Sniper Elite
Obtain all other Trophies
This is the Platinum trophy that comes with obtaining all the other trophies on PS5. This is not available for non-PlayStation versions of the game. Platinum trophies such as this are a great motivator for getting the full experience of a game.
Dam Buster
Sabotage the Dam and destroy the AA guns
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 1.
Welcome to the Resistance
Find the Mole and uncover the Superweapon plot
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 2.
Raid the Hotel Terminus and sabotage the Sonderzuge
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 3.
Bomb Squad
Ensure Allied secrets remain unknown and confirm the location of Site D
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 4.
Industrial Action
Destroy the underground chemical weapons plant and cease Kleine Blume production
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 5.
Blast from the Past
Infiltrate Fort Rouge and escape before Allied bombers level the site
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 6.
Grapes of Wrath
Infiltrate the V1 rocket launch site and destroy the Zugwerfer
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 7.
Whatever it Takes
Stop the Zugwerfers from leaving and obliterating the D-Day landings
Players will obtain this by progressing through the main objectives during Mission 8. The only mission after this involves taking out Kruger in Chapter 9. This makes Sniper Elite: Resistance rather short when compared to the many other Sniper Elite games.
File O’ Facts
Recover all evidence implicating Resistance members within the Library in Dead Drop
Collect all the pieces of evidence in the library during Mission 2. This is one of the game’s optional objectives and will have a search area highlighted.
Climbing the Ranks
Reach rank 40
Players should hit this rank during their time trying to get all other achievements/trophies. Players will need to beat the game on Authentic, complete Propaganda Missions, and amass an astonishing amount of kills using many different weapons. Replaying levels will give players extra experience if they want this to pop when they are close to it. Players should pick up some good early skills to help them advance faster.
Viva la Résistance
Complete the campaign
Players will obtain this after completing Mission 9.
Crème de la Crème
Complete the entire campaign on Authentic difficulty
This is a true test of skill. Here are some tips that can help players accomplish this. Utilize cover at all times, even when you think you have not been spotted. Save both medkits and bandages for when you go down. Save often and across several save slots. While this mode is challenging, the use of manual saves makes it so anyone can clear a section before pressing onward.
Full English
Complete 11 Optional objectives
There are many blue markers on missions that can be ignored. Players will need to complete all of these blue tasks for this to unlock. Players will only need to kill marked targets for the objective, and not the specific Kill List Challenge versions.
Hostile Takeover
Win 1 Axis Invasion as an Invader
The fastest way to obtain this is to have a friend invite you to their game as an Invader, then letting you kill them. If they need the trophy as well, you should return the favor.
Hold the Line
Defeat an invading Sniper Jager
This is the opposite of the above, where you will need to kill the Invader of your game.
Brothers in Arms
Play 1 team-based PVP match
Players just need to play 1 match of any team-based multiplayer game. They do not need to win.
Just a Scratch
Complete any mission, excluding Mission 1 and Mission 9, on any difficulty without healing
Players will want to set the game’s difficulty to Civilian. Players can then complete any mission other than 1 or 9 by making it through the main objectives without using any medkits or bandages. Players just need to save after completing each objective. If they start to bleed out, it is best to just reload the last save.
Open Surgery
Hit every Organ at least once with a Rifle
Players will need to get one of each of the following types of kill shots: Headshot, Lung Shot, Liver Shot, Intestine Shot, Heart Shot, Stomach Shot, Kidney Shot, Eye Shot, and Testicle Shot.
Make a Tank shoot and destroy another enemy Vehicle
This might come just by playing the game, but if this is one of the last trophies/achievements you need, start by heading over to Mission 6. There is a tank that patrols around the building with your Kill Target inside. You will also find some other enemy vehicles along the east road that the tank passes. Have the tank shoot at you with one of these vehicles taking the hit in your place.
Pistol Perfectionist
Obtain 6 Pistol-related Mastery Medals
Open up your Service Record and go to weapons. You will be able to see the challenges for each of your Pistols. Get 6 of these challenges to gold medals, and this will unlock.
Secondary Supremacy
Obtain 8 Secondary-related Mastery Medals
Open up your Service Record and go to weapons. You will be able to see the challenges for each of your secondary weapons. Get 6 of these challenges to gold medals, and this will unlock.
Revered with Rifles
Obtain 7 Rifle-related Mastery Medals
Open up your Service Record and go to weapons. You will be able to see the challenges for each of your Rifles. Get 6 of these challenges to gold medals, and this will unlock.
Become the Master of each Weapon
Obtain Pistol Perfectionist, Secondary Supremacy, and Revered with Rifles trophies/achievements for this to unlock. Doing this will help players find the best weapons in the game.
Kill 150 enemies with a Pistol
Don’t actively try for this trophy/achievement until you are doing cleanup. You will get plenty of pistol kills just by playing the game. Once you aim to get this trophy/achievement. You can reply missions on Civilian and just gun down enemies with a pistol.
Kill 300 enemies with a Secondary Weapon
Same advice as Gunslinger
Kill 350 enemies with a Rifle
Same advice as Gunslinger
Going the Distance
Total kill distance of 100,000 meters
Players will amass a large kill distance over the course of the game. However, it might not be enough. Players can load up any mission where they can get a few long shots and restart. Mission 2 has some clear targets, but Mission 6 has several that sit far away on the other side of the map.
