Dark Souls is a game that is considered to be very challenging by many gamers. The reason for that is the game’s lack of spoon-fed hints and clues, as well as traps and hardcore enemies. What makes it even more challenging is the combat system, which forces players to upgrade their weapons, shields, and armor continually. This is why starting with great defense is essential, because not everything that is in the game works in favor of the player.

Dark Souls: 10 Hilarious “You Died” Memes That Are Too Funny
Dark Souls players have the words “YOU DIED” stuck in their minds to the point that players have turned those words into a meme.
There are plenty of great shields that players can use in Dark Souls. In fact, using a good shield is downright necessary if players want to avoid damage and parry attacks with finesse. A poor shield won’t absorb enough damage and will leave players wide open for a counterattack if they try to block too many blows without a proper strategy in mind.
Updated on February 05, 2025, by Gerardo Molina: The original Dark Souls has many Shields and Greatshields that players can use to their advantage to withstand vicious enemy attacks and survive the challenging areas that they’ll have to explore. While some shields have unreasonably high stat requirements, others can be used from early points in the game, making them accessible to anyone who wants to try them. Not all the shields on this list offer high physical protection, as some of them focus on other types of resistance instead to keep players safe from certain attacks. Obtaining some of these shields will be simple enough, whereas others will require players to defeat formidable enemies along the way.
Effigy Shield
A Treasure Found In The Tomb Of The Giants
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
45 |
The Effigy Shield is one of those shields that looks amazing and offers a decent amount of protection. It can be found on a corpse in the Tomb of the Giants, close to the second bonfire.
Since this area can only be accessed in the mid to late points in the game, this shield will not be available to those who are just beginning their journey unless they’re using cheats. When upgraded to +15, the Effigy Shield offers 56 Stability and can deal 120 damage while retaining its original “D” scaling in Strength.
Crystal Ring Shield
A Just Reward For Defeating The Moonlight Butterfly
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
40 |
The Darkroot Garden is one of the first areas that players will discover during their Dark Souls journey. In this area, players will find tons of challenging enemies, including the Moonlight Butterfly boss. While it’s not terribly challenging, the Moonlight Butterfly can put players to the test if they’re not careful.
Upon defeat, the Moonlight Butterfly will drop its soul, which can be exchanged for the Cyrstal Ring Shield. Although this shield isn’t the strongest in terms of physical damage protection, it’s quite formidable against magic.
Where To Find: Purchase From The Undead Merchant For 800 Souls/Rare Drop From Balder Knight With Rapier
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
50 |
Small shields may not have the highest defense, but most players don’t equip this shield for that reason. Instead, these shields are useful to parry attacks, opening up enemies for a counterattack that can absolutely decimate their health.
The Buckler is one such shield that players can wield in battle to gain an edge over their enemies. It’s a simple shield that doesn’t boast the highest damage absorption, but whipping out parries with this beauty is infinitely satisfying.
Caduceus Kite Shield
Where To Find: Purchase From Andre Of Astora For 1000 Souls/Rare Drop From Swordsman Undead Crystal Soldier
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
72 |
Shields that completely absorb damage are a must-have in battle. In this case, all players risk losing after protecting themselves is stamina, letting them tank a particularly heavy blow before slashing their opponent to smithereens with a wealth of powerful attacks.
The Caduceus Kite Shield is a great candidate in this regard, with its Stability being pretty admirable as well. If players have to deal with enemies who deal fire damage, then this shield should help out too.
Wooden Shield
Where To Find: Near The First Bonfire In The Undead Burg
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
65 |
Dark Souls can be pretty brutal in the early going when players don’t know what they’re doing. Without a proper shield, it can be downright impossible to deal with the many tough enemies in the game that can absolutely decimate players who aren’t ready to deal with these tough-as-nails enemies who can take out enemies in a few shots.

