How to Unlock All Starting Locations in Sniper Elite: Resistance

How to Unlock All Starting Locations in Sniper Elite: Resistance

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Each chapter of Sniper Elite: Resistance will give players a default Starting Location to use. However, many of the chapters offer alternate locations as well. These positions will have to be unlocked by players lighting a fire or unlocking a gate.

However, they will not be visible from the beginning; players will need to explore the map for information to reveal where these points are. Running around the map and not finding them can be frustrating, so seeing exactly where to look can save players a lot of time. Once unlocked, these locations can be used to make getting Kill List Challenges far easier.



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All Starting Locations for Mission 2 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 2 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations (2)

There are no alternate Starting Locations for the first mission of Sniper Elite: Resistance. However, there are 3 for Mission 2, Dead Drop. Players can get the first Starting Location of this map by keeping to the left once they sneak over/under the wall. Once players get close enough, they will see a blue eye appear on their map where the Starting Location is marked. They will need to pick the lock of a blue door next to some scaffolding to unlock the Scafford Yard Starting Location. There are a lot of enemies in this area, so players will want to fight until they get an All Clear appear on-screen.

The next starting location is pretty close to the tunnel entrance in the library gardens. Players will want to follow the road to the top left of the map and take a left after the second house. This will cause a blue eye to appear. They will need to pick the lock of the blue door where the eye is to unlock the Citadel Apartments Starting Location.

All Starting Locations for Mission 3 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 3 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

This first Starting Location of this map has to be accessed from the road level. This means that if players use the right bridge to cross the river, they will need to head down the first set of stairs after crossing the river. Here they will find a gate they can unlock. Unlocking this gate will also unlock the Signal Box Starting Location. This Starting Location can help players investigate the trait station without going through as many enemies.

The second Starting Location that players can unlock for Mission 3 is Parkview Apartments. From the default Starting Location, travel north over the left bridge. Take the second right turn after the bridge and follow the alleyways to enter the marked building. Head to the top right corner and open the room door to unlock Parkview Apartments. This is a great alternative spot for starting a collectible run of Mission 3.

All Starting Locations for Mission 4 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 4 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

At the start of this map, players will use a zipline to move from the right side of the map to the left side. Head all the way to the top of the map until the dam is on the right side. Now, head left to find a campground called Dam Lookout. Players will need to approach and light a fire at the campsite in order for this Starting Location to be unlocked.

Players can now cross the dam to the right side of the map. Directly after the dam will be a small house where players will need to place a satchel charge in order to destroy the engine room. At the back of this building, players will also find a locked gate. Unlocking this gate will also unlock the Power Station Starting Location.

All Starting Locations for Mission 5 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 5 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

From the default starting location, keep to the right side. Players will find a large open hanger near a lake. Before reaching this hanger, they will notice some netting they can climb. At the top of this netting will be a campfire they can light. This will unlock the Quarry Lake Starting Location.

To save time, restart the level so you are back at the default starting location. This time, head to the top of the map using the roads to get to lower ground to find the Coastal landing Starting Location. This gate is also part of the route used to exfiltrate through the leftmost objective. If you still need to play the game on authentic difficulty, you can get this Starter Location during that run.


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All Starting Locations for Mission 6 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 6 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

Players will want to pack a satchel charge for this mission, as there is a tank they will need to destroy. From the default starting location, players will head north through a checkpoint. Continuing upward will have some enemy soldiers offer some resistance, along with the previously mentioned tank.

After dealing with the tank, players should be to the right of this map’s Kill List Challenge, Uwe Schoene. Follow the road until you come to a right turn. Take this turn and follow it all the way to the far end of the map to find one of the AA guns that players will need to destroy as one of their main objectives. Head to the rubble behind this gun to find the Breached Wall Starting Location.

Players who are playing this map for the first time can finish up the remaining main objectives. Once all of these are completed, they will see an exfiltration point on the top left side of the map. Players can make their way to this exfiltration point, but take a right turn towards a small wooden cabin before reaching it. Unlock the blue door to this house to unlock the Checkpoint Cabin Starting Location.

All Starting Locations for Mission 7 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 7 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

When players start this mission, they will see that one of their side objectives is to take out numerous snipers. One of these snipers is located at a windmill. Head to this windmill to find a campfire located on the ground floor. Lighting this campfire will unlock the Windmill Starting Location. This windmill can easily be found on the map by first looking at this mission’s Kill List Challenge, and then heading southwest.

For the second starting location, head along the main road until you are on the opposite side of the map from the windmill. Keep following the main road and looking at the right side. You will see a gate between a house and a shed. Unlock this gate to also unlock the Western Farmhouse Starting Location.


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All Starting Locations for Mission 8 in Sniper Elite: Resistance

Mission 8 Sniper Elite Resistance All Starting Locations

From the default starting location, make your way down to the railyard. Follow the leftmost rail and you will see a large blue building. In front of this building, players can light a campfire. Lighting this fire will unlock the Bombed Factory Starting Location.

Head all the way to the top right corner of the map. Players will see a bridge with several arches on it as they approach the end of the map. To the left of this bridge will be a sniper’s nest. Players will find a campfire shortly after this sniper’s nest. Lighting this will unlock the Eastern Railyard Starting Location. Players can use this as their starting location to stealthily get this mission’s Kill List Challange from Hermann Gottschalk.

Sniper Elite: Resistance Tag Page Cover Art

Third-Person Shooter





January 30, 2025

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