A lot of discussion is still being had around The Elder Scrolls 6 despite the essential radio silence from Bethesda towards the massively anticipated title, with the now infamous 2018 reveal trailer for the project being its last major source of information. While it is impossible to glean details such as the core gameplay and narrative of TES 6 through this trailer, it does offer a glimpse of the title’s game world, with fans drawing many conclusions as to what the main setting of the game will be based from these images.
The setting of The Elder Scrolls 6 is massively important in terms of how it will define the locations and story of the project. Most theories currently point towards the province of Hammerfell as the major location of the game. Hammerfell has enough interesting lore and diverse areas to justify being the major setting of The Elder Scrolls 6, yet its smaller neighboring province of High Rock could also make for some fascinating content. Past entries to TES have simultaneously explored both of these provinces to great success, and the large expectations surrounding TES 6 could be better met with a portrayal of both of these locations.
The Elder Scrolls: 9 Most Impactful Choices In The Games
The Elder Scrolls often tasks gamers with making tough decisions. Here are some of the most impactful choices players can be faced with in the series.
The landscapes of The Elder Scrolls 6‘s reveal trailer line up well with what is already known about Hammerfell, with this being the main justification behind the Hammerfell theory for the title, yet the size and location of the province in relation to the wider continent of Tamriel are also worth considering. Hammerfell is about the same size as the province of Skyrim while also sharing a border with that region, making Hammerfell a logical place to center the next big step in the franchise’s mainline releases.
Choosing Hammerfell for The Elder Scrolls 6 could allow Bethesda to dive deeper into the Dwemer, the Redguard, and the lost continent of Yokuda, with the province’s coastal islands and wide range of biomes being the perfect match for a dynamic gameplay experience. While this would offer an exciting gameworld in and of itself, there is a clear need for Bethesda to build upon the offered experiences of Skyrim well over a decade ago, and TES 6 might have to expand beyond Hammerfell itself to accomplish this.
The wait between Skryim and TES 6 is already approaching 14 years, eclipsing the five-year gap between Skyrim and its predecessor, Oblivion.
High Rock is a smaller province to the north of Hammerfell which also borders Skyrim, home to the magically gifted Bretons. The smaller size of High Rock could make its full or partial inclusion in The Elder Scrolls 6 the perfect way to bolster its game world beyond Hammerfell without feeling too overbearing. Long-time fans of The Elder Scrolls franchise will know that both Hammerfell and High Rock appeared in 1996’s Daggerfall, with Daggerfall being one of the most important cities in High Rock.
Portraying Both Hammerfell and High Rock Would Open Up Huge Gameplay Opportunities in The Elder Scrolls 6
Being able to visit a modern portrayal of Daggerfall and its surrounding areas would be a perfect testament to the long history of TES. The city is separated from Hammerfell by the bustling Iliac Bay; a full portrayal of Iliac Bay could add a unique and fascinating naval element to The Elder Scrolls 6, allowing players to travel between Hammerfell and High Rock while navigating and avoiding ships from merchants, pirates, and the Empire itself.
The wait for a new mainline The Elder Scrolls title has been frustratingly long, with the expectations surrounding the game understandably growing with each passing year. Bethesda may have to move beyond its modern approach of focusing on a single province because of this, and while Hammerfell seems the likely setting for TES 6, High Rock shares a deep connection to the province that is equally deserving of a portrayal in the upcoming game.
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