How Rich Would The Straw Hats Be If They Collected Each Bounty?

How Rich Would The Straw Hats Be If They Collected Each Bounty?
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  • Bounties in One Piece can’t be claimed by criminals, limiting the Straw Hat Pirates’ income potential.
  • Each member’s potential bounty amounts are calculated, with Luffy having the highest at 7.7 billion Berries.
  • If the Straw Hats could claim bounties, they would be far richer, even Chopper’s 8.6 million Berries would be significant.

Money has always been a bit of an issue for the Straw Hat Pirates, at least in the early stages of the series. For a large part of One Piece’s first half, the crew constantly sailed the seas searching for any treasure to help them get by. Sadly, more often than not, the treasure they found would be lost soon after, leaving them to start from square one.

However, many fans have wondered why One Piece’s Straw Hat Pirates never turned in the bounties they had captured, as a means of funding their pirate adventure. Sadly, being outlaws themselves, claiming bounties is an impossible task for a pirate group. Still, this has led many fans to imagine a scenario where, instead of being pirates, the Straw Hats were a group of One Piece bounty hunters, sailing the seas to defeat villains and claim their bounties. From here, this has spawned the question; how rich would the Straw Hats be if they could collect every bounty they found?


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Bounties In One Piece Can’t Be Claimed By Criminals

Luffy And His Crew Never Get Their Reward

The Bounty System in One Piece acts as a reward system for those apprehending criminals determined by the Navy and the World Government. However, being an outlaw or Navy officer, which constitutes most of the strongest characters in One Piece, exempts someone from claiming a bounty. For this reason, throughout the entire series, it seems that the Navy rarely pays bounties for the defeat of certain pirates.

Emperor of the Sea, Straw Hat Luffy! Bounty: 3 Billion Berries!

Some Members Of The Crew Have Only Taken Down A Few Wanted Pirates

Brook Hasn’t Single-Handedly Defeated A Bounty Target

Brook comes back to life thanks to the Yomi Yomi no Mi in One Piece
  • Brook Couldn’t Claim A Single Bounty In One Piece
  • Other Straw Hats Could Claim A substantial Amount Totaling In The Billions

However, a post by qwertyx236 on Reddit quantifies just how much money each Straw Hat would make for the pirates they have defeated. Starting at the bottom, sadly, Brook has currently defeated no pirates, as a member of the Straw Hat Crew, with bounties, putting him at zero. Robin and Jinbe, whose only potential bounties are the Beast Pirate’s Black Maria and Who’s-Who, put them at 480 million and 546 million Berries respectively. Next, Chopper defeated Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4, though since he had the help of Usopp, the poster splits the value between them, leaving him with only 8.6 million Berries.


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Next is Usopp, who often takes a supporting role in fights. Due to this, despite helping take down characters like Ulti, Mr. 4, and Mr. 5, he has to share the bounties with Nami, Chopper, and Zoro respectively, putting him at 219 million berries. Next, Nami’s defeat of Ulti, during One Piece’s Wano Arc, Miss Doublefinger, and Miss Valentine puts Nami at around 239 million Berries if she can cash in their bounties. Finally, for this group, Franky’s defeat of Señor Pink, one of the Cool Brothers, and Sasaki nets him 550 million Berries, with a large portion coming from Sasaki himself.

The Monster Trio Has A Bulk Of The Bounty Rewards

Luffy Far Surpasses Any Other Straw Hat

Luffy One Piece Shirtless

Moving on to the monster trio, Sanji, although he hasn’t faced many foes with a high bounty, defeating Queen would be enough to award him with 1.3 billion Berries, with a small portion coming from Mr. 2 and the Fishman, Kuroobi, putting him at 1.36 billion overall. As for One Piece’s powerful swordsman, Zoro, the pirate hunter has taken down around six pirates with bounties, most notably including figures like King and Pika, leaving him with around 1.5 billion Berries if he were to claim the bounties.

Why am I below him… – Sanji when his bounty was revealed to be lower than Jinbei’s

Lastly, being the captain of the crew, Luffy has defeated a bulk of the pirates in One Piece with bounties and would have a large sum of money if he was able to claim them. From the early series, the defeat of Buggy to Crocodile, who still had his original bounty of 81 million Berries, would net him a fair amount of money. However, between Thriller Bark’s Gecko Moria, Caesar Clown, Doflamingo, Cracker, Katakuri, and Kaido, if Luffy was able to claim all these bounties, he would have 7.7 billion Berries.

Overall, if the Straw Hats could claim bounties in One Piece, they would be far richer than they’ve ever been at any point in the series. Even Chopper’s smaller sum of 8.6 million Berries would be enough to support him for a while. However, having billions of Berries worth of reward money may be a little too much for the humble Straw Hat Crew in One Piece.


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