Where Is The Missing Cart (The Jaunt) In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Where Is The Missing Cart (The Jaunt) In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
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The Jaunt is one of the first quests players can complete in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and will have Henry tracking down a missing cart for the blacksmith. While the beginning of the quest can be fairly straightforward, the later parts of the quest will have you tracking down the Overturned Cart without too many hints on where to look.

Even after finding the Overturned Cart, you’ll then need to find the one runaway hired hand in order to finish out the quest. Here’s where to find both of them to complete the quest to get closer to getting an invite to the Wedding.


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Where To Find The Overturned Cart In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (The Jaunt)

Part N of The Jaunt will task you with investigating the area of the crossroad by Apollonia for the cart, with Gnarly telling you to check the road behind you. You can dismount your horse before turning around and heading back to the right before the exit of the tree line. Looking down at the road you’ll see the cart tracks with them veering off to the right, with a sack of coal on the ground right where the turn happens.

Head down that small pathway to find the cart off to the left, slightly covered by branches. To continue the quest, approach the cart and interact with it.

You should also take this moment to prepare for fighting, as the rest of this quest will have you clearing out two bandit camps.


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Where To Find The Runaway Hired Hand In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (The Jaunt)

During the fight in the second bandit camp, one of the Hired Hands will run into the rocks and you’ll be tasked with tracking him down, which is part V of the quest. Instead of having to look high and low in the rocks, he actually just ran through them to the camp you just fought at. Look for the white tent sheet attached to the rocks and head to the left of it, taking the first right into the rocks when you see it.

Since you traveled between the camps in a cutscene, open the map and put an objective marker on the other camp so you can see which direction to head. Since you’re already covered in blood from the previous fights, passing an intimidation check here shouldn’t be much of an issue to convince him to come back with you.

Rewards For Completing The Jaunt

Lord Semine will reward you with 80 Groschen for helping find the cart after retrieving the hired hand, though this isn’t the end of the quest. Return to the blacksmith to not only continue the quest to get into the wedding, but also to receive a Rusted Plate armor piece, and gain some reputation.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II Tag Page Cover Art






February 4, 2025


Mature 17+ // Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity


Warhorse Studios

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