Captain America in Marvel Rivals plays exactly how you would expect him to. He is a leader, he takes charge, and his kit is directly designed around that factor. Captain America is the character to play to initiate fights and put the pressure on an enemy.

Marvel Rivals: How To Counter Wolverine
Looking to counter Wolverine in Marvel Rivals? Here’s how to exploit his weaknesses and come out on top.
Always fighting with shield in hand, you can expect to see the star-spangled vibranium discus whenever Captain America is in the arena. He may be a Super Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but in Marvel Games, Captain America has low HP and lacks strength. He’s not unstoppable to these heroes.
How To Counter Captain America
All of Captain America’s attacks rely on his shield. His neutral attack, Sentinel Strike, winds up with a single strike of the shield that can be followed up with a shield throw that can ricochet up to four times around the arena space.
He can keep any single opponent overwhelmed with another shield-based attack, Liberty Rush. If multiple enemies are in the vicinity, a good Super-Soldier Slam will launch them all into the air and make some room.
Opponents will find it hard to run away, because Captain America will be right behind them with his Leading Dash to catch up or throw his iconic shield with Vibranium Energy Saw. If fighting a lot of characters with projectiles, Captain America can also use his shield for exactly what it was intended for and bounce them back at his enemies.
To take out Captain America, your team will need some characters with snare moves to keep him from moving, who can deal lot of damage quickly to take advantage of his low HP, or outnumber him, because most of Captain America’s kit is meant to focus on one enemy at a time.
How To Counter Captain America As A Vanguard
To keep Captain America under control, Vanguards are a great choice. Built for crowd control, characters like Groot and Peni Parker can keep Captain America from dashing through the arena and keep him occupied. Groot is able to raise barricades from the ground with Thornlash Wall to keep Captain America away from other players and split him up from his team.
Groot can also render Captain America’s shield useless with Ironwood Wall. Plus, it grants Groot bonus health when nearby enemies take damage from you or your team.
Peni Parker and her SP//dr mech suit come with plenty of gadgets that can keep Captain America busy. Made to focus on one target at a time, planting explosives around the arena deployed by two separate machines will keep the Super Soldier running.
A part of Peni Parker’s kit is an Arachno-Mine machine that sends out little spider mines to track down enemies and detonate to deal significant damage. Although stationary and easy to destroy, Peni Parker can double up with her Bionic Spider-Nest to litter the area with Cyber-Webs that periodically spawn Spider-Drone explosives.
How To Counter Captain America As A Strategist
Captain America is always on the move, able to run fast and leap high into the air. His consistent movement can be a problem to land the final hit or a well-timed ultimate attack. When a character doesn’t stop moving, the best way to handle him is with a good ol’ fashioned snare.
For players who like to snipe, Luna Snow’s Absolute Zero is perfect for temporarily freezing her target and giving her teammates a chance to set up their next attack. If Luna has Fate of Both Worlds active, she can also toggle between the two performances to heal allies or boost their attack power.
Able to freeze her enemies for nearly three seconds, as long as no one attacks, the ice statue will stay frozen for the whole duration.
If getting up close is more your playstyle, then stunning Captain America with Mantis is the perfect choice. Able to put enemies to sleep with Spore Slumber, all you need to do is get close enough to your target to initiate the attack and place an illusion on them. Able to stun enemies for 3.5 seconds, this is the perfect time to launch an assault.
Unlike Luna Snow’s Absolute Zero, attacking a stunned enemy won’t break them out of the snare. However, opponents under the influence of Spore Slumber can be woken up by their allies shooting the illusion behind them.
How To Counter Captain America As A Duelist
Duelists can be up close brawlers or long-range combatants, and while the Vanguard and Strategists are keeping Captain America busy, hitting him from a distance will complete the battle plan. After laying traps and deploying minions, Captain America is bound to be at low health if not already defeated by this point.
You just need to hit him hard, and that’s where Duelists like Namor shine. His neutral attack Trident of Neptune deals incredible damage and buffs Monstro Spawns in the vicinity. Add to Peni Parker’s Arachno-Mines, and there will be more than enough shared damage to finish the job. If his Ultimate Attack is charged, you can also summon Giganto to the fight.
Another hero famous for hitting enemies from afar is none other than Hawkeye. He can shoot two kinds of arrows, regular (Piercing Arrow) and explosive (Blast Arrow) to deal extra damage. Players can also make use of his Hypersonic Arrow to slow down enemies like Captain America and knock him into the air.
Hawkeye’s Focus can also increase the damage of the neutral attack Piercing Arrow when aimed at an enemy. If all else fails, Hawkeye can also close in with his melee attacks, Crescent Slash and Ronin Slash.
When using this strategy, other projectile-focused heroes include Black Widow, the Punisher, Iron Man, and others who can deal damage from a far to cover all angles. The more allies attacking at once, the quicker you can defeat Captain America. These characters are natural counters for the Super Soldier.
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