Of all the comments I’ve made here, to try and, what? “get one over me” I guess, this is the one you’ve picked?
“Knowing how you hate Atreus and being claiming Sony to bring Kratos back to his vengeful/brutal ways”
First of all, I don’t “hate” him, I just think his arc was done at the end of Ragnarök, he was fine when he was a young kid that helped Kratos along with his new character development but much like young kids in TV shows, as they get older they lose that appeal, especially trying to lead something solo. He’s fine as a side character but his own levels and own leading game? No thanks. It’s God of War, you want to see Kratos.
Secondly what do they have in common? So not liking a character to you is the same as automatically wanting young Kratos back in Greece? I’ve never even said I wanted him back to his vengeful brutal ways like ever…
Yeah so this comment by you is so bizarre, like I understand if you were a huge God of War fan and angry I’ve called or criticized something you love to death but you couldn’t give a s***
This comment is nothing more than a dig to me personally, probably because I’ve called you (and your MANY alts) out in the past and you’re probably hoping you get a small win where your agree ratio is more than your disagree ratio for once but we all know what you’re doing here.
You don’t care for God of War, you don’t care for Playstation, you don’t care for Sony so why are you even here?
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