Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Houndmaster Guide

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Houndmaster Guide

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Houndmaster is one of the finest additions to Henry’s repertoire of skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and the main character’s loyal companion, Mutt, is the best weapon he will have during his adventure through the beautiful (yet dangerous) Bohemia.

This guide will cover everything players need to know about the Houndmaster skill, including all perks, how to capitalize on Mutt’s abilities, and the best combos to turn Henry and Mutt into the ultimate hunters. First, I will briefly introduce the skill and what it does.


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How To Use Houndmaster Skill In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Houndmaster Ability is a combination of Active and Passive skills that will evolve constantly throughout the adventure. Many enemies like to lay in ambush and await for Henry to pass by to throw a surprise attack, while others like to swarm and surround him to make a quick kill. In both of these cases, Mutt plays the role of a guardian angel and can warn his master of danger, jump into the fray, and aid him in combat.

Mutt cannot be killed (thankfully), but if he receives too much damage in combat, he will flee yapping, and a cooldown will start making it impossible to call him back until he feels safe again. This cooldown can be reduced by a quarter by investing in one of the perks of the Houndmaster skill.

Mutt’s passive skill is ‘Detection,’ which will be constantly active while going into the ‘wilderness.’ His keen sense of smell can detect enemies at a certain distance, and he will growl in response when he detects a potential enemy, or bark if he spots treasure or POIs that Henry might find useful. It is important to mention that Mutt’s behavior patterns can be set to ‘Heel‘ (follow), ‘Stay‘ (wait in place), and ‘Go Home‘ (returns and waits until called back).


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It is important to mention that Mutt’s growl doesn’t distinguish between wolves, wild animals (such as deer, and boars), or enemies in patrol/neutral mode. Some enemies like vagrants, cumans, and poachers will be ‘neutral,’ which means that they will only attack if Henry lingers for far too long in their territory.

Mutt can also detect Random Encounters during fast travel, and warn Henry of potential bandit raids during such events. His ‘Sic’em‘ (directed attack) command can be activated by placing the reticle over an enemy or prey.

Outside combat, Mutt is also useful for tracking down quest objectives using special Quest Items and the ‘Track‘ command. He can also distract Guards and enemies by Barking. Both of these skills require leveling up the Houndmaster skill, so next, let’s take a look at how to do that.

Fastest Way To Level Up Houndmaster

Fastest Way To Level Up Houndmaster in Kingdom Come Deliverance II

Every activity that has Mutt involved, from triggering his passive Detection skill to attacking enemies during combat, and hunting animals, will level up Houndmaster to a certain point. But the fastest way to gain some levels in the skill is to read books. Houndmaster books can be acquired early on by purchasing them from the Scribe in Troskowitz.

As Henry levels up his Houndmaster skill, players will be able to unlock certain perks that improve Mutt’s passive skills, his loyalty levels, utility outside combat, and combat abilities, as well as unlock new commands that are not available immediately, like Bark and Track.

How To Hunt With Mutt

How To Hunt With Mutt

To hunt using Mutt, players first need to spot a Hunting spot with animals on sight. Once they have done this, using a bow or crossbow, they can hurt the animal to make it bleed and send Mutt to take them down using the ‘Sic’emcommand. This will require to have the Hunt! perk that can be unlocked at level 6 of the Houndmaster skill.

Wolves are easier to take down than deer and Boar, since they don’t run around, but are also dangerous because they can fight back and hurt Mutt sending him fleeing if he receives too much damage.

Meanwhile, prey like Deer and Boars are fast and hard to catch. Mutt can chase down hurt prey up to a certain distance, so if Henry wants to be a successful Hunter/Poacher, he needs to accustom himself to mounted Marksmanship.

Climbing on a horse, then firing an arrow and sending Mutt chasing prey, then pursing on horseback is the optimal way to accomplish a successful hunt.

How To Track With Mutt

Fastest Way To Level Up Houndmaster in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Tracking is a command that is already unlocked from Houndmaster level 1, but requires special Quest Items that can be found during activities that require searching for human targets (or particular cases like the Sheep Among Wolves quest).

To start tracking with Mutt, players need to call him, and in Commands select ‘Track,’ then follow Mutt as he searches for the Quest Objective/person of interest.

