Wedding Crashers is the first open-ended main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, where Henry has access to the vast open world and can do as he likes. It follows on from the Laboratores quest after Henry and Hans spent time in the stocks and go their separate ways.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – How to Cure Hangovers
Hangovers are a pain to deal with in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, but thankfully, they’re easy to deal with.
With naught but the rags on his back and no way to get into Trosky castle, Henry must get back on his feet, and find a way to attend a local wedding that Lord von Bergow will be at. There’s no real rush, however, so as well as securing an invitation, players should take their time to find gear, level up, and help the local populace via side quests.
Wedding Crashers – How To Get To The Wedding In KCD2?
After being let out of the stocks, players should talk to Bara, the woman who approaches Henry. She will give advice on getting started, and, more importantly, let Henry know about two opportunities for work. In time, these opportunities can get him invited to the wedding. Either option is fine, and will give Henry a place to sleep, so just choose whichever sounds more fun.
Help Blacksmith Radovan At Tachov
If players want to learn blacksmithing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, then heading to the smith in Tachov is a good idea. This small village is northwest of Trokowitz and marked as B on the map.
To convince the blacksmith Radovan to take them to the wedding, players will need to complete three side quests for him:
The Blacksmith’s Son – Forge a
Hunting Sword
under the blacksmith’s guidance.
- The Jaunt – Head to Semine to track down the blacksmith’s cart. (Great opportunity to get a horse, including getting Pebbles back.)
- The Hermit – Find the hermit’s sword to reforge it into a wedding present.
Once players have forged the wedding sword for Lord Semine’s son, they can ask Radovan to take them to the wedding. Although, first, they must obtain suitable clothes. He will not accept until Henry looks the part.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Miri Fajta Walkthrough
Find the Romani Voivode’s daughter and settle their family affair in Miri Fajta, one of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s early sidequests.
Help Miller Kreyzyl At The Lower Semine Mill
For an introduction to the shadier parts of rural life and some good old manual labor, players can instead choose to help Miller Kreyzyl at the Lower Semine Mill, to the southwest of Semine. These locations are both west of Troskowitz and the quest marker will appear as C on the map.
Talk to Kreyzyl and help him by carrying sacks of flour. By proving your worth, he will offer lodgings, including a bed and chest. He will also offer three side quests that will eventually land Henry a way into the wedding.
- Materia Prima – Recover a document.
- Forbidden Fruit – Help the gravedigger.
- Opus Magnum – Find a book, perfume, and a companion.
Once players have completed Opus Magnum, they will need to acquire clothes for the wedding, and then talk to the companion Enneleyn. After giving her the dress and perfume, she, Henry, and the miller will attend the wedding.
Whichever route players reach the wedding, consider that you will be there for at least an entire night. So plan accordingly.
Wedding Crashers – Where To Get Suitable Wedding Clothes In KCD2?
One thing that some players struggle with, is finding wedding clothes in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, as either Radovan or Enneleyn will first tell Henry that his current garb would embarrass them.
The wedding clothes must:
- Be at least 15 Charisma in total.
- Not be armor.
- Include something on Henry’s torso, legs, and feet.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Crime & Punishment, Explained
The crime and punishment system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is incredibly complex, and players will truly feel the consequences of any wrongdoings.
Players can ask the tailor in Troskowitz if their wedding outfit is good enough. His tailor shop is also the number one place to find suitable garb at this stage of the game.
If players don’t have the Groschen to afford such luxuries, they can complete more side quests and tasks, or instead resort to stealing from the shop. Owners of the Gold Edition of KCD2 can also use elements of the Gallant Huntsman’s outfit to look fabulous. The hood and gloves are the best out of these.
The following accessories can also help boost Henry’s Charisma:
- Headwear such as a chaperon.
- A fancy hood or mantle.
- Nice gloves.
Wedding Crashers – Main Objectives
Once players arrive at the wedding and realize that Lord von Bergow is running late, they will have a number of objectives to complete while everyone waits.
Talk To Svatya & Chat Up Myshka
The first thing players can do is talk to Svatya Thrush, the Bailiff’s son, who is dressed in burgundy. The conversation will lead to Vuytek’s attempts to woo Myshka, and Henry can have a wager that he will fare better at winning her affection.
