After completing the Wishful Thinking quest in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, you will know how harsh this world is. If you choose to side with Richter instead of the Ward, your next quest will be To the Last Drop of Blood.

Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl – Dead Frequency Walkthrough
Here, you can learn everything about the Dead Frequency quest in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
The game won’t be holding your hand here, as there will be a bloodbath you will have to escape. The fight is going to be brutal, but the good thing is that you won’t have to beat every single enemy. Your main aim is to escape the battlefield through the tunnels and meet Richter, but it isn’t going to be easy.
Escape The Tunnels
After the explosions of the Monolith, there will be chaos everywhere, so you will have to escape via the tunnels. Simply follow the coordinates, and given the linear nature of the tunnels, you won’t have much trouble navigating.
When you get near a ladder, head up and get inside the corridor. Make your way, and soon, you will hear Dr. Dalin mentioning the flash drive. The flash drive contains all the SIRCAA archives, so getting it would be your next goal. Luckily, Dalin mentions the flash drive is in the Data Center, so now you have to head there.
How To Get The Flash Drive
Now, you have to retrieve the Flash Drive, but escaping through the tunnels comes first. So, turn the yellow valve to put out the fire and make your way through. Eventually, you will reach a ladder, so climb it and beware of an electric anomaly just ahead.
Some anomalies can be deactivated for a short amount of time using the bolt. However, the duration is pretty small, so you would have to quickly pass the anomaly, or else it will be active again.
You can use a bolt to deactivate it for a short duration, so after doing that, immediately head through the door and enter the lab. Now, go outside, and you will see a bloodbath. The Ward and Noontiders would be neck and neck fighting each other.
While you did side with Richter, the Noontiders would be hostile towards you, so as of now, there are no allies. Kill anyone in front of you and run toward the coordinates marked on your map. The Data Center is pretty near, so ignore the combat, as it is an unwinnable battle.
In the Data Center, there will be a cloaked enemy. The enemy will be using psychic powers to throw some objects at you. Now, you can either ignore this enemy or locate the mist in the room and fire at it to kill the mutant.
So, head inside the Data Center, take out the soldiers, and go down the stairs. Now, locate a room with red lights. That is where the flash drive is, so get the item. Richter will contact you to give you coordinates that would help you escape the SIRCAA.
How To Escape SIRCAA Through Underground Tunnels
After retrieving the flash drive, you have to get out of the Data Center and head over to the underground tunnels. The fight outside will still be going on, and it won’t end as the NPCs keep spawning. Also, one of the worst mutants, Pseudogiant, will be there, so it is just better to avoid fighting and head straight to the coordinates.
Fighting a Pseudogiant isn’t worth it as it has a massive health pool. You should avoid fighting it at all costs because this won’t be your only enemy there. The War and Noontiders will also open fire on you, so you should simply follow the coordinates instead of joining the fight.
Near the helicopter pad, you will notice a road leading to an underground path, so follow it. Once you are there, head inside the hole in the wall and drop down the stairwell. Once done, you will notice a red button, so press it to open the security door. As soon as you enter the door, a surprise will be waiting for you. That surprise is nothing but the good old annoying Bloodsucker who is there to get in your way.
Fighting Bloodsuckers is tricky, as they can turn invisible. However, you can spot a Bloodsucker easily because it doesn’t completely turn invisible; you can still see the distortion this ability causes, so it will be noticeable when this creature is coming to attack you. It is better to use a short-range weapon like a shotgun to beat this enemy.
Defeat it and follow the coordinates on your map again. The area isn’t hard to navigate, so you won’t have any trouble following the coordinates. After a while, you will come across a storage room, a pretty large one where Ward soldiers will be fighting mutants.
Join the fight and defeat everyone. Once done, follow the red light and make your way through an opened door. There will be some loot, so don’t miss it. Continue following the hallway to drop down into a hole.
There is a lot of loot, like med kits and bullets, in the area, so make sure to explore the area thoroughly in order to pack the supplies as you will need them.
Follow the coordinates, and soon, you will notice there is a ladder on your right leading the way to a room. Go up the ladder, open the door, head up, fight some soldiers, and then exit the tunnel. After doing so, you will end up in a pretty disgusting flooded room.
How To Escape The Flooded Room
Now, you have to escape the flooded room, and in order to do so, you will have to turn off the electricity as the whole place is flooded and electrified on top of that. So, you can’t reach the power switch by simply walking through the room.
Do not step into the water as it is electrified, and you are most likely to die because the whole room is flooded. So, your first aim should be turning off the electricity.
You will have to jump on some objects. Start by jumping onto the truck using the staircase, and then make your way to the green crate. Once you are there, you may notice a wire trap in front of the power switch. So, use your gun to trigger the explosion and then jump over to turn off the power.
Once done, head over to the ladder. The ladder will be out of your reach, so shoot the lock in order to climb it. Before ascending, make sure to disarm the trap in front of the ladder. Ascend and leave using the large tunnel.
You will face some mutant rats again — defeat them, and head over to the coordinates. After that, climb the ladder, break a lock to enter the room, and then break the plank to go through another door. After that, climb the final ladder, and you will finally meet Richter.
After meeting Richter, a series of events will happen, with you giving him some pretty bad news and the War interfering again. In the cutscene, Richer and Skif defeat the Ward soldiers somehow and will live to see another day.
Following the cutscene, Richter and Skif will have some more conversation, and the quest To the Last Drop of Blood will be over.

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