How Do Seasons Work In Roblox: Fisch

How Do Seasons Work In Roblox: Fisch
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In Fisch, seasons, like weather or time of day, play an important role, as they increase the chance of catching fish that appear during a particular season. Unlike the time of day and weather, you cannot influence the change of season because there is a completely different mechanic at work here, and it is universal for all servers.


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Knowing how the seasons affect fish behavior will help you plan your fishing strategy more effectively and maximize your catch. So, to help you understand all this, we will tell you what advantages the seasons provide and when the rotation takes place.

Seasons Explained

The player character stays near the tree on the Moosewood island while smiling in Fisch.

Just like in real life, Fisch has four seasons – winter, spring, summer, and fall. To find out the current season, look in the bottom right corner of the screen. There will be three icons above your level. The last one shows the current season. Here are the icons for each of the four seasons:











The seasons, as well as the weather and time of day, will increase the chance of spawning a particular fish that is active in that season by 25 percent. For example, the best time of year for catching Icy Carp is winter, so during this time of year the chance of spawning of this fish will be increased.

As for the change of seasons, unlike the weather or the time of day, you or other players cannot affect it in any way. The season change is automatic and there is even a separate countdown on the official game wiki where it is displayed. The full cycle of each season is 9.6 hours or 576 minutes of real-time. After this time, the current season will be replaced by the next one.

In addition, the game also has such a thing as a Seasons Rod. This rod will additionally increase your luck during the seasons by 20 percent. You can get it by creating it at the Crafting station using two Opals, three Frozen Driftwood, and Magic Thread. Also, you will need to spend 35,000 C$ and be 145 level or above. In addition, Seasons Rod with a 20% chance can also inflict a mutation on the caught fish, which depends on the season. Here’s a list of mutations you can get when you use Seasons Rod during certain seasons:




2.5x Sell Price


+25% Size


3x Sell Price


During this season, Seasons Rod does not implement mutations when fishing.

Now that you know how the seasons work and what to expect from them, you can organize your fishing much better and achieve greater success.


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