How To Distract Guards Using Mutt

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 How To Use Houndmaster Skill-1

Mutt can also serve as a distraction while Henry performs ‘delicate’ (criminal) activities such as lockpicking, trespassing, and robbing. This skill can be unlocked at level 12 of Houndmaster with the Bark! perk.

To use this active skill, select Bark from the Command menu and Mutt will generate a distraction for as long as Henry is away and doesn’t call him using the ‘Heel’ command. This will attract enemies and guards to the spot, but be careful, as some of them might lose patience and kick Mutt sending him reeling if they tire of his barking, or suspect something if Henry makes too much noise.

How To Fight Using Houndmaster Skill

Fight Using Houndmaster Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

When unlocking the Lifesaver perk, Mutt will automatically assist during combat, biting human enemies and exposing them to the unguarded ‘effect,’ making it easier for Henry to connect a hit on them. Henry can also direct Mutt to attack and distract a particular enemy by using the ‘Sic’em‘ command while aiming at them.

The smartest way to fight alongside Mutt, is to isolate and focus on one enemy at a time. This way, they will lose the advantage of numbers and be unable to surround Henry.

And since using swarm tactics is the way to go for most enemies in the game, players should always try to isolate single targets, dealing powerful blows (by charging the melee attack) and letting Mutt and the bleeding do the rest. It is also possible to use Mutt’s attack command to give Henry some breathing air, more so when his stamina is depleted.

At higher levels of the Houndmaster skill, Mutt’s presence becomes more intimidating. His resilience to being scared away will be higher, and he will attack more often, and cause bleeding damage to enemies. So, investing in boosting this skill to the maximum is a must-go for every player.

How To Raise Mutt’s Obedience Levels

Obedience Levels Mutt Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Obedience determines how much damage Mutt can take before being scared during combat situations, as well as how fast he will return after being scared away. Obedience levels can be raised in several ways:

  • Feeding him often.
  • Praising him.
  • Unlocking certain perks.

It is important to mention that Obedience drops when he is not fed for days, or when he is hurt during combat. So keep a close eye on Mutt’s loyalty levels to make use of his abilities to the fullest.

All Houndmaster Perks In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here is a list of all the perks in the Houndmaster repertoire, as well as information about their level requirements and the effects these unlock:

