All Military Career Positions And Rewards In The Sims 2

All Military Career Positions And Rewards In The Sims 2

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With over a dozen careers to choose from, your Sim may have a tough choice to make. Thankfully, there’s no limit to how many of them your Sims can try out! One of the most physically demanding jobs is working for the military, but the rewards are worth the effort. Investing in your Sim’s future and their children’s futures is a great idea, and we’ll show you how to do it.


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Getting a job in the Military Career Track isn’t hard, but rising through the ranks will test your mettle. Here’s everything you need to know to go from your average grunt to a commanding general in The Sims 2!

Military Career Track

Sims that want to become a General will need to join the Military Career Track via the newspaper or computer application. The job requires great discipline and long hours, but sets your Sim’s family up for success in the future. By building crucial skills like Body, Charisma, and Mechanical, your Sim will be able to handle all types of situations.

The Military career track is broken up into full-time and part-time work. Below are the available positions and how to get promoted:

  • Adult Military Career Track

    Working full-time early in the morning, the first few positions in the Military Career are tiring. However, as your Sims rise through the ranks, you’ll get more time off on weekends to enjoy with your family.

    Sims that have children will want to schedule a Nanny throughout the week to help young ones get ready for school.

    The military has ten positions to work through, all with different requirements and salaries. Below are all the jobs adults can excel in for the military:

  • Teen And Elder Military Career Track

    Sims can still get into the Military career if they’re teens or elders, though their opportunities for growth are much smaller. Rather than a full career, they can move up through three positions. Below are all the jobs teens and elders can excel in for the military:

    Teens must have grades of ‘C’ or higher before they can get a part-time job.

Military Career Reward

Once your Sim reaches rank four in their military career, they unlock the Exerto Selfflog Obstacle Course. As a large item, it will need to be placed on a lot with a lot of cleared space. However, your Sims can use it to increase their Body skill and enthusiasm for fitness.

Multiple Sims can use this obstacle course at once!

Open the career rewards panel beneath your Sim’s inventory to retrieve the item and place it on the lot. From there, you can start using it right away to help your Sims stay healthy. If your Sim doesn’t want to go it alone, they can offer or receive lessons on the obstacle course.


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