Most Evil Characters In Hogwarts Legacy, Ranked

Most Evil Characters In Hogwarts Legacy, Ranked

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  • Gladwin Moon: Narcissistic bully, traumatizes classmates; not inherently evil.
  • Marianne Moffett: Animal cruelty for profit, sinister motives.
  • Theophilus Harlow: Murderous, uses Unforgivable Curses; right-hand man to Rookwood.

The Wizarding World is so vast that the build-up to the release of the original Hogwarts Legacy could not have been more highly-anticipated. Along with the famous attributes associated with each house, the battle between good and evil in the game threads through every main and side quest.

Even though there are many characters who straddle the line between good and bad in Hogwarts Legacy, there are a select few who are, to varying degrees, thoroughly corrupted villainous evil characters. The following, ranked in order of their evil personalities, as well as their evil deeds, are the worst of the bad guys in Hogwarts Legacy.


Hogwarts Legacy: 5 Saddest Deaths

Throughout a story of twists and turns, there were a number of deaths in Hogwarts Legacy, making for some rather sad moments.


Gladwin Moon

An Arrogant, Narcissistic Bully

Loving the booze and neglecting his work duties does not mean Gladwin Moon is evil incarnate. However, the personality and arrogant aura he has developed is not exactly demonstrating good behavior. Whilst at Hogwarts himself, although petrified of Demiguises, Gladwin was a real bully, traumatizing classmate Piers Pemberton for years.


Hogwarts Legacy 2 Can’t Afford to Go Half Way With a Feature the Original Teased

The contents of Hogwarts Legacy 2 is a huge mystery, but one teased creature interaction needs to finally get a moment to shine.

As an adult, and after Gladwin became caretaker of Hogwarts in the late 1870’s, Demiguise Statues begin to appear in nooks and crannies around the school, as well as in Hogsmeade and surrounding wizarding villages.


Marianne Moffett

Sinister Animal Cruelty

Marianne Moffett is the owner of Gwyneria, a potentially prize-winning Diricawl. Later in the player’s journey through Hogwarts Legacy, while exploring the wizarding village of Marunweem, Marianne calls them over. Conversing with Mariane triggers the Birds of a Feather quest, which involves traveling to a local diricawl nest and capturing Gwyneria in the Nab-Sack.

During the initial conversation, players will get a strange sense that Marianne wants Gwyneria back for more sinister motives than missing her pet. Gwyneria is an albino diricawl and, as such, her fashionable feathers would sell for many galleons. Any player with a love for animals should, upon returning to Marianne with the Nab-Sack, elect to keep Gwyneria safely in their vivarium, rather than hand her over to be abused.


Tobbs’ Second Master

House-Elf Cruelty

The unnamed second master of the house-elf Tobbs is abusive and dominant. Heartbreakingly, no matter what the player does in Hogwarts Legacy, Tobbs the house elf will die. In the Plight of the House-Elf quest (which is essential for unlocking the Nab-Sack), Deek tasks the protagonist with searching the cave for Tobbs. After exploring a network of tunnels underground, the player comes across the corpse of Tobbs, together with a letter.


Hogwarts Legacy: All Keeper Trials, Ranked

The Keeper Trials are all fascinating side quests in Hogwarts Legacy, but some are more interesting and memorable than others.

As the master’s comeuppance for his complete disregard for (and downright abuse of) Tobbs, he is eventually killed by an acromantula, which the player has to defeat at the end of the quest.


Cassandra Mason

Bad Girl Sent To Azkaban

Until June 2024, anyone playing Hogwarts Legacy on any console other than a PlayStation would never have got to meet Casandra Mason. In some ways, they would have been all the better for it. Cassandra Mason, together with her cheeky but innocent house-elf Penny, owns a haunted shop on the edge of Hogsmeade,

In Minding Your Own Business, Cassandra initially appears innocent, offering to sell her shop to the player. However, when the chest is opened at the back of the shop, the player is plunged into a mansion within the chest, haunted by the imprisoned poltergeist, Fastidio. The true evil in Cassandra is revealed when she duels the player to the death, eventually being arrested and incarcerated in Azkaban.


Victor Rookwood

The Worst Of The Worst Wizards

Viktor Rookwood craves power, and thus pursues sources of ancient magic for himself. He tries numerous methods of gaining said magic throughout the game. Rookwood and his cronies, dark wizards and Ashwinder soldiers, pursue the protagonist once they learn the protagonist’s connection and aptitude for ancient magic.


Hogwarts Legacy Player With 148 Hours Picks Out the Game’s ‘Saddest’ Note

A Hogwarts Legacy player shares a heart-wrenching note with the Harry Potter community, discovered in-game after playing for 148 hours.

When the player visits Hogsmeade and enters Ollivanders for the second time in a quest, they leave with a modified wand in order to deal with what Ranrok has become. Even though Rookwood and his followers initially supported Ranrok’s rebellion, here he tries to persuade the protagonist to hand over the wand to him and thus, the power. Rookwood meets his end in a damaging battle in the middle of nowhere, when he apparates both himself and the player to a remote location filled with his loyal Ashwinder soldiers. Tragically, the Keeper Charles Rookwood is mortified to learn what his ancestor has become.


Theophilus Harlow

A Murderous Hunter

Theophilius Harlow is an exceedingly nasty character in Hogwarts Legacy. Acting as Viktor Rookwood’s right-hand man, Harlow uses the Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) on the protagonist and spends much of his time hunting down the protagonist too.


8 Fascinating Minor Characters In Hogwarts Legacy, Ranked

The main cast aside, there are several minor characters in Hogwarts Legacy that are bound to leave a lasting impression on players.

Even though Harlow rarely speaks, the protagonist feels his sinister presence constantly, from the first visit to Hogsmeade, to the battle showdown outside the manor in Manor Cape (Harlow’s Last Stand). This is a huge and potentially fatal battle, as Harlow has zero scruples and tries to kill, torture, and drive the protagonist crazy with the three Unforgivable Curses.



The Final Boss

Believing in goblin supremacy so passionately and so strongly that he will stop at absolutely nothing to claim the final repository of ancient magic, Ranrok is the leader of the goblin rebellion. As Hogwarts Legacy‘s main antagonist, Ranrok and his expansive band of loyalists begin their takeover wizardkind by invading the village of Feldcroft.

His cruelty and murderous actions culminate in the final boss battle in the game, as Professor Fig and the protagonist make their way to Ranrok’s Dragon. Somewhat unsurprisingly, Ranrok shares numerous traits with Lord Voldemort, including the desire for species domination, his willingness to murder, and his quest to destroy a student.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy Tag Page Cover Art


February 10, 2023


T For Teen Due To Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol

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