  • Lifesaver (Lvl. 1): Many legends tell of brave dogs saving the lives of saints or kings by defending them against enemies. You’re no legendary hero, and Mutt is far from a well-bred hound, but you can rely on him not to leave you in the lurch. Mutt will defend you in battle and even attack enemies at your command. (Unlocks the Sic’em command during battle against human enemies).
  • Hunt! (Lvl. 6): Hunting dogs are highly valued among the gentry. Mutt is far from being one but once he catches the scent, he does quite well. You can command Mutt to hunt and send him after wild game. You’ll find that he’s a great help to you! (Unlocks the Sic’em command to use against wild animals).
  • Search! (Lvl. 6): Mutt can find anything. Except for his own tail, that is. You can command Mutt to sniff out places of interest or hunted game. To do this, select the “Free!” command. He’ll alert you by barking if he finds something. Thanks to your loyal companion, you won’t miss a thing.
  • Body Heat (Lvl. 8): During harsh winters, village folk often drove cattle into the shed to keep each other a little warmer. Mutt may not be a cow, but it works the same way. When sleeping in the wilderness, your dog keeps you warm. The bed quality will therefore increase by 20% but not exceeding 50 % of the bed quality. (Bed Quality determines how well Henry can rest and how fast he regains health and recovers from injuries).
  • Loyal Companion (Lvl. 8): Mutt may have wandering in his blood but you’re convinced he’d never leave you for good. When Mutt flees, the time it takes for him to come back to you is a quarter shorter. (Reduces Mutt’s return command cooldown timer by 1/4).
  • Charming Companion (Lvl. 10): People tend to think better of other people who have a dog with them. It may seem strange, perhaps shortsighted, but that’s the way it is. When you have your dog with you, your Charisma is increased by 3. (Especially useful for Convincing and Persuading NPCs).
  • Hellhound (Lvl. 10): You may be a blacksmith, but Mutt can act like a butcher’s dog and bare his teeth to anyone who gives you a crooked look. If you have your dog with you, you will appear more threatening and tough to others. This will show in the Presence and Intimidation skill checks, but also in combat, as enemies are more likely to give up or run away. And if they don’t they’ll have a harder time fighting you. (Unlocks passive Intimidation bonus during combat against humans and wolves).
  • Bark (Lvl. 12): You’ve taught Mutt to create a ruckus and draw attention to himself. This can be handy especially when you need to sneak somewhere unnoticed. You can get him to bark by selecting the relevant command under Commands. Mutt will start barking on the spot, so make yourself scarce quickly to pull off your ruse. (Unlocks the Bark command to distract Guards from their posts).
  • Dog’s Best Friend (Lvl. 12): You treat dogs with respect and love They recognize that in you and repay you in kind. Strange dogs won’t react to you by barking, just growling. This can come in handy for example if you’re trespassing in someone’s yard, because the owner of the house might not ever notice a growling dog. However, if you attack the dog, it will probably bark and then go and tear your braies off. (Dogs won’t bark at Henry even if he is not using the Aesop potion. Especially useful for stealth situations).
  • Heightened Scent (Lvl. 12): The journey goes faster with a canine companion. And often more safely. Mutt can sniff out enemies and other potential trouble at a much greater distance. This makes it easier to spot and avoid an ambush or other events during fast travel. (Boosts Mutt’s Passive Detection skill by 50%).
  • Defender (Lvl. 14): Your dog is your loyal companion and when it comes to fighting, he is a fierce defender who would give his life for you. In combat, Mutt will be tougher and will take 10 % less damage from enemies.
  • Faithful Companion (Lvl. 16): You’ve been through a lot together and Mutt is a loyal friend who would gladly do anything for you. Mutt’s obedience will decrease 25% slower over time.
  • Rip and Tear (Lvl. 18): They say a dog that barks doesn’t bite This is definitely not true of Mutt. Sometimes you get the feeling he’d rip the throats out of a seven-headed dragon if you ever came across one. If your dog inflicts a bleeding wound on an enemy, the bleeding will accelerate and they will fall sooner. (Bleeding inflicted by Mutt empowers all other bleeding effects, this pairs greatly with other passives that empower bleeding such as Cutting Edge).
  • Sic’em (Lvl. 20): Mutt may not look it, but he can fight like he’s a direct descendant of the mythical Cerberus. Your dog’s attacks will be 20% stronger, making it easier and faster for him to deal with enemies. (Also, increases how often Mutt can bite enemies during combat).

All the passives can be active at level 30, and Henry will receive an extra perk point to distribute every 2 levels raised in the Houndmaster Skill.

Best Combo For Houndmaster Skill In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Best Combo Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Houndmaster With Crossbow

The Houndmaster skill is great if players combine it with melee and ranged combat, but it is especially useful for certain builds. Let’s take a look at which are the best combos for Houndmaster in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2:

  • Survival + Marksmanship + Houndmaster: Since Marksmanship is a powerful skill, but leaves Henry open to counterattacks and being swarmed by enemies, Mutt can offer a great advantage while he recharges his bow/crossbow or firearm. Using the attack command will give players enough time to put another bolt in the crossbow, or to knock another arrow before enemies get too close. This is by far the most effective way to deal with enemies, and can also be used while mounted against certain enemies like Mercenaries and Bandits.
  • Warfare + Heavy Weapons + Houndmaster: Heavy weapons are slow, and require lots of stamina, but Henry can use Mutt to recover after using powerful attacks even when surrounded by agile enemies like Cumans with Hunting Swords. Since the Heavy Weapon skill combines with the Warfare perks to create openings in heavily armored enemies, Mutt can use these openings to cause bleeding, taking down opponents much faster.
  • Warfare + Sword + Agility + Houndmaster: Using a saber with the perk Cutting Edge from the Sword skill and Mutt’s Rip and Tear can create a powerful Bleeding build that will decimate foes in no time. Combining it with lots of Agility to take advantage of Shortsowrds and Sabers is also a great way to create openings and connect critical hits on unprevented enemies that are distracted by Mutt’s attacks.

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