8 Killable NPCs You Should Always Spare
Killing NPCs in video games is a common occurrence for most players, but not all of them deserve a brutal death.
As a result, it becomes important to get effective equipment early on that can take out most enemies without too many problems. The Wooden Shield is a pretty decent item to have in this context, giving ample defenses and letting players blaze through the early stages of the game without too many problems.
Large Leather Shield
Where To Find: Starting Equipment For Hunters, Purchaseable From Andre Of Astora, And A Rare Drop From The Phalanx
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
65 |
Players who start out as a Hunter will be able to use the powerful Large Leather Shield, a piece of equipment that is pretty similar to the Wooden Shield in many ways. As a result, it’s a great shield for beginners to use if they’re having problems with the many tough enemies in these games.
Sure, the Large Leather Shield may not be enough to tackle some of the tougher enemies in the game… but most players won’t worry too much about that. The equipment that players will find by this point will be more than enough to replace this shield by the time players encounter the many heavy hitters present in this game.
Where To Find: In The Painted World Of Ariamis, Near The Bridge With The Undead Dragon
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
66 |
The Bloodshield is definitely one of the coolest-looking shields in the entire game, with this particular piece of equipment allowing players to raise their resistances to Bleed, Poison, and Curse by quite a significant extent. As a result, players don’t have to worry too much about being afflicted by these statuses… although a conservative approach is still recommended against enemies who can deal with these status effects.
Players who use weapons like the Lifehunt Scythe will be well-serviced by the Bloodshield, since players will be able to make the most of its resistances and not worry too much about any self-inflicted status effects. It’s far from the best shield in the game if players talk about pure damage absorption, but brings many other benefits to the table that make it worth using in its own right.
Balder Shield
Where To Find: A Rare Drop From The Balder Knight/Purchase From The Crestfallen Merchant For 4000 Souls
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
75 |
The Balder Shield is a great medium shield that players can use if they don’t want to overburden their equip load by too much. The fact that this shield has extremely high stability is also a huge bonus.

Dark Souls 3: The Best Dexterity Weapons, Ranked
For players throwing together a Dex build, these are the best dexterity-based weapons they can get their hands on in Dark Souls 3.
It also has good resistance to both lightning and fire, although the magic resistance is pretty weak in comparison. Regardless, this one drawback doesn’t hold the Balder’s Shield back from being one of the better equips in the game.
Tower Kite Shield
Where To Find: Starter Equipment For Knight/Purchasable From Andre Of Astora For 1000 Souls
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
72 |
The Tower Kite Shield is another medium shield that deserves a mention for how effective it is in combat. The best part about this powerful shield is that it can be acquired early on and can last with a player right up till the end of the game!
The fact that the Knight class starts out with this shield makes it even better for players who don’t want to spend their time scavenging around for a worthwhile shield. The Tower Kite Shield is a great piece of equipment that players can rely on with little to no issues.
Target Shield
Where To Find: Initial Equipment For Thief/On A Body Just Before The Capra Demon/A Rare Drop From Undead Assassin
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
56 |
Some players won’t find it all that engaging to block and tank attacks in the game. Instead, they prefer to adopt a more agile moveset, dodging and parrying to take out most of the enemies in the game.
This is where the Target Shield ends up being one of the best weapons to suit such a play style. While the stats of this shield might not be the best, most players love using this shield because it increases the parry window and makes it easier to counter enemies with a well-timed deflection!
Hollow Soldier Shield
Where To Find: A Rare Drop From Undead Soldiers Wielding A Sword
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
70 |
There was a time when the Hollow Soldier Shield was easily one of the best pieces of equipment that players could use in the game. However, FromSoftware themselves realized how broken this shield was and nerfed it in a patch.

Ranked: 31 Most Powerful Weapons In Dark Souls
Dark Souls is one of the most difficult games around. Players need the best weapons in order to succeed.
Regardless, the Hollow Soldier Shield is still worth using in the game… if players manage to acquire it, that is. After all, this shield is an extremely rare drop and requires quite a bit of grinding before players can get their hands on this brilliant weapon.
Dragon Crest Shield
Where To Find: Under A Sleeping Zombie Dragon In The Valley Of The Drakes
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
66 |
Fire is an element that is used quite frequently in Dark Souls, especially in the fight against Quelaag, and in the entirety of the Demon Ruins. If players have the Master Key, then the Dragon Crest Shield will be perfect for them.
The high fire resistance of this shield makes it perfect for low-level players who manage to snag it in the Valley of Drakes. Without the Master Key, the Dragon Crest Shield is obtained much later on, which might negate its usefulness for many players.
Grass Crest Shield
Where To Find: At The Bottom Of Darkroot Garden.
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
63 |
Most players who prefer dodging consider the Grass Crest Shield as one of the best shields in Dark Souls. This is mainly due to the massive bonus it provides to one’s stamina regeneration.
The best part about the Grass Crest Shield is that this bonus to stamina regeneration remains even when the shield is on a player’s back! So, it’s easy to see why so many players absolutely adore this powerful piece of equipment.
Eagle Shield
Where To Find: The Upper Part Of Blighttown
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
84 |
Most people consider the greatshields in Dark Souls to be extremely bulky and hard to use without the appropriate stats. However, there’s one greatshield in the game that bucks this trend — the Eagle Shield.

