Town Hall 15 arrived in Clash of Clans with a major update in October 2022. Players who maxed out their Town Hall 14 or built every building, now have access to upgrade their Town Hall and gain new defensive buildings such as the Spell Towers and the Monolith with higher levels of heroes, pets, troops, spells, and siege machines to bolster our attacks. My guide will cover topics on what upgrades to prioritize and help you to understand the best attack strategies in Town Hall 15 along with the best farming and war bases for CoC TH15.
Upgrading Town Hall to level 15
Once you place all the available buildings in Town Hall 14 and maximize their Town Hall to level 15, they become eligible to upgrade their Town Hall. But it is strongly advised to upgrade the defenses, troops, spells, and all the necessary units before doing so.

With the October 2022 update, Supercell has removed the 4 Barracks and 2 Dark Barracks to now 1 Barracks each, to avoid the cluttering of the home village. They have also removed the training costs of every troop. Now, any type of army without any worrying about cost efficiency. Barracks, Dark Barracks, Spell Factory, and Dark Spell Factory will now be able to keep production going even while being upgraded, at 50% training speed.
Upgrading the TH15 from TH14 in CoC requires 16 million Gold and once started it lasts for 11 days. The upgraded Town Hall will have an increased hit point of 9,600 and offer the same storage capacity (2 Million Gold and Elixir and 20,000 Dark Elixir) as Town Hall 14, which is a norm across TH levels after Town Hall 11.
Town Hall 15: New Unlocked Buildings, Troops, and more
After upgrading the Town Hall to level 15, you will unlock new levels of buildings, defenses, etc. There are two new additions to defensive buildings that you get to build at Town Hall 15. They are the likes of Spell Towers and the Monolith.
New Defense: Monolith
Monolith is a single-target tank killer, that deals a base-level amount of damage per shot and each shot does additional bonus damage, based on a percentage of the target’s max hit points, making the Monolith incredibly dangerous against high HP units, such as Tanks or Heroes. It can target both Ground and Air troops and comes with a 1.5s attack speed.

The Monolith will have 2 levels which will be built and upgraded using Dark Elixir. The first level will cost 255K DE and 11 days, while the second level will cost 270K DE and 12 days of upgrade time.
Level | Base DPS | Base Damage per Shot | Bonus Damage per Shot | HP |
1 | 150 | 225 | 11% | 4,747 |
2 | 175 | 262.5 | 12% | 5,050 |
New Defense: Spell Tower
The Spell Tower differs from traditional defensive structures. Instead of shooting projectiles at enemies, it activates a spell within its surrounding radius, similar to the spells players use for offense. The Spell tower gives the player the option to choose between 3 types of spells to defend their base.

- Rage Spell (to boost the damage of nearby defenses and units): At level 1 with an upgrade cost of 11 million Gold and time of 9 days, and 2500 HP.
- Poison Spell (to damage the enemy units overtime): At level 2 with an upgrade cost of 12 million Gold time of 10 days, and 2800 HP.
- Invisibility Spell (to temporarily conceal defenses, units, and buildings): At level 3 with an upgrade cost of 13 million Gold time of 11 days and 3100 HP.
New Troop: Root Rider
The Root Rider is a brand-new Elixir troop available at Town Hall 15 upon upgrading your Barracks to Level 17. Just like the name suggests, she possesses the power to smash through walls and obliterate defenses. Ideal for swiftly creating openings in your opponent’s defenses, Root Rider targets defenses specifically, with single-target attacks.

- Preferred Target: Defenses
- Attack Type: Single Target (Ground only)
- Housing Space: 20
- Movement Speed: 12
- Attack Speed:
- Regular Attack Speed: 2.2s
- Attack Speed vs. Walls: 0.4s
Level | DPS | Wall DPS | HP | Upgrade Time | Upgrade Cost (Elixir) |
1 | 210 | 10K | 7200 | NA | NA |
2 | 230 | 10K | 7600 | 12d | 19M |
3 | 250 | 10K | 8000 | 14d | 20M |
New Siege Machine: Battle Drill
The Battle Drill unlocks at Workshop level 7. It burrows underground to be avoided by the defenses and when it surfaces to attack the nearest enemy defense, it will stun its target for 2 seconds.

- Favorite Target: Defenses
- Damage Type: Single Target
- Targets: Ground
- Training Time: 20 mins
Level | Damage per Second | Damage per Attack | Hitpoints | Research Cost | Research Time |
1 | 430 | 731 | 4,600 | N/A | N/A |
2 | 470 | 799 | 4,900 | 8,000,000 | 10d |
3 | 510 | 867 | 5,200 | 11,000,000 | 14d |
4 | 550 | 935 | 5,500 | 14,000,000 | 16d |
New Pets
We will have four new pets that will be unlocked in Town Hall 15.

