Oda Has Already Confirmed Luffy And Roger’s True Dream

Oda Has Already Confirmed Luffy And Roger's True Dream

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This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf arc.


  • Luffy and Roger share a dream beyond becoming Pirate King, hinted in One Piece 1138.
  • Dream revealed in mural from third world: create an equal, free world with unbreakable bonds.
  • Oda hints at Luffy’s dream to unite all races in freedom, similar to Big Mom’s dream.

One Piece’s Elbaf arc has proven to be one of the most exciting ones in the story so far, and it goes without saying that this part of the story is only going to get better with time. Elbaf was always going to be a big arc, comparable to the likes of Wano Country, Dressrosa, Alabasta, and Water 7 in terms of scale. Needless to say, with just 14 chapters, Oda has proven that this arc has lived up to the expectations, making it a phenomenal addition to the final saga of the story already.


One Piece: Oda Confirms Sanji Will Reach Yonko Level

Sanji is Luffy’s left hand, and is set to reach Yonko level before the end of One Piece.

Before Elbaf began, fans expected this part of the story to reveal a great deal of information to them about Nika, and even the Void Century, in some shape or form, especially after the major reveals in Egghead. Few expected Oda to reveal what Luffy’s true dream was, and that’s why every fan of the story is incredibly surprised right now to know that Oda might actually have given away Luffy’s dream already.

Luffy And Roger’s Dream Went Beyond Pirate King

Roger One Piece
  • Luffy and Roger Share The Same Dream
  • Fans Don’t Know What The Dream Is

For the longest time, fans believed that Luffy’s dream was to become the Pirate King. After all, when Luffy set out on his journey, he openly exclaimed that he wanted to become the King of the Pirates. Attaining the One Piece is a difficult task in itself, which is why it is a commendable dream for Luffy. However, the truth of the matter is that attaining the One Piece isn’t a dream for Luffy at all. It is his goal, to be sure, but his dream is something way bigger. This was hinted at in One Piece’s post-Marineford Arc, where Luffy, Ace, and Sabo went on to declare their dreams. Conveniently enough, Oda cut away the dialogue right when Luffy was going over his. But, what fans know for sure is that Luffy’s dream is something ridiculous that many deem to be impossible to achieve, even more so than claiming the One Piece.

Cooperation of this level in the past is unheard of. This must’ve been a child’s dream. — Ripley

This same dream is held by Roger as well. When Roger fought Oden and later on, Whitebeard, he told them his deal dream as well, and it was quite clear for the fans to see that this was directly paralleled to Luffy’s dream reveal. This time around as well, fans didn’t know what the dream itself was, but even Whitebeard considered it to be something impossible to achieve while Oden just stood there, absolutely stunned.

Gol D. Roger laughing after finding the One Piece in Laugh Tale.

Roger went on to claim the One Piece, but this wasn’t his dream. Whether or not he managed to fulfill his dream remains unknown, but the likelihood of him having done it is pretty low. Roger’s dream is likely also Joy Boy’s dream, which is why it is all inherited by Luffy, and he is the one who will go on to fulfill it, becoming the. Luffy himself revealed his dream to the Straw Hat Pirates recently after the events of the Wano arc. At the time, the Straw Hat Pirates clearly stated that this was something absolutely ridiculous. But, Luffy stated that this dream was something that could maybe be accomplished if he becomes the Pirate King. As such, what is implied here is that if Luffy attains the most fame in the world and becomes the Pirate King, then he has a better chance of accomplishing his dream.

How Oda Revealed Luffy And Roger’s True Dream In One Piece 1138

The Mural Was Described To Be A Child’s Dream

In One Piece chapter 1138, Oda revealed a stunning mural to the fans, and along with it, gave them the revelation of the Harley as well. Put together, the Harley speaks of the World Myth, and goes over the events of the destruction of the world. According to the Harley, the world has previously been destroyed twice, and the current world’s strongest is the third one, which is where the Sun God Nika will inevitably come back again. Here’s what the Harley texts state:

First World

Flames engulfed the land, and humans succumbed to their desires, touching the forbidden Sun. The enslaved prayed, and the Sun God appeared. The Earth God was enraged, and together with the serpent of infernal flames, shrouded the world in death and darkness. They would never meet again.

Second World

Breath stirred within the void, and the Forest God sent forth demons. The Sun did nothing but spread the fires of war. The people of the half-moon dreamed, the people of the full-moon dreamed. Humans slew the Sun and became Gods, and the Sea God raged. They Would never meet again.

Third World

In chaos, there is void. The troubled shadow remembers the promised day, and hears the voice of the fractured moon. The Sun God dances and laughs, leading the world to its end. The sun will return once more, and a new dawn will arrive. Surely, this time, they will meet again.

Coming over to Luffy’s dream, it is directly shown to the fans in the third world. There, fans can see Nika fighting alongside the many races of the world together, in an attempt to take down what is clearly a representation of Imu. This clash is inevitable, but more than that, it stems from the cooperation of the countless races of the world. According to Ripley, the many races of the world have engaged in wars in the past, but this level of cooperation is unprecedented, which is why she believes it is only a child’s dream. But, a child’s dream in itself can be connected to Luffy and Roger’s dream. Oda calls Luffy the perfect child, while Whitebeard’s reaction to hearing Roger’s dream was to call it “childish.”

mysterious man heading to luffy one piece 1139

Putting two and two together, Luffy’s real dream is most certainly to create a world where everyone is free and equal and can party together with him in a massive banquet. By doing this, Luffy will forge bonds of unbreakable friendship with all races, and once Imu is defeated, create an equal world with even a country of freedom where everyone is equal and all races can be free. Coincidentally, this is very similar to Big Mom’s dream, as she wanted a country with all races could coexist as well. The only difference is that Luffy’s dream is to be free and let others be free, while Totland is ruled by Big Mom with an iron fist. Hopefully, Oda will reveal more clues about Luffy’s dream in the future of One Piece.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1139, is set to be February 9, 2025.


One Piece

Release Date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

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