When first talking to Myshka, all three of the dialogue options will lose Henry some reputation, but his second choice is much more important.
Choose “Why don’t we leave Myshka alone?” here, and she will invite Henry to have a private chat next to the pond. When Myshka asks Henry for a dance, accept her offer for the best outcome and don’t ask for more.
To progress the night, talk to Svatya again.
Talk To Lord Semine
Next, players should talk with Lord Semine who is sat eating. He will ask for help with the beggars out front and with his Moravian relatives.
Get Drinks For The Moravians
Talk to Jurko at one of the tables and agree to get a special drink for him. Then pick up a Wedding Beer
from Lord Semine’s table and plenty of other beer from around. Take these to the guard in the cellar where the marker is.
Offer the guard the Wedding Beer and then the other beer to get him drunk. Eventually, he will go to the toilet. Use this time to enter the cellar and pick up the Moravian Schnaps
. Take this to Jurko.

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 features a photo mode, letting players take snaps of memorable moments. Here’s how to use it.
Get Food For The Poor
Henry should talk to Tuma the guard at the gate, who will ask for help with acquiring food for the beggars outside. Players simply need to get 40 food items (drinks don’t count) and this includes what they already have on them.
The easiest way is to simply pick up food from the tables. If players want, however, they can try to sneak into the pantry or talk to the cook in the kitchen. When done, take the food back to Tuma.
In the menu for submitting the food, there is a Select All option to speed things up!
Time will progress again after handing the food in and if players arrived with blacksmith Radovan and forged the wedding sword, he will now come to Henry with a problem. If not, the wedding will move forward and Henry’s last task is to congratulate the newlyweds.
Wedding Crashers – Where To Find The Sword For Lord Semine’s Son?
For those who helped Radovan the blacksmith, there will be an extra objective. The sword he and Henry forged has been stolen.
After asking him questions and finding out about a suspicious young lad in yellow, Henry can look for this fellow. A peasant by the table in the barn will tell Henry that the lad is upstairs, and it turns out to be Sir Hans Capon. From him, Henry will learn that the bailiff’s son, Svatya Thrush, took the sword.
By confronting him, he will reveal that the wedding sword is in the pond.
- The pond is accessed through a door to the northwest of the dancing guests.
There are other possibilities where Henry interrogates a different witness who reveals the general location that can be searched. Of course, players can also just go straight for the sword if they want to.
Wedding Crashers – Where To Find The Newlyweds
When Henry has had enough of the wedding, he can try to congratulate the newlyweds and then leave as Lord von Bergow is not coming.
Only do this objective when you want to leave and have completed any desired optional activities.
By talking to guests such as Myshka and Lord Semine, Henry will eventually be able to find Agnes alone in the cellar where the Moravian Schnaps were stored. Talk to Agnes and no matter the dialogue options, Henry will end up in a large brawl, concluding the Wedding Crashers quest.

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Wedding Crashers – Optional Objectives At The Wedding In KCD2
On top of the main objectives that relate to the story and must be completed, there are plenty of optional objectives during the Wedding Crashers quest.
During this festive night of supposed joy, most of these additional tasks involve minigames such as dice and duels with training swords. Naturally, this means prizes are on the line as well as fun.
Dice Tournament to win a Golden Badge |
Talk to Bailiff Thrush in the barn or garden, then beat Emmerich the apothecary, Radovan the blacksmith, and the chamberlain in any order. Next, beat Bailiff Thrush and finally Betty the innkeeper. |
Sword Duels for Groschen |
Talk to Captain Gnarly in the stable. Agree to enter the tourney, and then you can duel Olda of Semine. After the ceremony, talk to the Captain again, and you can duel Svatya and Lord Semine. Players starting after the ceremony will duel the Captain instead of the missing Olda. |
Dance with Doubravka |
This can lead to a romance opportunity. Her mother will ask Henry to dance with her daughter. She is located at the arch between the courtyard and the garden. |
Keep Gamekeeper Vostatek from getting drunk |
Players must have found Vostakek and helped him during the Lackey side quest. |
Find the young man dressed in yellow |
This is Sir Hans Capon, and he can be found in the stable, then above the barn with Enneleyn, and finally dancing in the garden. |
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