In The Sims 2, there are dozens of jobs your sim can have to occupy their days as they fulfill lifelong ambitions. Each job presents unique opportunities to earn rewards and bring home Simoleons to decorate your household. One of the most demanding jobs is being a doctor, which can be done through the Medicine Career Track.

The Sims 2: Criminal Career Guide
Who says crime never pays? They haven’t tried this career track yet.
We’ll break down each role in the career and the schedules that go along with it. The rewards for saving lives are well worth the investment in time and skills. There’s nothing that can stop your sim from becoming a legendary physician with a bit of time and practice.
Medicine Career Track
Does your sim want to help others and practice medicine? The Medicine Career Track is the best option. You’ll start at the bottom as an Emergency Medical Technician and rise up to become the Chief of Staff, so long as you dedicate time and energy to the cause.
Search the newspaper and internet for jobs daily to see if there’s an opening!
The Medicine career track is broken up into full-time and part-time work. Below are the available positions and how to get promoted:
Adult Medicine Career Track
Adults have full access to the full-time career path, which consists of ten levels. Below are all the jobs adults can excel in for medicine and the skills needed to do so:
Teen And Elder Medicine Career Track
Teens and elders are able to take on part-time work, but growth in the career is greatly limited. Instead of ten possible positions, there are only three. Elders will enjoy an easy yet rewarding career while teens get a head start in the field. Below are all the jobs teens and elders can excel in for medicine:
Teens must have grades of ‘C’ or higher before they can get a part-time job.
Medicine Career Reward
Once you become an intern at level four, your sim unlocks the TraumaTime “Incision Precision” Surgical Training Station. It greatly builds your mechanical skill which is crucial in the workplace for this career.
While using the machine, the fun motive increases. Unlike other career rewards, child sims can’t use it themselves. However, an adult can give them lessons to help educate them. This device is an exciting tool to have in the household, and it will help your sim max out their mechanical skill.
Sometimes a sim will remove the dummy’s organs, which end up being random objects! Doctors must be prepared for anything.
You can only unlock one of these tables per sim in the career. The only way to get another is to quit and work your way back up. You can also use cheats to unlock all the career rewards, but where’s the fun in that when the whole family can become doctors instead?
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