- Monster Hunter Wilds has such poor moderation that players are seemingly able to call their characters what they wish.
- This includes slurs, including one player who was spotted with the N-word in their name, uncensored.
Monster Hunter Wilds is in its second Open Beta Test right now, giving fans the chance to play the latest instalment ahead of its launch later this month. While there’s been some performance issues, players are mostly happy – especially with the character creator.
However, there is one area of the game that clearly needs a lot of work: username moderation. It seems that there is very little in place to stop players from calling themselves what they want, as users are walking around with uncensored slurs in their name, which most other games would automatically put a stop to.
Monster Hunter Wilds Isn’t Stopping Players From Using Slurs In Names
One player is even running around with the N-word in their character’s name
This screenshot was sent to us by freelance journalist and TheGamer contributor Scott McCrae, who spotted someone getting away with using the racial slur in their character name. He then tested the censors himself and found that he was able to call his own character by any number of the usual curse words that online games would ban.
Of course, Monster Hunter Wilds is far from the online game to have this issue. Anyone playing Marvel Rivals right now will be aware of how lax those censors are, as racist, sexist, and homophobic language can be found in usernames. However, this example in Monster Hunter is particularly egregious, and blatant, with the player not even having to find a workaround.
We’ll have to wait and see if Capcom puts anything in place to stop the bigoted slurs from being used in the full release. As of right now though, you may encounter some as you play in the Open Beta Test.
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