One survival mechanic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is nourishment, which requires Henry to eat often but also not overeat. While there are other ins and outs like avoiding food poisoning, some players may struggle with finding a steady stream of food.
Hunting is one of the ways players can get food, as animals will have many pieces of raw meat on them, though there are a few important things to know before grabbing your bow and getting out there. Here’s everything you need to know about hunting.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Beginner Mistakes To Avoid
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 can be tough in the early going. Avoiding these beginner mistakes will help new players get on the right track.
The Basics Of Hunting In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
The most important thing to know first about hunting is that not every wild animal is free to kill and butcher. The wild animals of the land and forests belong to the lords who own those lands, so killing a wild animal is committing a crime. The only exceptions to this rule are rabbits, wolves, and wild dogs.
While the first game had a permit that allowed you to hunt all animals, one has not been found in this game, and this article will be updated should one exist.
Hunting wild dogs and wolves is fairly simple, as they will come to you and try to attack you randomly when walking through forests. Since they are attacking you, it leads to fairly straightforward combat with the player making short work of entire packs by parrying or dodging incoming attacks and riposting to stagger them for additional follow-up attacks. Rabbits are a bit harder to kill, as you’ll almost always need to use a ranged weapon and will have to worry about sneaking up on the rabbit before getting a shot off.
However you kill an animal doesn’t matter, you’ll then need to approach the body and butcher it to get the meat and other materials from the body. Through Survival perks, you can get more from each animal you kill. Raw meat from an animal also goes bad fast, so you’ll want to either cook, dry, or smoke it as soon as you get back to camp.
How To Hunt Efficiently In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
If you really want to make hunting easy, complete the quest to find Mutt. There are many perks in the Houndmaster tree that further make Mutt helpful while hunting, with his most helpful aspect being the “Sick em'” command. Aside from using Mutt, you’ll want to find and get good with a bow or crossbow, as you’ll almost never be able to kill a rabbit with a melee weapon. Early into the game, it may be best to use a Crossbow because of its damage output, as Henry’s strength may not be enough to kill them in one hit with a weak bow and starting arrow.
You’ll also want to level up your stealth and lower the noise you make to help you get closer to rabbits before they spot you.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Bow vs Crossbow Differences
Players can use either bows or crossbows in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2; but which one is the better option?
Which Animals Can You Hunt In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Legally, you can only hunt rabbits, wolves, and wild dogs, though that doesn’t mean you can’t hunt illegally. There are many hunting spots throughout the world with almost all of them being far away from just about anyone, and as long as you’re not caught you can easily get away with being a poacher. Be warned when fast-traveling into a town that guards have a chance of stopping you and searching you, and having fresh meat from an animal you’re not supposed to kill may cause some issues for you.
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