For the well-being of your Sims in The Sims 2, you need to improve their lifestyle. You need to make sure that they have everything they need to have a quality life. They have various essential needs that you need to fulfill, so household items that help with that should be your priority. As you earn more Simoleons, you can buy better stuff for them to make their lives luxurious.

The Sims 4: Everything Included In The Comfy Gamer Kit
Finally, you and your Sims can match gaming set-ups.
Your Sim’s needs are essential for them to perform well, so make sure that they have necessities like a good bed to remain comfortable and a bathroom for hygiene. You can also spend more on fun and entertainment, once you become more financially stable. Buying something like a computer that is useful for both work and fun purposes will also serve Sims well.
Books are full of knowledge, and that’s exactly what you need if your Sim is a nerd who wants to know more about the world. It also fills the Fun bar for a Sim, so if you don’t have other entertainment options, let your Sim relax with a good book.
Books are available on various subjects, which also help you develop skills as you read them. So if you are trying to become a better cook, you can read books related to it. However, your Sims will not enjoy all genres, so you can try and test out what they like more if you see their Fun-depleting.
The Phone is the most important household item in The Sims 2, as you need it to get all essential things done in the game. If you need to visit other places in your community, you can use it to call a taxi. You can also call services to get some work done at your house by hiring a Maid or a Butler.
If you don’t have a Kitchen yet, you can order food at your place to take care of your Sims’ Hunger. Phones also help you contact your colleagues or friends in the Neighborhood. You can also adopt pets or a child using the services available on the phone.
Computers are essential if you want to get into Real Estate and own some community lots. You can also get in touch with other Sims by chatting with them or sending some emails to your work colleagues. Computers also let you shop online if you need some groceries ordered.

The Sims 4: Everything Included In The Refined Living Room Kit
Here is all the furniture you’ll get with The Sims 4’s Refined Living Room kit.
If you are looking to make a living, you can also access the online job finder feature to get to work. As an adult, you can plan vacations, and find a roommate while you are living in an apartment. You can also increase your creativity by writing a novel.
Television lets your Sim take a well-deserved break after they come home from work. They can watch their favorite shows to entertain themselves. You can also watch a movie alone or with your family. There are various genres available, and you can select the one your Sim prefers.
Television also lets you work out, if you are trying to build up your fitness. Fulfilling your Sim’s Fun lets them stay motivated, and you also fulfill your Social needs if your family members join in. You will also fill up hobby meters if you watch shows related to them.
A refrigerator lets you store your groceries so they remain fresh for a long time. You can use these groceries for cooking later which will also level up your Cooking skill. Making your own meals is also more convenient than having to order them every single time.
If you make too much food, you can store it in the fridge as a leftover to eat later when you are hungry. You can purchase better refrigerators later to improve your Sim’s living environment.
You still need a cooking range and a counter separately if you want to cook meals.
Toilets are important as your Sims need to go there when they have to, and you cannot stop it. All toilets can fulfill the Bladder needs. However, you can make things comfortable for the family inhabiting the house.

The Sims 4: Everything Included In The Casanova Cave Kit
Now your Sims can experience the true luxury of the high life with the Casanova Cave Kit.
If your home lacks a toilet, your Sims will show strong signs of discomfort. If they can’t hold it in any longer, they will sully the floor instead, which decreases a Sim’s comfort needs. You also need a sink near your toilet, so your Sims can wash their hands to remain hygienic.
Showers And Tubs
Hygiene is important for your Sims as they like to remain clean. The easiest way to do that is to get a bath. You can do that by building a showerhead in your home that is the least costly. You can also give your Sims a nice bubble bath in a tub.
Taking a bath also improves your Sims’ comfort. If you buy better tubs, your Sims will enjoy the environment of their home and will also feel more comfortable. If you don’t keep your Hygiene in check, you will see green smoke emanating from your Sim.
Your Sims need a comfortable bed to rest properly. If they are unable to relax, they won’t recover their energy, which will make them inefficient throughout the day. Your Comfort and Energy bars will be higher if they sleep well. Beds can also be used to daydream or take a break if your Sims feel tired.
Unless your Sim belongs to a rich family, you cannot afford luxury beds with very high comfort levels as a beginner. However, you should focus on purchasing efficient beds that give you the highest possible level of energy and comfort at the lowest price. You also need to purchase beds for your pets if you don’t want them occupying your sleeping place.
If your Sim doesn’t have a bed, they will simply sleep on the floor and that definitely doesn’t sound very comforting.
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