dreaming of becoming a trainer or painting a scene around their beloved Porygon2. Whether that has a shred of truth to it, who really knows besides the artist, sowsow.



Rarity: One Star

The Pokemon Pocket card Cresselia by Rika.

Now you can’t really debate the question of if this art is meant to depict the scene of a child. Either in a dream, or in actuality, Cresselia is visiting a young girl who is reaching toward them. The room is filled with light, magic, sparkles, as well as a couple of nods to other Pokemon: Starly and Clefairy.

Due to the night sky and the bright colors beaming off of Cresselia, they remain the focus of the card even though taking up only a small portion of it. It really sets this card apart from some of the other styles and compositions, and it really benefits this card.



Rarity: One Star

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Shinx one star card on a blurred background.

Let the cuteness in comfortable spaces continue with this Shinx half-buried under a pile of (hopefully) clean clothes. This card is able to paint a scene thanks to Volkner’s jacket peeking out in the different fabrics Shinx has gotten into. Another is because of the move that Shinx knows.


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Hide is what Shinx is best at doing, not just in this picture but also in battle. If they Hide successfully, they avoid all damage and effects. So maybe Volkner is letting little Shinx practice so that way when the heat is on and the battle begins, Shinx can Hide like a pro.



Rarity: One Star

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Shaymin one star pokemon card on a blurred background.

You can barely tell this card has a border as the bed of flowers that Shaymin is resting in so closely resembles the silver and pastel rainbow colors of the rare, one-star cards. It’s peaceful, and sweet, and represents Shaymin so well as the gratitude Pokemon. If you need an image in your mind while you meditate or practice breathing exercises, you could do a lot worse, that’s for sure.

And maybe that was inspired by Shaymin’s ability to heal every Pokemon on your side of the field. With one deep, calm breath and closed eyes, taking in the floral aroma, it would certainly be healing for many. And, similar to Cresselia, Shaymin is almost hidden among the flowers, but is set enough apart so you know that it’s their card and not an item or tool of some kind.



Rarity: One Star

Special Illustration Regigigas Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

Regigigas’ card is very different from all of the others that have shown Pokemon in a calm setting. While there isn’t a battle happening, this card feels so much more like a stone tablet, telling the story of all the Regis, as they are lovingly called by Pokemon fans.


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While sharing the card with Registeel, Regirock, and Regice, it is still very clear who the focus of this card is: the colossal Pokemon, Regigigas. Just respect the lore when you pull this card or when you see it on the other side of the field. While it’s slow to start, it’s fierce, both in play and in design.



Rarity: One Star

Special Illustration Heatran Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

Have you ever wondered what’s going on hidden in the caves of the Pokemon world? Or even under the Earth’s crust? This card might give you a good mental image. The artwork is unique from the others, the radial design not only revealing Heatran at the middle of it all, but other Pokemon that share the same biome.

And, speaking of that radial design, it gives motion to the scene and makes it look like Heatran is at the heart of an earthquake, spreading out and affecting and shaking the ground around them. Maybe it’s an earthquake generated by that scary Steel Tackle move.



Rarity: One Star

Special Illustration Croagunk Pokemon TCG Pocket Space Time Smackdown Card Art.

This inventive card shows a comedic scene that would somehow only ever work with the toxic mouth Pokemon. Team Galactic members are attempting to catch their own plush Croagunk from a claw machine in an arcade. It’s an adorable way to pay tribute to the Galactic Grunts and one of their Pokemon of choice.


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The deep purples, oranges, and touches of teal make these brighter, neon tones pop on the card. It gives the scene so much life, like someone happened to snap a picture on a night out with the Galactic homies when they aren’t actively trying to stop trainers from threatening their boss.



Rarity: One Star

The Pokemon card Lucario by Akira Komayama.

The line screen all around Lucario with orange smoke that seems to move around the border; this card just has a look that’s hard to beat. That’s probably why it is shown in the preview of what rare cards you can pull if you choose to open a Dialga pack.

Lucario is accompanied by other Fighting-type Pokemon all leaping into battle:

  • Medicham
  • Hitmonchan
  • Hitmontop
  • Mienshao

This is done to reflect their ability, Fighting Coach, which strengthens the Fighting attacks against your opponent’s active Pokemon. It’s a fun way to paint Lucario as a coach, leading the rest of your Pokemon into battle, even if it’s from the bench.



Rarity: One Star

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Rotom one star card one a blurred background.

Regigias may pay tribute to the other Regis, but Rotom depicts each of the other forms of Rotom that you will most likely end up playing beside this Colorless Pokemon. All of them seem to be working in harmony around an abandoned or run-down building.

This is done in a very comic-esque way with bold lines and colors setting each of the Rotoms apart. The perspective helps the others appear much smaller as the normal form of Rotom takes center stage, floating above them all, smiling happily at the sky. Probably because they know they are on one of the coolest cards.



October 30, 2024


The Pokemon Company

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