10 Common Misconceptions About Dark Souls
Dark Souls is one of the most amazing series ever created but it’s not without its share of common misconceptions.
This is easily one of the best greatshields in the game, mainly due to its low stat requirements and manageable weight. Characters with low Strength or Endurance can still use this powerful shield to great effect!
Heater Shield
Where To Find: Starting Item For The Warrior/Purchase From The Undead Merchant
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
68 |
The Heater Shield is easily one of the best shields in Dark Souls, and not just because it negates 100% of all incoming damage. It’s got more to do with the light weight of this shield.
In fact, the Heater Shield is the lightest shield in the game, with 100% damage reduction. This, coupled with its fast parry speed, makes it one of the most efficient shields in the entire game.
Greatshield Of Artorias
Where To Find: Ascend A +10 Shield With The Soul Of Sif
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
88 |
This shield is one that takes quite a lot of time and resources to acquire, though it is worth it. To obtain this greatshield, a player needs to gather the Soul of Sif, a +10 shield, and 5000 souls before speaking with the master blacksmith Andre of Astora. Once the Greatshield of Artorias is in the player’s hands, there is no longer any need to fear status effects, for this divine armament grants the player 100% build-up reduction from bleed, poison, toxic, and even cursing.
On top of this, the Greatshield of Artorias has total damage reduction against physical attacks and greatly defends from fiery varieties at 80% blockage. Combined with its massive stability of 88, the material manifestation of Sif’s spirit can protect someone better than the loyal wolf who guarded Knight Artorias.
Black Iron Greatshield
Where To Find: On A Corpse In The Grand Painting Hall Of Anor Londo
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
85 |
This immensely heavy slab of iron weighs in at 16 units, making it a hefty defensive armament to use. However, for dragon and demon-slaying, there is nothing better. With the best fire damage reduction of almost any shield in the game, this wall of dark metal prevents 90% of incoming flames in addition to completely protecting its user from physical damage.

10 Mistakes Everyone Makes On Their First Playthrough Of Dark Souls
Dark Souls is a game about learning from your mistakes — but beginners can avoid a few by consulting this guide for a few tips.
The Black Iron Greatshield also has great status build-up reductions for everything except curses, along with a stability of 71. The shield bash also hurts foes more than some might expect and can provide a bit of breathing room if too many enemies are crowding the player.
Silver Knight Shield
Where To Find: A Rare Drop From Silver Knights
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
76 |
Now, this is an example of a good shield that looks good and works even better. Holding this piece of beauty looks like holding a world championship title in hand and feels like that as well. The Silver Knight Shield is impressive from the overall stats to the size ratio.
Every block will feel like a perfect execution. Players will get this shield as a rare drop from silver knights in Anor Londo. This shield has the highest stability of all medium shields once it is fully upgraded.
Black Knight Shield
Where To Find: Rare Drop From The Black Knight
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
74 |
If the silver knight shield looks like the world championship title, this one looks like a heavyweight title. Anyone will feel like a champ using the Black Knight Shield in Dark Souls. This is a medium-sized shield that will deflect almost every attack with utmost precision.
The handling and stability in this one are pretty good as well. The most significant benefit of this shield is that it has the highest fire resistance in Dark Souls. But it is a little rare, as it only has a 5% chance of dropping from a black knight.
Spider Shield
Where To Find: Starting Equipment For The Bandit/In The Valley Of Drakes/Above The Giant Rat In The Depths
Damage Reduction |
Stability |
70 |
The visual on this shield looks like something Miles Morales would wear on his Spider-Man costume. It’s red-black, and, quite frankly, pretty slick looking. But it doesn’t just look cool. The Spider Shield is genuinely one of the best shields in Dark Souls. Especially for areas like Blighttown, where poison resistance is a must.

Dark Souls: 10 Solaire Memes Only Sunbros Will Understand
Though Solaire is only glimpsed occasionally in Dark Souls, fans of the game have made him the star of countless memes.
This has impressive handling; it is not too large and works for almost every enemy in the game. The upgrades for this shield are pretty widespread as well. The most significant thing is that it comes as a starting item for the Bandit class.
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