Unlocked at level 5, it attacks and slows down enemies or buildings that their Hero is attacking, meanwhile, Frostmites will jump off and attack nearby defenses to slow them down as well.
- Favorite Target: Within 4.5 tiles of Hero
- Damage Type: Single Target (slows down defenses)
- Targets: Ground and Air
Unlocked at level 6, it burrows underground and stuns buildings when it pops up to attack.
- Favorite Target: Hero’s Target
- Damage Type: Single Target
- Targets: Ground
Poison Lizard
Unlocked at level 7, it applies a slowdown and damage over time, when attacking heroes or troops, but is not applicable on buildings.
- Favorite Target: Heroes and Troops
- Damage Type: Single Target
- Targets: Ground & Air
Unlocked at level 8, it is deployed with the Hero as an egg and follows around and cannot be targeted. It revives the Hero when he/she is about to be knocked out, providing them temporary invincibility, and begins to attack as an air troop.
- Favorite Target: Hero’s Target
- Damage Type: Area Splash
- Targets: Ground & Air
Clash of Clans Town Hall 15 Guide: Upgrade priorities
First, let us look at the five upgrades you need to focus on first.
- Laboratory: As you get the 5-day boost by upgrading the Town Hall, you can maximize the benefit of max troops with the upgraded laboratory.
- Storages: For the increased storage capacity.
- Army Camps: For more Housing Space for your Troops, push the troop capacity to 80 each.
- Workshop: For the new siege machine, the Battle Drill.
- Pet House: For the new Pets.
- Spell Factory: For the new Recall Spell.
- Clan Castle: For more housing space for Troops to use in attacking bases or defending their base.
- Barracks: For the new Troop, the Electro Titan.
Miscellaneous tips
- The magic items are really useful to use either in the Lab or the Clan Castle. You can get your offense going strong that way.
- You must upgrade those storages for a better value of the runes!
- You must remember that offense upgrades are always more important than the defense. They must use their magic items towards the attack armies and buildings that are important for the offense.
Defence Upgrade priorities
Upgrade Priorities are as follows:
- Giga Inferno: Max your Town Hall for a more powerful defense than before.
- Spell Towers: Those Poison Spells at level 2 Spell Towers are really good at defending your base no matter what type of attack strategy is being used.
- X-bows: Heavy DPS, single target damage.
- Inferno towers: Multi-target mode defends spam attacks really well.
- Bomb towers: Ground attacks are getting a big buff and this is a good defence for that, as it has splash damage against ground troops.
- Archer Towers: Better range than cannons and attacks for both ground and air troops.
- Mortars: Splash damage, good against the ground.
- Wizard towers: Splash damage, good against ground and air.
- Air Defense: Great against any type of dragon-based attacks.
- Cannons: It packs a punch against ground troops, especially that geared up multi cannon.
- Traps: New levels to the Bomb and Air Bomb can be game-changers in certain situations.
Heroes and Pets: Level and Upgrade priorities
- Barbarian King: Level 90
- Archer Queen: Level 90
- Minion Prince: Level 70
- Grand Warden: Level 65
- Royal Champion: Level 40
You very well know that heroes are important, no matter what one may argue. They are the driving reason for most of the 3-star attacks. Warden requires Elixir, whereas the other heroes require Dark Elixir. You can always upgrade your Warden and any other Dark Elixir-based hero such as the Archer Queen at the same time.
CoC Town Hall 15 best attack strategies
The best attack strategies that you can use in Clan Wars or for Trophy pushing, as a Town Hall 15 are as follows:
1. Electro Titans smash
It is a great working attack strategy with the Electro Titan troop and requires little to no effort, just take care of Single-target Infernos and the Monolith and watch an easy 3-star.
2. Super Archer Blimp Lalo attack
It is, perhaps the strongest and most used attack strategy at Town Hall 15. We make use of the Battle Blimp filled with Super Archers to deal damage and clear a path for the Lava Hounds and Balloons that follow.
3. Super Bowler smash
It can be used on a lot of bases. Deploy Bowlers in a line to carve a path, support them with Witches, and use spells strategically for a potent attack. You can have a Queen Walk as well to create an opening for the bowlers.
Best bases for Clash of Clans Town Hall 15
Farming Bases

Clan War Bases

All of these are curated bases in this Clash of Clans guide and should help all the Town Hall 15 players yield the best results. If you looking to read more in-depth guides like this, below are my other TH guides.
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