Blaze of Gory
Kill 50 enemies with Traps
To get this, players will need to use mines and TnT. Players that are struggling to get this can place a mine and get an enemy’s attention. Then make a manual save. Reload each time they trigger the mine and get killed, as this will count towards total trap kills.
Eyes on the Prize
Kill 150 enemies with any weapon while in Iron Sights
See the Scoping Mechanism trophy/achievement.
Scoping Mechanism
Kill 150 enemies with a Rifle while in Iron Sights
Both Eyes on the Prize and Scoping Mechanism will progress when a player kills an enemy with a rifle while in iron sights. So it is best to reply to levels on Civilian difficutly with an iron sight rifle and just gun enemies down to get both of these at the same time. Completing these challenges can help players improve a lot for the rest of the game.
Set to Blow
Kill 20 soldiers using Booby traps
Booby traps are different to regular traps. These include grenades hidden on enemy bodies and items shot to drop on enemies below them. Players can put an enemy in an open door frame in view of another enemy. Then put a grenade on the body before throwing a bottle to alert the enemy. Make a manual save once they notice the body and just keep reloading each time.
The Big Guns
Kill 50 soldiers with Heavy weapons
Kill soldiers with Panzers, LMGs, AT Rifles, and PIATS. Each kill counts as 1 towards this trophy/achievement.
Complete an entire Survival mission
Players will need to play an entire match of Surivial to get this. It is worth brushing up on some tips of how to play Survival.
Three Birds One Stone
Kill 3 on-foot soldiers with one Grenade
Players will want to alert a group of soldiers to their location. They will want to funnel them into a small area, such as the player being up some stairs above the soldiers. Another option to corral some enemies together is to play Survival and wait for 3 to duck behind the same wall of cover.
Jack of all Trades
Get a kill with 20 different Weapons
Get a kill with each of your weapon types. Then quit the mission and change them all. This will let you get 3 different weapon kills each time.
Das Nuts
Get a testicle shot with a Rifle from a distance of 100 meters or more
Start Mission 6 and mark any enemy by the main mansion. This area is 100 meters away, and the enemies here are fully exposed. Make a manual save and attempt to get a testicle shot. Players can reload their save until this trophy/achievement unlocks.
Finders Keepers
Kill 50 enemy soldiers with Found Weapons
Pick up any weapons dropped by enemies. They will appear yellow. Use these weapons to get a total of 50 kills.
Le Fantome
Achieve 250 Ghost Kills
This will come naturally as players get 100 kills with each rifle for enemies 100 meters away. Ghost Kills are any kill where the enemy is not alerted — so use a suppressor on your rifle.
Silent but Deadly
Kill 50 enemies during a Sound Mask
A squiggly line will appear above the screen to let players know a sound mask is currently up. Kill enemies during this time for it to count towards this trophy/achievement,
Interact with 22 Workbenches
Collect all Workbenches in the game.
Knives for a Pro
Perform 100 lethal Takedowns
When you go up to an enemy, use your knife to kill them. Knocking them out will not count. Perform this action 100 times.
Always Greener
While in Tall Grass, kill 50 Soldiers
Players can find tall grass early on in Mission 3. Go into a patch and kill all the enemies in the area, and the snipers. Restart and repeat until this trophy/achievement unlocks.
Pen Pal
Collect 35 Personal Letters
Collect all the Personal Letters in the game.
Top Secret
Collect 35 Classified Documents
Collect all the Classified Documents in the game.
Treasure Hunter
Collect 22 Hidden Items
Collect all the Hidden Items in the game.
Spread Your Wings
Destroy 21 Dead-eye Targets
Shoot and destory all Stone Eagles in the game.
Sprung a Leak
Sabotage the Dam’s pump room in Collision Course
This is one of the side objectives for Mission 4. Have a satchel charge and head to the pump room marked on the map. Use the charge to complete this side objective.
Stopping Traffic
Destroy the Trucks carrying Kleine Blume ingredients in Devil’s Cauldron
There are several tricks with Kleine Blume on this map. Destroy them for this to unlock.
Tanks for Nothing
Destroy the Panzer Tank in End of the Line
The tank can be found on the east side of the map. This is also where the east workbench will be located. Players should bring a satchel charge with them when the start the mission to destroy this tank.
Headshot Kruger
In Mission 9, Kruger will make his escape on a bike. Kill him with a headshot for this to unlock. If you do not get this trophy/achievement, just start Mission 9 and try again.
Complete all Propaganda missions with a 3-Star Rating
See the Propaganda Machine trophy/achievement.
Propaganda Machine
Complete all Propaganda missions with a 3-Star Rating on Authentic difficulty
After players have collected all the Propaganda Posters, they will still have these challanges ahead of them. Players do not need to be perfect to get 3 stars. In fact, it is possible to get over 6000 or even 8000 in Authentic for some of these challenges. Play on Civilian difficulty first, so all the enemies have white markers, and you can get a feel for the challenge. Note the easiest and most visible targets, and then chain kills for multipliers. It is possible to get 3000 points in the first 3rd of the counter, and you only need 3000 points to get a 3-star gold medal.
Lost its way Gnome
Find the French Resistance Gnome and take a Picture
Players will find this gnome on a bridge with rail tracks during Mission 4. Move across this bridge while inspecting the little archways. The Gnome is inside one of the archways past the middle of the bridge. Take a picture of this gnome for this trophy/achievement to unlock.
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