How To Raise And Lower Wall Hangings In The Sims 2

How To Raise And Lower Wall Hangings In The Sims 2
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One of the things you’ll spend the most time doing in The Sims 2 is designing the perfect home for your malleable sims. However, it takes time and dedication to make the place feel cozy and welcoming. Thankfully, there are lots of tools in-game for you to use. Full customization is a big responsibility, and it’s your job to make your sims happy!


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From adding all new furniture to an empty room, decorating the floor with carpets or discarded clothes, to hanging your favorite paintings on the wall, we’ll show you all the tools at your disposal so you can fully stylize your sim’s home with flair.

How To Get Furniture

Furniture can be purchased in Buy Mode, and there are a lot of items to choose from. You can sort through the furniture by function, room, or category folder. All items are available for purchase, and you need only click the item to view it and customize it.

Items in red cost more than you have available! Sell some furniture or use the sledgehammer tool to get some money back.

When you’re ready to buy it, click and place it in your home. The necessary Simoleons will be removed from your household funds and the item now belongs to you. To rotate furniture, click and drag it. Items cannot be placed on a diagonal without the use of mods.

How To Place And Shift Wall Hangings

Wall hangings like paintings and other decor can be a great addition to a lot, but they look dull when all placed at the same level. You can raise and lower these objects by using the bracket keys! These two keys (‘[‘ and ‘]’) will raise and lower the painting or decoration on the wall when selected.

Some decor will go through furniture if in the way.

Despite being able to raise or lower the wall hangings, you can only place one object in the space. If you want to layer paintings or other decor on the wall, you can open the cheat menu using Ctrl+Shift+C and enter the following cheat: ‘moveobjects on’.

This cheat allows you to place objects anywhere, so use it responsibly! When finished, open the cheat menu and use ‘moveobjects off’ to deactivate the cheat.

Any objects placed while the cheat is active may not function properly, as sims may not be able to access them with enough space.

How To Put Furniture In Your Inventory

Every sim has an inventory you can use to hold precious items for them. While this is usually where purchased objects and awards go, you can use it to store furniture when moving sims across lots or while you do construction.

Rather than open the buy menu, click on the rewards icon below simology. The backpack icon holds everything in your inventory. Click and drag items out of this section to decorate with the objects. You can also place items in the inventory for safekeeping.

If your sim lives in an apartment, do not place urns in inventories! They will disappear. Instead, move them to a community lot.


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