How to Increase Culture in Civ 7

How to Increase Culture in Civ 7

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Civilization 7 provides many different paths for players to take, but Culture is critical to every single one of them. It ties directly into the race for a Culture Victory, but even gamers considering other strategies should increase Culture to unlock Civics more quickly throughout every Age in Civilization 7.


Civilization 7: Difficulty Levels, Explained

There are six difficulty levels in Civ 7, each of which grants your AI opponents massive bonuses to yields.

Culture Buildings and placing Improvements on the right Tiles are a good start, but those are far from the only ways to maximize Culture per turn. Getting the right Social Policies slotted into a chosen Government helps, and players can net huge chunks of Culture in Civilization 7 from Narrative Events.

How to Increase Culture in the Early Game in Civilization 7

Civilization 7 Grow City tile selection

While choosing a Culture-inclined Leader or Civ can grant an advantage, players will need to generate Culture every game in order to access critical Civics for their strategy. The earliest way to increase Culture per turn is with Tile Improvements. When given the Grow City option, tiles show icons that indicate the total yield that will be gained by placing an improvement on that Tile. Tundra Tiles usually provide a Culture yield, so placing a Settlement near that terrain on the north or south edge of the map helps.

Another great early source of Culture is Narrative Events, as these can often provide a large chunk of Culture towards the Civic being studied at that time, which will often boost it greatly. Gamers will want to train a Scout and explore the map as much as they can in the early game, as locating ruins can trigger Narrative Events.

Civ 7 Civic Tree in the Antiquity Age

The Classical Republic is an ideal government choice when targeting a Culture Victory, but any government type can benefit from slotting the Charismatic Leader Social Policy earned for researching the very first Antiquity Age Civic. Several other Social Policies, and some Traditions unique to particular Civs, have wide-reaching Culture boosts. While they won’t be available at the very beginning, it’s also important for gamers to utilize Mementos after they have been unlocked.

How to Earn Culture in the Antiquity Age in Civilization 7


Civ 7 Masonry Tech for Monument Culture Building

In the Tech Tree, it’s best for players to start by researching Animal Husbandry then Masonry, as the latter will unlock the ability to build a Monument. This is the first Culture Building that can be unlocked with Culture as a Base Yield, and it also provides some Influence that can be used for a variety of Diplomatic Endeavors. Placement of the Monument is important in Civilization 7, as gamers will score even more Culture per turn for adjacent Mountainous Terrain, Natural Wonders, and Wonders.

Since most Culture Buildings have similar bonuses, players will want to keep that in mind while deciding on both Building and Wonder placement in a settlement.


Researching the Engineering Technology unlocks the Amphitheater, which gives a Production boost towards Wonders in addition to a base yield of Culture. Building many Wonders is key to the Culture Legacy Path, but even just building specific ones like the Oracle and Colosseum provide some Culture per turn.

For players who are focused on a different Legacy Path, building Wonders will also interfere with other Leaders finishing the Culture Legacy Path, as each can only be built by one Civilization.


When exploring and placing new settlements, watch for resources like Silk, that give a blanket Culture boost when slotted into a city, or resources with bonus Production to speed up construction of Wonders.


Further down the Civic Tree, Citizenship is a big help as it boosts Production towards Culture Buildings and unlocks the Cultural Festival. That project will use a city’s Production to generate Culture, and it’s especially useful late in the Antiquity Age once the necessary buildings and wonders have been constructed.

How to Earn Culture in the Exploration Age in Civilization 7

Civ 7 Colosseum Wonder

Wonders and base yields from tile Improvements will carry over into the Exploration Age, but one big thing that won’t is Culture from Buildings. Only Ageless Buildings (or Golden Age Amphitheaters if you finished the Culture Legacy Path and chose that bonus) will retain their yields. Most Civ-exclusive buildings, particularly those that form a Unique Quarter, will be Ageless and remain constant throughout a full Civilization 7 campaign.

Players should study the Piety Civic early, as it unlocks the ability to build a Temple, which provides a versatile boost to Happiness. This allows players to start creating Missionary Units and spread their established Religion to earn Relics for the Culture Legacy Path, but chosen Beliefs for a Religion can be tailored towards many different strategies.

Boost Culture With New Exploration Age Buildings

Piety also gives players the Commune Social Policy, and it provides a significant Production boost for Overbuilding when slotted into a Government. Buildings that aren’t Ageless will no longer provide the same bonuses in the Exploration Age, so players should make a habit of Overbuilding new Culture Buildings like the Kiln (unlocked with the Guilds Technology) onto past ones like the Monument or Amphitheater. If players are leaving those Districts untouched and placing new Buildings on other Tiles, they could be missing out on better adjacency bonuses.

Additionally, the Architecture Technology unlocks the Pavilion, another Culture Building, and Architecture Mastery provides an extra Culture boost for all Culture Buildings.

How to Earn Culture in the Modern Age in Civilization 7

Civ 7 Buildings and Wonders in a City

While they can make an impact in earlier periods, Specialists are extra valuable when players reach the Modern Age. Studying the initial Social Question Civic is a good starting point for most strategies, as it unlocks Social Policies that can provide extra Culture or Science from Specialists when slotted into a Government.

For gamers targeting a Culture Victory in Civ 7, the Natural History Civic is most important when the Modern Age begins. Natural History allows players to build a Museum for a Culture Base Yield, create Explorer Units, and begin gathering Artifacts.

Explorers are also unaffected by closed borders, so players can use them to clear up any remaining fog of war or scout out another Leader’s settlement before beginning a military assault.

Gathering Artifacts in the process can help boost Culture per turn, and Overbuilding the Museum or other Culture Buildings in the right locations will maximize adjacency bonuses similarly to the Exploration Age.

The Modern Age is when gamers need to focus on a particular Victory Type. For a Culture Victory, that means gathering Artifacts as quickly as possible and eventually finishing the World’s Fair Wonder. While Culture will be helpful in gaining access to additional Civics, gamers pursuing any other Civilization 7 Victory Type will likely have more important goals to consider in the Modern Age.

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