The Best Cards From The Edition Beta In Gundam Card Game

The Best Cards From The Edition Beta In Gundam Card Game

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Bandai has tried their hand at a Gundam card game a couple of times, but this one is different. After many years of card games under their belt, they finally understand how to make a successful trading card game. Enter the Gundam Card Game.


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The game was announced at the Bandai Card Game Fest event back in 2024, and players are already excited to pilot their favorite mecha. Before the game was released, they made a couple of boxes available at events and Premium Bandai known as the Edition Beta. These boxes included a ton of booster packs with unique alternate arts to get your fix before the first booster set.



Maneuver Your Way In

G-Fighter from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

With the release of the Edition Beta, the game is just getting started. The set includes a ton of vanilla cards that are only good for big stat blocks, but then there are cards like G-Fighter.

This card can help your big units damage your opponent’s life, or base, without any pesky blocker standing in the way. When played, G-Fighter can give the High Maneuver ability to one of your units for the turn, making them unblockable. If you want to play an aggressive deck, this card will be essential.


Gundam (MA Form)

Drawing Cards Is Always Fun

Gundam (MA Form) from Gundam Edition Beta Gundam Card GAme

This Gundam card doesn’t seem like much, but since Blue’s game plan revolves around drawing cards, this massive beat stick can put in a ton of work if you have an Earth Federation or White Base pilot in your hand.

When paired with the correct card, Gundam (MA Form) will be able to attack the turn that it is played and earn you an extra card in hand. Not to mention that, when paired, the Gundam will also earn stats from the Pilot, making the threat that much bigger.


Overflowing Affection

Graceful Charity In Gundam?

Overflowing Affection from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Just like Pot Of Greed in Yu-Gi-Oh!, the other broken draw card, Graceful Charity, lets you draw three cards while discarding two. Although not as powerful, Overflowing Affection plays a similar role. This Command card will allow you to draw two cards, and then discard one.


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There isn’t much discard manipulation in the Gundam Card Game Edition Beta, but this generic card will see plenty of play as soon as other Units or Pilots are released that can play around that. All that for a single Resource?!


A Show Of Resolve

I Play Pot Of Greed!

A Show Of Resolve from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

What’s better than drawing two extra cards? Nothing. That’s exactly what A Show Of Resolve is. Unlike other Command cards, Resolve does not moonlight as a Pilot, but rather it is simply a three-cost card that you can play as early as your four Resource turn.

Given the Pilot mechanic, the Gundam Card Game tends to run quite low in hand size, but with excellent draw cards like A Show Of Resolve, you’ll be back up to speed in no time.


Wing Gundam

The Boogeyman Of Edition Beta

Wing Gundam from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Wing Gundam is by far the best unit in the game. Not only does it bear a beefy 4/5 stat line, but it can also attack active Units, making it the best way to remove bodies that might threaten your next turn.

Combined with the Wufei pilot, Wing Gundam can clear the board for free from the protection that the pilot offers since Wing Gundam has Breach. You’ll be able to destroy enemy units while damaging their life cards or base.


Chang Wufei

One Of The Best Pilots In The Game

Chang Wufei from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Speaking of Breach, Chang Wufei is one of the must-have cards in your deck if you’re looking to jam-pack your strategy with Breach effects. Wufei will protect your Unit from any battle damage as long as it has the Breach keyword.


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Combined with Simultaneous Fire, Chang Wufei can help you clear your opponent’s board without worrying about them answering back with a cheap Unit. The real fun starts when paired with Wing Gundam, as the Unit has Breach already built into it.


Simultaneous Fire

Breach Through Their Defenses

Simultaneous Fire from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Even though Command cards can be used like Spells or Sorceries, some of them can be used to buff up your Units with their Pilot mechanics. Simultaneous Fire is the Pilot, Trowa Barton. This card can buff your Units, giving them a plus one to both Attack Power and HP.

The neat part about this card is that, if used as a Command, it can give any one of your Units the Breach effect. Breach in the Gundam Card Game can be read as Piercing or Trample in other games.


The Witch And The Bride

Control The Board

The Witch And The Bride from Gundam Card Ga

The White color in the Gundam is mostly focused on control options, such as bouncing cards back to your opponent’s hand. Command cards are the equivalent to Sorceries in Magic: The Gathering. With this Command, you’ll be able to bounce any Unit with five HP or less.

The neat thing about certain Commands like this one is that the Gundam Card Game has an action step after your opponent declares an attack. By paying the cost, you’ll be able to use The Witch And The Bride during your opponent’s turn.



Ping Until They’re Gone

Guntank from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Guntank might not seem like a massive threat like Wing Gundam, but the single point of damage that it can deal to a rested Unit can add up or even help you clear a pesky Ball.

Especially in the early game, Guntank can slow your opponent down and punish them for playing a small Unit or Blocker. With its low play cost, Guntank can easily sneak some damage in without your opponent ever expecting it. If you have multiple of these bad boys in hand, make your opponent respect the tank.



Mass Produced Unit For The Modern World

Guncannon from Gundam Card Game Edition Beta

Guntank’s big brother is here to play. Even though it is quite weak, just like Guntank, Guncannon can be used as a control tool. This Unit can rest a weak Unit on your opponent’s side of the field and then you can fire off your multiple cheap Guntanks to destroy them.

Not only can Guncannon help you control the pace of the game, but if your opponent manages to damage the Unit, it can Repair itself at the end of your turn, making it one of the most resilient Units in the game.


Which Gundam Show’s Mecha Designs Are The Coolest?

I’ve always preferred Universal Century designs overall, but Gundam 00’s more “out there” designs are fantastic in their own right. Still, I’m going with Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam’s at the top.

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